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not quite the mind blowing episode i was expecting / season finale we're used to, but was still a damn good watch. definitely didn't expect Morgan to join up with the group - thought that was at least another season out

whilst i'm disappointed the Wolves finale didn't happen i'm kind of glad their story is being dragged out a little longer - would've been a bit silly if they'd have just turned up in this episode and been dealt with within an hour. damn Norman Reedus and his 'there will be tears' (or whatever he said) comment

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Think The Wolves storyline will be wrapped u in either Season 6 premiere or by episode 2.

Im gunna talk openly about it in here as FF has already spoken about stuff but I dont get why the wolves killed their own man at the fence after like 2 seconds. Was daft.

Decent episode, put enough spin on it to make it different from the comics slightly which is nice.

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Think The Wolves storyline will be wrapped u in either Season 6 premiere or by episode 2.

Im gunna talk openly about it in here as FF has already spoken about stuff but I dont get why the wolves killed their own man at the fence after like 2 seconds. Was daft.

Decent episode, put enough spin on it to make it different from the comics slightly which is nice.

as i said in the Better Call Saul thread, anybody silly enough to look in this thread before they've watched the ep deserves it to be spoilt for them! just the comic stuff to be spoilered!

yeah i didn't really understand that bit either. i guess they were using him as some kind of bait, but it didn't make a whole lot of sense. enjoyed seeing Morgan give some of them a beat down at the start though

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Loved it. Last 6 have been great as were the first 4 episodes(of the season) which further strengthens my argument for the season run to drop down to around a 12 episode season. I know most of you guys disagree but it would cut out some of the dross episodes in the middle.

Gabe not shutting the gate falls into the characters doing stupid stuff to drive the plot forward.

I actually thought the 'W' gang would show up which would bring the group together, so it was interesting to see it done but not the way i thought.

Can't believe we gotta wait till October now!

Also Morgan is a badass!

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Think The Wolves storyline will be wrapped u in either Season 6 premiere or by episode 2.

Im gunna talk openly about it in here as FF has already spoken about stuff but I dont get why the wolves killed their own man at the fence after like 2 seconds. Was daft.

Decent episode, put enough spin on it to make it different from the comics slightly which is nice.

He wasn't their own man - he was a randon with skills to survive - Aaron or Daryll said they should find the good guys before the bad guys - he was a good guy found by the bad guys.
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It was a good episode but I am not really looking forward to the next season.

The look of moral outrage on Morgans face was a bit naff to be honest considering he had just dispatched two humans not a few hours earlier.

The hole wolves story line isn't exciting me. I am hopeful they will see it through quite early in the new season and not drag it out.

yeah but to Morgan those guys were in a community that looked good plus I'm sure Aaron had been telling him how brilliant it was and what nice people they all were. he knows Rick to be a good man. The dudes he took down were quite obviously bad guys.
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As was the guy Rick took down.... Nah it still didn't sit right... Morgan knows as much as Rick what needs to be done. I hope they don't fuck up his Character. Its was one thing not killing his wife, quite a bit less to not kill a murder and child / wife abuser. If the next episode is Morgan getting on a moral horse its going to suck.

yeah but at that moment as Morgan walked in all he saw was Rick shooting a man, he wouldn't know that the guy wad a wife beater.
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It was a good episode but I am not really looking forward to the next season.

The look of moral outrage on Morgans face was a bit naff to be honest considering he had just dispatched two humans not a few hours earlier.

The hole wolves story line isn't exciting me. I am hopeful they will see it through quite early in the new season and not drag it out.

The guys he took out were not dead (I'm not sure if they were the ones at the Wolves gate later) but he didn't kill them. Reckon I would be dead though wit ha twack of his stick.

Morgan has also gone through some kind of change from the last time we saw him, which might be explained next season

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The guys he took out were not dead (I'm not sure if they were the ones at the Wolves gate later) but he didn't kill them. Reckon I would be dead though wit ha twack of his stick.

Morgan has also gone through some kind of change from the last time we saw him, which might be explained next season

That's right Morgan didn't kill anyone - he left them in the car, it's them that bring the guy in the orange mac and bring him back to their trap.
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So someone took the time to do this.

Kills this season

  • Glenn: 70 walkers
  • Sasha: 39 walkers, 1 human
  • Daryl: 35 walkers, 1 human
  • Rick: 23 walkers, 10 humans
  • Michonne: 28 walkers, 1 human
  • Abraham: 23 walkers, 5 humans
  • Carol: 20 walkers, 2 humans
  • Aaron: 14 walkers
  • Eugene: 14 walkers
  • Beth: 11 walkers, 2 humans


  • Rick: 137 walkers, 17 humans
  • Daryl: 141 walkers, 8 humans
  • Glenn: 129 walkers
  • Michonne: 87 walkers, 7 humans
  • The Governor: 23 walkers, 33 humans
Edited by luckysalt
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So someone took the time to do this.

Kills this season

  • Glenn: 70 walkers
  • Sasha: 39 walkers, 1 human
  • Daryl: 35 walkers, 1 human
  • Rick: 23 walkers, 10 humans
  • Michonne: 28 walkers, 1 human
  • Abraham: 23 walkers, 5 humans
  • Carol: 20 walkers, 2 humans
  • Aaron: 14 walkers
  • Eugene: 14 walkers
  • Beth: 11 walkers, 2 humans


  • Rick: 137 walkers, 17 humans
  • Daryl: 141 walkers, 8 humans
  • Glenn: 129 walkers
  • Michonne: 87 walkers, 7 humans
  • The Governor: 23 walkers, 33 humans
Eugene on 14 seems wrong to me. Might have to check that myself when i marathon season 5. Edited by III
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