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Casual Observation...

Guest Dave The Hedgehog

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  On 12/4/2010 at 2:43 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

Well, to me it shows a degree of... well, I don't know; stupidity and naivete maybe. Buying a ticket to a festival irrespective of what the music is - just to have a good time - is like going to sit in a cinema to watch Vampires Suck just because it means you get some tasty popcorn.

I mean, the way people casually throw about their money despite the fact we have no clues as to who is actually playing - don't you think that's the problem with the concept of modern festivals - we cater to the complacency of the organisers and we go because of the scene because we don't really care who plays, etc?

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  On 12/4/2010 at 6:09 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

Personally, I didn't enjoy Leeds last year. I mean, I enjoyed Leeds but I didn't enjoy "LEEDS!!!" - the music and bands I saw were great, I don't have any complaints about the layout, the food or whatever, but the majority of people I encountered were tossers, and I think if you take away the bands and you're left with tossers (and music for tossers), the whole place just becomes a bit... shit.

Me and my girlfriend went last year and I think the mistake we made was that we locked ourselves in our own little festival bubble whilst the whole world revolved around us, and I didn't enjoy the experience for the most part. I think if I'd travelled back in time to December 2009, looked at the rumours page and saw... to be fair, pretty much the same rumours that there are now, and had the same insight I had into how the festival works (and what sort of people go), I'd have had to have been blind stupid to commit 拢400 of my money to get the same tickets I got in March. Some people enjoy the experience of being trapped in an expensive world full of w*nkers and drugs but I don't. Haven't for years.

And like I've said countless times on here, the line-up for 2011 would have to be f**king spectacular for me to put money down again. Take away the music from Leeds (and probably Reading) and there's nothing there to enjoy.

I don't know. Maybe as you get older you gain better insight into how things work and use some common sense. That's just my take on it.

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  On 12/4/2010 at 6:09 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

Personally, I didn't enjoy Leeds last year. I mean, I enjoyed Leeds but I didn't enjoy "LEEDS!!!" - the music and bands I saw were great, I don't have any complaints about the layout, the food or whatever, but the majority of people I encountered were tossers, and I think if you take away the bands and you're left with tossers (and music for tossers), the whole place just becomes a bit... shit.

Me and my girlfriend went last year and I think the mistake we made was that we locked ourselves in our own little festival bubble whilst the whole world revolved around us, and I didn't enjoy the experience for the most part. I think if I'd travelled back in time to December 2009, looked at the rumours page and saw... to be fair, pretty much the same rumours that there are now, and had the same insight I had into how the festival works (and what sort of people go), I'd have had to have been blind stupid to commit 拢400 of my money to get the same tickets I got in March. Some people enjoy the experience of being trapped in an expensive world full of w*nkers and drugs but I don't. Haven't for years.

And like I've said countless times on here, the line-up for 2011 would have to be f**king spectacular for me to put money down again. Take away the music from Leeds (and probably Reading) and there's nothing there to enjoy.

I don't know. Maybe as you get older you gain better insight into how things work and use some common sense. That's just my take on it.

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  On 12/4/2010 at 6:09 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

Personally, I didn't enjoy Leeds last year. I mean, I enjoyed Leeds but I didn't enjoy "LEEDS!!!" - the music and bands I saw were great, I don't have any complaints about the layout, the food or whatever, but the majority of people I encountered were tossers, and I think if you take away the bands and you're left with tossers (and music for tossers), the whole place just becomes a bit... shit.

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  On 12/5/2010 at 4:20 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

I'd literally feel even less inclined to go to Reading than Leeds, to be literally honest. If Leeds Festival was literally in abudance of w*nkers then Reading literally has the fault of being literally in abundance of southern w*nkers. It had literally nothing to do with the facilities (except the toilets) - or the bands, actually - just literally the people that I literally felt made my time there slightly more intolerable than it literally should have been.

If we'd literally gone as a group I think we probably wouldn't have felt so nondescript amongst the tents that literally surrounded us - literally made up entirely of groups of people - and we would literally have enjoyed it more but as I say, it was literally my first Leeds experience, I think I literally underestimated the crowd we'd be trapped amongst and we literally learned that in future if we literally went there again we'd probably avoid camping altogether and just go literally somewhere nearby to avoid the flids that seemed to literally dominate the campsites.

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  On 12/4/2010 at 2:27 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

I'm just a bit confused by people's motivations. I just think it's odd that somebody would piss away 拢200 enjoying themselves going to a music festival if they're not actually concerned about the music AT the festival.

Edited by Benj
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  On 12/5/2010 at 4:42 PM, Benj said:

I suspect that many, like myself know, what theyre're going to get with the line up and will know there will be more than enough to see to justify the price, this will be my 15th year and I've never once thought that the line up has not been worth the money, so will continue to buy tickets early until it does.

I used to be the same with V festival, eventually the line-ups there got so bad that I stopped going, whilst people assume they're going to get their money's worth (whatever that worth may be) they will buy early.

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  On 12/5/2010 at 2:38 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

No I'm not, incidentally. Not yet at least anyway.

The 2011 festival calendar for me is a process of elimination.

Chances are I'll be going with my girlfriend again so I'm taking into cconsideration what she'd like to do.

T in the Park wouldn't be my cup of tea and I'd have to be armed to be allowed in

V Festival is close to me but it's a bit too chavvy

Download... my girlfriend wouldn't enjoy that although I would and it's only a 5 or 6 minute drive up the road from me so I might get a day ticket for it and just sod off if they have somebody good, like Soundgarden

Isle of Wight's line-up so far doesn't make me go mental

Sonisphere... hmmm... same reason as Download although it's a bit too far to go for a day ticket

Oxegen would be a logisitical nightmare for us

Glastonbury is... well, it's Glastonbury, isn't it? It's a whole different dimension in the space time continuum

I'll Be Your Mirror would be f**king awesome but I think London should be burned to the ground and I can't stand to be in that place

Wakestock would involve me being in a wetsuit and that's never an easy sight to justify

Rockness is too near to Inverness for my liking, and the further away from my ex the better

ATP finishes today and I'm not sure when another's coming up (?)

Off the top of my head that leaves Bestival and Latitude, and I'm getting Bestival tickets ASAP then waiting for Latitude to release the line-up and then I'll compare it to Leeds' before I make a decision on which to go for. The line-up for Leeds was great last year but I don't think I'd feel comfortable paying 拢200 for each ticket if I just spend my time in the smaller tents.

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  On 12/5/2010 at 4:42 PM, Benj said:

I suspect that many, like myself, know what theyre're going to get with the line up and will know there will be more than enough to see to justify the price, this will be my 15th year and I've never once thought that the line up has not been worth the money, so will continue to buy tickets early until it does.

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  On 12/5/2010 at 10:36 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

The thing with Glastonbury is - I've not been to the festival but if it's anything like the town itself then I don't want to go. If the whole peace, love and understanding ideals are your sort of thing then you're going to enjoy a place like that but it's just not something I subscribe to. I don't hold anything against people that like it or think it's a great way to live - all the power to them - but until they convince me it works, I'll just consider it hippy bullshit.

Edited by _rachelbon
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I would sat that Glastonbury is whatever you want it to be, if you fancy hippy bullshit there's plenty but there's plenty of pther bullshit as well, There really is something for everyone......except people who like heavy metal.;)

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  On 12/7/2010 at 4:07 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

Glastonbury, to me, is just a very, very weird place that I don't think I'd be comfortable in.

At Leeds, somebody tripped over my morning barbecue under our gazebo pissed as a fart and gave me nothing but abuse and then laughed because he realised he'd knocked my breakfast off. That's Leeds in a nutshell. At Glastonbury, I suspect if the same thing happened I'd have somebody apologising all day to me for being such a "sillyhead" - and I'm just not used to people being overly nice around me.

Call me a black cloud but I like miserable c**ts. I don't like miserable c**ts that make everything else a misery for everybody else but I can't stand overly happy people. Glastonbury town centre was full of people like that and I don't know if I could tolerate 150,000 others like it. :lol:

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