I’ve also been thinking about this from Ken this weekend. In my head, a top 4 of Iggy Pop > Fontaines DC > Deftones > LP is definitely more than acceptable for any festival, but is it plausible they’re still looking for acts to strengthen the sold out days to improve combi sales? Would be a very big day if they had a sub sized act to slot in here and move things around in my opinion
From what I remember, flooding on the Catton Park side of the river is pretty rare/unlikely. Not least because there's enough places for the water to go on the other side that they'd take the first / worst of it.
I think it was something like more than a typical months worth of rain had fallen in 24 hours, mostly on the Wednesday of the festival. The then River peaked on the Thursday night at something like a metre and a half higher than the top of the "normal" range. So yeah, it took some pretty extreme rain to be a legitimate threat to the festival.
Another example of a festival getting close to cancellation because of rain has occurred to me - Blue Dot 2023, they didn't actually call off the festival but did officially close entry and asked Sunday Day Ticket holders to stay at home (though I suspect any that turned up would have been let in). From what I was told they had constant rain all weekend and the site itself was a boggy disaster.
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