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March For The Alternative - London Saturday 26th March

Guest HastingsBoy

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I know this isn't a Glasto related topic but i'm hoping that e-Festivals won't move it.

I hoping that there are some like-minded people out there who are aware of next Saturday's March against this Government's brutal and disgusting cuts to Public Services when there is an easy alternative - collect £120bn pa tax avoided by banks and other corporate organisations. The banks caused the mess we are in and ordinary people will suffer because of the government's stupid and immoral cuts.

Please support the March.



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I work on the public services and so does my husband he's in the Royal Marines, would love to have been there but he's away at the moment and have to look after my children, unfortunately I live too far away from London to go along. I will however be with all those who march in spirit and will support any industrial action in the future. All I would like to do is keep my job not asking for a massive payrise or a bonus.

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Well done OP, I was going to post the same topic myself later this week. I sincerely hope Neil doesn't move it - this is partly what Glastonbury has historically stood for after all.

Christ knows, there are enough reasons to join this protest march and that is precisely why it will be so massive. The estimated numbers are already 2.5million people, which will be the largest demonstration this country has ever seen. However, that figure could well be a big underestimation. I don't think the government (and I mean ALL political parties, not just the current shower of shit) have any idea about the scale of anger and betrayal felt by many in this country.

Those already representing will be: The Trade union Congress (obviously, they organised it), UK Uncut, the anti-globalisation movement, the National Union of Students, the anti-war organisation. Along with many, many other individuals who have just had e-f**king-nough of our chirade of democracy.

Whilst this isn't going to be a bloody revolution (I wish), it is without doubt going to be a memorably historic day. The more of us who hit the streets and shout our dissatisfaction, the more likely this could be the start of much needed change in this country. Have a good think about whether you want to be part of the people who stand up and shout NO MORE!

If take the decision to come. Bring plenty of food, drink and warm clothes, there is a possibilty that you might get kettled. - Seriously!

Rant over. I am now off to the weather thread to predict the future there too. B)

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I think he's too busy with his new fixation on 13 year old popstars... :P

Anyway, back on topic...hope you guys have better luck convincing your government to stop giving everything to the banks than we've had on this side of the Irish sea...That RBS just gave an average of £1.2m each to a select few employees when they made a loss and are basically owned by the taxpayer suggest that these f*ckers are still completely disconnected from reality... I know Ireland is under pressure at the moment to alter our corporate tax rate, however, the problem isn't the rate, it's the amount of tax big corporations pay...in most cases their effective tax rate is almost nil.

Edited by Jackmypie
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Tremendous stuff folks! It warms the heart to see this support. I'd urge all of you to bring as many friends and family as possible. This isn't just about people losing jobs, it's a fundamental attack on decent working people and the services everyone works for and deserves. The cuts are nothing to do with saving money it;s just pure, wicked Tory ideology. They hate the public sector and if had their way all our services would be privatised including one of the greatest things this country can be proud of - the NHS.

It's time for everyone to wake up, make a stand and make a difference!

Oh and it looks like the sun is gonna shne next Saturday.


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I will be there and urge all who go to Glastonbury and other festivals to make the effort. I have been fighting the good fight online at the Times website ever since I took out a subscription last year. You won't believe some of the neo-fascist opinions that appear every day in their comments blogs. I would dearly love to see a couple of million of us sticking it to this capital fixated shower of shit that call themselves our Government. The Times is where you clearly see the real face of Conservative ideology where any kind of service that doesn't involve making a profit is an anathema, where they really are calling for complete privatisation of the NHS, ending - yes, ending Local Authorities for good, removing all state support, etc, etc. One idiot this week was calling for the return of the workhouse. This is what we are up against- this is the true face Cameron doesn't want you to see. If you do one thing this year March on the 26th.

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And don't forget the only people who are "all in this together" are the Condem(n)s and the banks, the big corporations and the press. Cameron tries to come across as a decent, caring human being - he is a filthy liar. At least Thatcher didn't pretend to be anything other than a savage witch.

As you can gather i'm pretty angry about all of this and I hope a lot of you out there are too. As I said in an earlier post, it's time for people to wake up - THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING AND WE HAVE TO STOP THIS DISGRACEFUL GOVERNMENT. If enough people turn up next Saturday and demonstrate peacefully we CAN make a difference.

Peace and Love


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So far one of my housemates has been made redundant and my contract is due to end next month even though there is tonnes of work for me to do due to public sector cuts. I've been going on marches for years but friends who've never done this kind of thing before are coming from all over the country for this. The cuts are savage, from the arts to clinical medical services.

I've been hugely proud to march with some of my young student friends in the last couple of months and now it's time for all of us who give a shit about the state of this country to, as Frank Turner would say "get up and get down and get outside".

See you next Saturday. Bring your mates.

Edited by sweet and tender hooligan
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I'll be there on one of the free coaches that my union Unite have provided for anyone to travel up to the march. Further details at http://falseeconomy.org.uk/themarch I may be a seasoned pro when it comes to these sorts of events, but for my wife it will be her first demonstration march. She's recently had her 48th birthday and has spent the last three years training to be a nurse. So now she's about to graduate are there any jobs for nurses in the NHS? No only redundancies. So much for Cameron's promises about the NHS. The tories just want to dismantle the public sector FULL STOP.

Come and join us. It won't cost you anything for transport. We must get the message across to these b@st@rds.

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I'll be there on one of the free coaches that my union Unite have provided for anyone to travel up to the march. Further details at http://falseeconomy.org.uk/themarch I may be a seasoned pro when it comes to these sorts of events, but for my wife it will be her first demonstration march. She's recently had her 48th birthday and has spent the last three years training to be a nurse. So now she's about to graduate are there any jobs for nurses in the NHS? No only redundancies. So much for Cameron's promises about the NHS. The tories just want to dismantle the public sector FULL STOP.

Come and join us. It won't cost you anything for transport. We must get the message across to these b@st@rds.

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..... And there you have it - the crux of what all this is about. Someone willing to train for 3 years for the benefit of others only to be told that there isn't a job HELPING people. It's just obscene. And don't be fooled by the "Big Society" *ullshit. It's just cynical Tory spin.

As Shineongas states, it won't cost you a penny to get to London and you could be part of the biggest protest ever. We have to stop these scum from destroying everything that is good about this country. 19 of the 20 members of the Cabinet are millionaires - what do they know or care about real people? TIME TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED!


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I know this isn't a Glasto related topic but i'm hoping that e-Festivals won't move it.

I hoping that there are some like-minded people out there who are aware of next Saturday's March against this Government's brutal and disgusting cuts to Public Services when there is an easy alternative - collect £120bn pa tax avoided by banks and other corporate organisations. The banks caused the mess we are in and ordinary people will suffer because of the government's stupid and immoral cuts.

Please support the March.



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My self and partner are both nurses.Both of our jobs are at risk.The obvious CONDEM plan is to dismantle the NHS and bring in their mates to run it through private healthcare.

Im marching with the rest of my UNISON branch.Of course everyone on efests are music fans - but Glastonbury is a social movement as well.See you on the march - and at the workers beer bar!


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