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Casual Observation...

Guest Dave The Hedgehog

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  On 12/16/2010 at 4:04 PM, Dave The Hedgehog said:


Is Glastonbury vast? Yes.

Are you spoiled for choice? Yes.

Is there a remote possibility you stand to miss a lot of the festival because so much is on? Yes.

Does this mean you actually waste a lot of your money? Yes.

Is it full of culture junkies who just go to Glastonbury BECAUSE it's Glastonbury? Yes.

Is it full of tree huggers? Probably not.

Is it anything like the town itself? I don't know, but if it is, I'd hate it.

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Glastonbury is vast, but you don't have to cover every inch of the site. It's quite easy if you want to spend all youir time in one area (although I don't see why you would). I think looking at a map and hearing the size of the place is very daunting but when you actually get there and get a feel for where you are it's quite easy to get places unless there are massive crowds but they can be avoided.

The best thing about Glastonbury is you can do whatever you want to do. If you want a weekend of dashing around seeing bands like you do at R&L, you can easily do that. But then again you can go see bands play in intimate venues, go for a massgae, go see some theatre or go to the best after hours areas I've ever seen at any festival.

Glastonbury definately isn't for everyone but I doubt many people would decide to go then come back after and not wish they could be back there.

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Galsto is unique and I've always enjoyed going but I go to festivals for the music and the Glasto line ups in recent years haven't made me jealous that I'm not going. I appreciate the fact that it's different from anything else and offers a lot but I don't think I could take the "the music's shit so I'll go and sit in the hippy field for most of the weekend" approach and not come away disappointed.

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I really don't get why everyone is so defensive bout Glastonbury

If something doesn't appeal to someone then what's the point in spending 拢200 on a ticket

For all the people who love it, doesn't mean everyone has to

After all, there's always going to be people who won't like and I'd prefer it to be full of people who really want to be there

Personally I can't wait for my first Glastonbury next year! xD

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  On 12/18/2010 at 1:15 PM, Dan R said:

I really don't get why everyone is so defensive bout Glastonbury

If something doesn't appeal to someone then what's the point in spending 拢200 on a ticket

For all the people who love it, doesn't mean everyone has to

After all, there's always going to be people who won't like and I'd prefer it to be full of people who really want to be there

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  On 12/24/2010 at 8:05 AM, Dave The Hedgehog said:

Woah... :blink:

I find it so odd that somebody would go to such lengths to prove seemingly nothing.

7th December 2010 - that's based on the impression I've been given from the television, from seeing the town itself and from what I've gathered from other people. Like I said in the message, it's a place I don't THINK I'd feel comfortable in - as opposed to a place I KNOW I won't be comfortable in.

8th December 2010 - from what I gather, it is. Everybody here on here who has defended the place has gone on about how chilled out and friendly the atmosphere is; my own friends have too. Are you now saying that I'm wrong for thinking it has a friendly atmsophere?

8th July 2010 (seriously? f**k...) - this is just getting weird and a bit stalkerish now. Who'd dig up a relic like that from the past only to prove nothing? Like I said in my message to Rex, in the past I may have said that I would like to go but it's always seemed like the last choice for a festival based on the fact that it's such a popular choice.

In fact, if you had the chance to go back further to look at my ShockTK account, you might even see a message that says how I was tempted to get late tickets for Glastonbury in April but I can't say for sure if that's true because I really cannot be arsed to search/have better things to do with my time than be a bit obsessive.

What you pointed out was said in July before I'd spoken to anybody about it, asked on here about it or been to the town itself so it's hardly fair and sensible to look back in hindsight at somebody's own naivete. It'd be different if you had come to me with something I'd said in, say, August or September.

I have this image of you sitting there with a Wordpad document saved with everything I've ever said now. ;)

...and you're still not making me want to go to Glastonbury.

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The most annoying thing about Glasto is the elitism from some of the people who go, they wont give it a rest "everyone can enjoy it as it's the best fest in the world" and no matter what you say if it's even remotely perceived as negative such as "it's not for me" it wont stop.

For the record been to Glasto once, great festival but I prefer other festivals.

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  On 12/24/2010 at 10:48 AM, jump said:

The most annoying thing about Glasto is the elitism from some of the people who go, they wont give it a rest "everyone can enjoy it as it's the best fest in the world" and no matter what you say if it's even remotely perceived as negative such as "it's not for me" it wont stop.

For the record been to Glasto once, great festival but I prefer other festivals.

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Just so there's no misunderstanding I'm talking about the people I know in real life (and a few randoms I've met over the years too) they never give it a rest and when you refuse to budge that Glasto isn't your fave fest they then accuse you of having something wrong with you. The most annoying bit is when they bring up line ups "well it must be because you only like metal then :rolleyes: " I tell them I prefer the Camden Crawl over everything else which has next to no metal, the line up is hardly jaw dropping and the bulk of the bands I don't even know/like.

I would go to Glasto more but I haven't got a enough time off from work to take (I've got to work New Years Eve :angry: as I've used it all already) so I only really go to 2 major fests a year and loads of smaller/all dayers ones.

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  On 12/24/2010 at 11:11 AM, jump said:

Just so there's no misunderstanding I'm talking about the people I know in real life (and a few randoms I've met over the years too) they never give it a rest and when you refuse to budge that Glasto isn't your fave fest they then accuse you of having something wrong with you. The most annoying bit is when they bring up line ups "well it must be because you only like metal then :rolleyes: " I tell them I prefer the Camden Crawl over everything else which has next to no metal, the line up is hardly jaw dropping and the bulk of the bands I don't even know/like.

I would go to Glasto more but I haven't got a enough time off from work to take (I've got to work New Years Eve :angry: as I've used it all already) so I only really go to 2 major fests a year and loads of smaller/all dayers ones.

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  On 12/24/2010 at 11:19 AM, _rachelbon said:

aye some people won't hear a bad word said against it. it's not perfect. and i hardly post on the glasto forums because some of the people are so annoying, they're either know it alls, moan too much, or don't let you say anything negative about anything. apparently it's not "in the glasto spirit" to say you don't like a band and you should only say nice things.

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