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Security at EOTRF 2010

Guest Heady

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It's taken me a while to to post this, but I'd be interested in what people thought of the security arangements at the festy. 2010 was my first time and I was a bit shocked at how badly the campsite was protected. I was involved in 'chasing off' some theives on the saturday morning, and we walked the whole length of the campsite without seeing a single security guard. Our tents were also robbed on the saturday night and I heard that quite a few people had similar expereinces. Nobody wants an over protected festy, but not seeing a single security guard?!...

Any thoughts?

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It's taken me a while to to post this, but I'd be interested in what people thought of the security arangements at the festy. 2010 was my first time and I was a bit shocked at how badly the campsite was protected. I was involved in 'chasing off' some theives on the saturday morning, and we walked the whole length of the campsite without seeing a single security guard. Our tents were also robbed on the saturday night and I heard that quite a few people had similar expereinces. Nobody wants an over protected festy, but not seeing a single security guard?!...

Any thoughts?

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Didn't have any problems myself, security was low key but I prefer it that way.

Main point of my post is that after the early problems a telephone number was fly posted around the site to ring if anyone spotted anything suspicious. Might it be an idea to have a security hotline number printed in the programme/posted around site so if people do spot anything suss they can easily contact security?

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Didn't have any problems myself, security was low key but I prefer it that way.

Main point of my post is that after the early problems a telephone number was fly posted around the site to ring if anyone spotted anything suspicious. Might it be an idea to have a security hotline number printed in the programme/posted around site so if people do spot anything suss they can easily contact security?

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I can't believe that on your 'long walk to freedom' you didn't encounter a fellow day-glo vested steward - who DO have direct contact with the much acclaimed on-site Security Staff.

Good shout about maxi-advertising of a direct Security Contact Number, BUT, what if the 'scallies' nick your mobile......................

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I can't believe that on your 'long walk to freedom' you didn't encounter a fellow day-glo vested steward - who DO have direct contact with the much acclaimed on-site Security Staff.

Good shout about maxi-advertising of a direct Security Contact Number, BUT, what if the 'scallies' nick your mobile......................

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yep i was one of the vigilante mob as well that escorted them off the premises and it was a bit unnerving that there was no security at that end of the site, and just a farm gate to get in and out. None of us was really geared up (or in the mood) for a scrap either which added to the general awkwardness of the situation. To be honest they looked pretty poor and uneducated so it would have been a bit harsh if they had been done over by a mob, we just wanted them nicked.

Anyway i imagine the organisers will have taken note from what happened last year for 2011 and there will be more presence at that end of the site which I think is all it needs, it was just too easy to get in at that end.

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