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vodafone vip just for reading?

Guest kaytee...

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Should point out that it's to my understanding Vodafone VIP doesn't really give that many perks from what I'm aware of. You get tickets that will be available right up until the last week earlier than everybody else and a choice spot charging your phone (that otherwise a portable battery charger or spare battery you could get for peanuts on eBay could do), and access to the viewing platform 50 feet above everybody else in the middle of the arena where you'll be subject to nothing but muffled sound bouncing around because the speakers are floating around precariously in the wind.

Overall, it sounds like a giant great big waste of time, and a bit of a marketing scam.

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in the vodafone tent it has its own speakers and the sound was a hell alot better then outside!

i was up there in leeds for Guns N Roses and i just kept thinking to myself why did i come up here? there was no atmosphere!

could see everyone raving and having a good time and i was just like.. meh this sucks! so yeahh its ok if you dont want to be involved!

cant complain on the view from there though.. was amazing!

but overall probably not worth it! wont be up there next year :) hahaa!

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From Vodafone Facebook:

"Everyone else -We will be offering Leeds tickets too!! I have seen some confusion about this over the last few days. At the moment, I'm not sure why www.vodafo ne.co.uk/vip is showing just the Reading pre-sale, but do not fear. We're looking after the northern side of things too and Leeds tickets will be available too! I'll update you later in the week with more info."

And I'm pretty sure the tickets don't cost more, it works like o2 priority does where it gives you a code if you're on Vodafone and it links you to ticketmastet where you enter the code. I think the other 'perks' are available anyway if you show them your sim card at the festival. Ie. The viewing platform, charge tent etc.

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And I'm pretty sure the tickets don't cost more, it works like o2 priority does where it gives you a code if you're on Vodafone and it links you to ticketmastet where you enter the code. I think the other 'perks' are available anyway if you show them your sim card at the festival. Ie. The viewing platform, charge tent etc.

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So in other words it doesn't really give you anything extra. It's just a cynical marketing gimmick to make you either more aware of a company that you are already aware of, or lure you in under the pretense that being a member offers you perks that aren't really perks. The Vodafone VIP thing is ostensibly a load of bollocks.

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It's not a waste of time if you want to get you ticket buying done and out of the way. If it doesn't cost any extra and you're already a Vodafone customer (or have access to a Vodafone number) then I don't see the issue. Of course it's a shameless marketing ploy, but welcome to 2011.

The only way it would be better to wait is if you wanted to make a stand and convince Vodafone/FR that these corporate arrangements aren't worth doing by boycotting them but I can't see that happening or working because, again, welcome to 2011.

Edited by mrtourette
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The only way it would be better to wait is if you wanted to make a stand and convince Vodafone/FR that these corporate arrangements aren't worth doing by boycotting them but I can't see that happening or working because, again, welcome to 2011.

Edited by Dave The Hedgehog
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I don't doubt that the 'perks' aren't as good as they advertise and if people pay extra for them then thy have more money than sense. But the one big bonus is the presale, if someone can get tickets at no extra cost then I don't see why they wouldn't.

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