I am saying there is a clear shift across the board to earlier announcements since Covid as a result of the world changing quite a bit.
This is evident for all festivals in the UK and for gigs overall. This is the point. Who knows maybe it will be announced in January but it looks pretty unlikely given every other weekend festival will have announced by mid december!
Thanks for letting me know about Metallica being announced in 2014, not sure we knew what covid was then though.
Fwiw I don't think all the coke takers are habitual, they're using it to power through a mad weekend that would otherwise see them on their arse by Friday. It works but also makes them self absorbed and judgy.
I'm sure there's still plenty of MD and pills around, but youngsters can't afford it and swapped it out with K. Had a good chat with an unnamed user of this forum about it at Levels last year. Sure many are still chill but by 11pm the zombies start to come out cos they've been at it all day. They don't dance, they don't talk, they're really boring.
Govt data suggests coke use static, ketamine and other psychoactives up, ecstasy down (retrospective data so perhaps not totally concurrent):
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/drugmisuseinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2023#:~:text=The majority of people aged,users was similar (67.6%).
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