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Utility Belt?

Guest alix08

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starting to let myself get a bit excited as we're now about 4 months away!!

After a couple of nights spent partly worrying about knocking someone out with my rucksack on my back or permanently tripping poor people up with it if I put in on the floor in front of me, I'm thinking about looking into a sort of utility belt / pocket belt type thing for carting stuff about with me this year?.....

Has anyone got one of these or do you know where I could look? I've checked and theres a supplier on ebay but but can't find much more info at all.....

Any suggestions / thoughts,Positive or negative?

Cheers guys!

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We take a money belt - boring, but practical! I tend to wear cargo pant shorts, with the pockets in the side for bulkier stuff. At night, I do tend to take a small rucksack, with my jumper, etc, alcohol in. As long as you are not constantly turning around, you should avoid hitting to many people!

See you all in 4 months!

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I have not been able to find the perfect utility belt yet. It needs to be tough, but large enough pouches to tale a litre bottle of water, maybe some cups and a half litre coke bottle (whiskey, rum or vodka!), waterproof, sunblock, contact lens crisis kit and other gubbins. I also want to either wear it round my waist or over one shoulder bandoleer style when I want to bounce around or just shift the weight from my hips for a while.

I've preferred a small bag that can be a satchel bag or mini rucksack depending on how you thread the strap. I can clip my waterproof to it, slip my water bottle and the rest inside it.

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  On 2/24/2011 at 10:06 AM, glasto-worker said:

Below is a Swedish Mauser Ammo Belt

must have bought it around 1990 at a festival and its very handy for holding stuff.

You can get them in Army surplus stores and from time to time I still see them on sale at diffrent festivals.


Edited by 5co77ie
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You could try a gilet like this


Obviously bigger than a belt but loads of pockets and if you want to be really safe put money in inside pockets and then a safety pin through the zip.

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I now prefer individual pouches which I mix and match depending what I am doing - its far lighter than the Mauser Ammo Belt - certainly my Swiss army Survival Kit which comes in very handy as I work behind the Crew bar at Glasto - HD camera and the all important super bright LED 3 inch torch - my Turboflame lighter that would vanish in seconds if it was not tucked away and also a pouch for my mobile.

I have everything with me and have never lost anything and I don't have to worry about forgetting to pick up a bag

I always wear Reggata Survival Trousers which has large deep pockets and loads of zips so nothing is ever going to fall out and I have a pair of double lined ones when its chilly and a heavy duty quilted camping shirt which is as warm as a quilted anorak - I keep the warm items in a small bag behind the bar where I work which hangs from the roof of the marquee tent { we also run the lost property for our camp site so just in case someone tries to claim my bag by mistake when I am out the staff know its my bag and unless they have stilts they cant reach it - this also avoids drink being spilt on it } - this saves me from having to go back to my tent so I can be out and about straight after my shift.

I am amazed at the amount of phones including a few iPhone 4's and some very expensive iPod's and cameras that are left inside our Crew campsite bar and some are not claimed for 24 hours - I cant work why they don't keep them tucked away.

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