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Parking Eye parking charge notice

Guest starpod

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I have a parking charge notice from a company called Parking Eye for £80 stating I overstayed in a Morrisons carpark.

This was actually a mate who borrowed my car, but that's not the issue here..

I'm searching this company online and all advice appears to be ignore them and they will go away as they cannot enforce this in court. I'm usually the sort to pay these things as I dont want to get in trouble, and to be fair the car WAS parked where stated. But the amount is ridiculous! :blink: If this is a scam for the gullible I really dont want to give them my hard earned.

Has anyone refused to pay this and had no comeback as all these sites suggest...?

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  • 4 months later...

I have problem thats along the lines of this problem

I have got parking ticket in the car park (one within my apartment complex) like the Original post, I one of those people you pay straight away, however as ive done this, ive actually been overcharged by £10 (should of been £80 but got charged £90) ive search online trying to see my rights (basically so i can get a full refund) does anyone have any info that could help?

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I found a parking ticket on my camper this morning.

Apparently, I'd parked in restricted zone, and yet I've got a letter from the council's head of parking saying that the parking restrictions are unenforceable because the lines are not properly marked.

This has been going on for years: every time they give me a parking ticket, I appeal it, and it gets wiped.

But along with that I make a point of phoning the council to speak to the head of parking, to complain about their attempts at extortion - they're defo collecting money from people via these unenforceable fines they issue.

The council clearly don't give a shit, so I'm now tempted to try and pursue the council thru the old bill for extortion. I wonder how I'd get on?

Here's betting the old bill will take the view that it's "a commercial dispute" so nothing to do with them, but I bet that's not how it really is in law. A call to my mate should clear that one up.

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