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Mad Parisians...

Guest LusciousLucy

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Wow, that french thing is weird. It's gotta be drugs surely? I know it says they didn't find any... still, that two people he knew very well would stab him, let alone insist he was the devil to the point of jumping out a window is messed drugged up.

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Gas leak.

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Wow, that french thing is weird. It's gotta be drugs surely? I know it says they didn't find any... still, that two people he knew very well would stab him, let alone insist he was the devil to the point of jumping out a window is messed drugged up.

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nope, you should have watched the dispatches program about the "Possessed" children living in this country whose family and religious ties go back to certain parts of Africa. The priests and followers of this certain church took religion, god and the devil very literally, and if a child was badly behaved the priest told the parents 99% of the time that the child was possessed and required exorcism, beatings, starvation, abuse etc etc etc.

Invariably the "clinics" that the priests held involved the parents handing over large sums of cash

Thats a very simplistic explanation of what was a very distressing and surprising practice.

Shades of Victoria ClimbiĂŠ I'm afraid, and whilst the news report is quite vague, after watching that programme, I can well believe that these people were equally brainwashed as to the power of "the devil", its not a massive leap of faith to believe that people who are capable of physically and mentally abusing their own child on the strength of a "priest" recommendation could attack someone who they believed could be the devil.

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