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another motorhome topic

Guest mike.c

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sorry to post another motorhome topic but i tried to search but couldnt find my answers.

right, first of all im lucky enough to be able to borrow this huge motorhome for the festival which im made up about. the motor home ive got pushes the boundries in lenth of what glastonbury says is allowed. how strict are the stewards about this because its literally only 200mm longer? surely this wont cause any problems will it?

its also best for myself and the fella i am lending the motorhome off if he takes the motorthome to the fields for me. will he be allowed to do this even tho he hasnt got a ticket?

is there much space between where all the motorthomes are parked? whats its like for driving into the site? is it awkward driving a motorthome around the site for parking it up?

also what is the ground like? im assuming the motorthome is really heavy. if it rains i wouldnt want it sinking into the soil so should i take scaffholding boards for under the wheels incase it gets stuck? or do they put gratings on the ground at glastonbury for driving on?

i think thats all my questions for now haha. if anybody can help me out on this its much appreciated

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If it's really only 7.2m long then I doubt you'll have any problems - the pitches aren't marked out like at some other festivals and the stewards don't measure your unit when you arrive.

The person you're borrowing the motorhome from won't be able to drive it on to the site without a ticket himself though, or some other form of prior permission from the Festival.

The pitches are 6m wide (ish - see first point), so if you subtract the width of your motorhome and awning then that's how much space will be left between you and the next unit. There'll be a 4m wide fire lane either in front of or behind your pitch, but that has to be kept clear.

It's simple driving on to the site and the stewards will direct you as you park up, no problem.

There's no hardstanding at Glasto. The ground's fine, your motorhome won't sink where it's parked if it rains. The only potential issue in a really muddy year is that the fire lanes get all churned up as people leave but there's nothing you can do about that other than leave before they do! ;)

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nice one for the help mate.

do you think i could arrange something so that permission can be granted for my motorhome to be dropped off? maybe ring or email glastonbury?

also, it has nothing to do with drugs or glass or anything but does each motorhome get a proper search when entering? i only ask because this motorhome has a garage area. if i stack all my food, equipment and other essentials in there i really can not be arsed emptying it all for a search

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Yeah, check with the Festival what the arrangements are for having a caravan delivered to site and if you can do the same.

I've never had anything other than a cursory eyes-only search of my 'van in the five years I've been 'vanning, but on a couple of occasions I've been stuck behind people who've had their 'van practically dismantled in front of us. You might be lucky or you might not. :ph34r:

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Yeah, check with the Festival what the arrangements are for having a caravan delivered to site and if you can do the same.

I've never had anything other than a cursory eyes-only search of my 'van in the five years I've been 'vanning, but on a couple of occasions I've been stuck behind people who've had their 'van practically dismantled in front of us. You might be lucky or you might not. :ph34r:

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The one we had last year was just over the 7m and no problem whatsoever - no one bated an eyelid

Plenty of space between vans - there is no exact measuring

We had a garage area last year, and stacked it full of booze/food. When searched we opened the 'garage' door, there stewards had a quick look inside and sent us on our way. They are trying to get loads of vans in at once - so although a 'check' was done it was quick and fast and not a pain at all

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