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Joanna Newsom to headline End of the Road

Guest sofiahagberg

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Dear friends,

We almost can't believe that JOANNA NEWSOM has chosen End of the Road for her only UK festival appearance this year!!!

It's so amazing and this means that our three headliners are now all in place: Beirut, Mogwai and Joanna Newsom

But as you know, we pay attention to detail and every single band whether big or small is booked with passion and love... and today we can also announce Lykke Li, Best Coast, Emmy the Great and Drum Eyes, as well as a burst of bands secured by the fantastic team from The Local:

Cambodian Space Project - http://www.myspace.com/thecambodianspaceproject

Emanuel & the Fear - http://www.myspace.com/emanuelandthefear

Found - http://www.myspace.com/foundtheband

Rue Royale - http://www.myspace.com/rueroyale

Sam Amidon - http://www.myspace.com/samamidon

Sarabeth Tucek - http://www.myspace.com/sarabethtucek

She Keeps Bees - http://www.myspace.com/shekeepsbees

Skinny Lister - http://www.myspace.com/skinnylister

Oh, and myspaces for the other four are:

Best Coast - http://www.myspace.com/bestcoast

Drum Eyes - http://www.myspace.com/drumeyes

Emmy the Great - http://www.myspace.com/emmythegreat

Lykke Li - http://www.myspace.com/lykkeli

With all of this, we hope that you will be joining us for some very special times in September.

Lots of happy wishes,

Team End of the Road

PS. FREE 0 - 5 years child tickets - NOW ONLY 100 LEFT!

Q: How come free tickets are restricted in numbers?

A: We have a strict licence for the total numbers on site, and to the authorities - every single person counts, no matter what age.

Full ticket details:

Adult weekend (incl. camping): £145

Youth 13 - 17 years (incl. camping, must be accompanied by an adult): £120

Child 6 - 12 years (incl. camping, must be accompanied by an adult): £55

Child 0 - 5 years (incl. camping, must be accompanied by an adult): free (limited to 2 per order, must be bought in advance)

Campervan / Caravan pass: £50


Edited by sofiahagberg
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My first year at EOTR and I can't wait! I've never been before and the lineup is 90% unknown to me but I love discovering new things. I've seen Laura Marling before (actually fell asleep, ssh - she was incredible but I was tired and it was such a hot, stuffy venue) but I'm realllly looking forward to Joanna Newsom now I've, you know, started listening to her. Ys is incredible, I don't know why someone didn't mention this to me earlier.

Why does it have to be in September, so long!

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