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Alternative ways of going to Glastonbury

Guest Partyofspecialthingstodo

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Get hangglider and glide in...

Or hire a plan and sky dive in, sky diving I believe would be less likely to be spoted as you would be coming down faster and harder to trace where your going land.

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There's plenty of ways. Marry and Eavis, start a band and get a gig there, join a band that already has a gig there (if you have no musical talent see Bez for inspiration). If you're small enough to fit in a rucksack then get someone to carry you in, just don't wriggle too much or you'll give the game away. Kidnap and perform a face transplant on someone who has a ticket or Bono (take his face... off). Buy a house in Pilton and get your free ticket.

Or wait for the resale.

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LondonTom, on 08 December 2010 - 12:22 AM, said:

Or hire a plane and sky dive in, sky diving I believe would be less likely to be spotted as you would be coming down faster and harder to trace where your going land

Blimey, how late would you intend on opening your parachute!

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Well I wouldn't have thought you could get a ladder that tall . But anyway, I had an idea that if you could find someone going in who could act as a decoy. They would run suspiciousley towards the entrance giving an excuse like they thought they saw a dog. While security were occuppied, you could pounce. As for the fence...

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I had two completely different groups of friends who jumped it one in 09 and the other this year. Both groups found a ladder of perfect size right near the fence. One on the Thursday and one on the Saturday before the festival stared...

I smell something fishy :P

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Now the traditional way of going to Glastonbury is to purchase a ticket and you will be permitted entrance.

That would be all well and good, if we'd succeeded in getting one.

Other ways would be volunteering for a charity there, but I'm too young.

So do people climb the fence/ dig their way in/ run in?

Edited by grumpyhack
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I know some people who made friends with a burger van owner and each paid them £200 to be smuggled through in the van...

If there is no stewarding work maybe research as many different food outlets and stalls as you can who normally are at Glastonbury and contact them directly to see if they have any work going?

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Some lad in my college was telling me that someone he knows didnt get a ticket a few years ago. Went down anyway. When he got to the first gate he pretended to be a mong and said he lost his carer.

They brought him through all the gates and had him waiting for a bit so they could look for the carer :lol: After about 20 mins he stood up and just ran as fast as he could haha.

Edited by Polwhirl
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