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Videogame research

Guest stf

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Official blurb:

I am a conducting a study as part of my Masters Degree in Forensic Psychology at the University of Central Lancashire. I am conducting research looking at motivations, experiences and potential positive and negative outcomes of playing videogames. Participants must be aged 18 and over, and play videogames on a regular basis (at least 3 times in the past month). If you would like further details or to take part in the study, follow the link below:


Thanks Rhia Phillips


extra detail, when doing the questionnaire, I do not doubt that most people will realise what I am looking at, but I ask you to remember throughout that I am on the pro side of the camp, and the only way to accurately look at these things is to ask the difficult questions. Please don't feel attacked or blamed. Also, I did not write these questions. These are standard measures for their subject area, so please bare that in mind too. I appreciate some may not like the subject area or feel uncomfortable answering some questions, if that is the case feel free to end your participation. Any questions, feel free to post them and I'll answer what I can without breaching my ethics. If you have any specific questions then feel free to PM me about it. Thank-you again to everyone who takes part. I apologise in advanced for the repetitive nature of some of the questions.

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  On 12/6/2010 at 11:36 AM, stf said:

Not to sure what your referring to? Likert is the term for a scale (e.g. definitely 1 2 3 4 5 not at all), and there isn't an introvert/extrovert questionnaire. They are heavily guarded by copy-write because of their use in recruitments and such.

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my hypothesis is that there will be no interaction, as backward thinking as that sounds. Too many claims are made about violence from highly exaggerative aggression research (take Columbine as an example) so this is putting that claim to the test by measuring violent feelings, involvement in violence and antisocial behaviour amongst other things.

Edited by stf
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Done. As others have said, your avatar helped. :P

Good survey, I like that there is some depth to it.

May i suggest you post this up on www.rllmukforum.com. It's an online video games discussion forum born out of the Edge Magazine forums of years gone by. It has hundred more members than here and all of them are interested in the subject. Be warned, some people are occasionally aggressive in their posting style towards things like this but I feel the content of your particular questionnaire would appeal. I assure you the results from that place would be very interesting.

Good luck with everything.

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  On 12/6/2010 at 1:14 PM, Greeny_Musicchild said:

Done. As others have said, your avatar helped. :P

Good survey, I like that there is some depth to it.

May i suggest you post this up on www.rllmukforum.com. It's an online video games discussion forum born out of the Edge Magazine forums of years gone by. It has hundred more members than here and all of them are interested in the subject. Be warned, some people are occasionally aggressive in their posting style towards things like this but I feel the content of your particular questionnaire would appeal. I assure you the results from that place would be very interesting.

Good luck with everything.

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  On 12/6/2010 at 12:31 PM, stf said:

my hypothesis is that there will be no interaction, as backward thinking as that sounds. Too many claims are made about violence from highly exaggerative aggression research (take Columbine as an example) so this is putting that claim to the test by measuring violent feelings, involvement in violence and antisocial behaviour amongst other things.

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I'm yet to watch the panorama thing (I chose Corrie instead...) but I hear Mark Giffiths was on it so that sounds encouraging, although I doubt the BBC did a good job of being open about the topic.

They are slowly moving into scaremongering and it just belittles topics like this. There is a serious problem with kids/teens (and adults sometimes) playing videogames excessively and something needs to be done to raise awareness, but calling it "addiction" and suggesting rehab? no. But hey, don't like something in society, call it an addiction and use it as a scape goat....

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