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Best Camping spots on Wednesday evening

Guest slunder

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The point that you are no longer able to walk any further but there is still space to fit a tent. Usually. Sorry.

It's not really possible to predict based on the information given. It will depend on which gate, what point in the evening (do you mean 5pm or 11pm?), what size tent you have, how many people, etc.

Basically most popular fields fill up quickly through the day, by the end of the afternoon it will be a matter of fitting in where you can.

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The point that you are no longer able to walk any further but there is still space to fit a tent. Usually. Sorry.

It's not really possible to predict based on the information given. It will depend on which gate, what point in the evening (do you mean 5pm or 11pm?), what size tent you have, how many people, etc.

Basically most popular fields fill up quickly through the day, by the end of the afternoon it will be a matter of fitting in where you can.

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I'm watcing this thread to, i'm in two mind of either getting the 8am train from liverpool that gets me to castle carry by 12:45pm or the 10am train that gets me to castel carry by 3pm. Trying to weight up getting there early against having a lie in. (as in lie in i mean getting up at 8am to catch the 10am train :) )

Only the two of us with a 4 man tent... , not that bothered realy were we camp as long as its not outside a toilet, would preffer to be as close to the park area as possible as that is where our friends are camping.

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Options will be limited by that time, and difficulty finding spots is going to be increased by the fact it'll be dark when you get there.

Have a chat with the stewards, they should be able to help you.

TBH though these days there isn't much action in any of the campsites (due to all the late night stuff) so they're all much of a muchness. Just pick a field based on it's location, then get as close as possible when you arrive.

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You are coming by coach arent you? And so if this is correct, you will be arriving at Gate A which is the coach drop off point.

Looking at the Fine Guide Map

note worthy places where you will probably be able to get a space fairly easily without traipsing all the way south are:


Bushy Ground.

Paines Ground (near to Gate D)

You might get lucky at Oxlyers too.

Avoid Pylon Ground unless you want to go insane for the weekend.

All of these camping fields are south of Gate A entrance.

East of Gate A are




Long Ground

Lower Mead

It depends on where you have intentions to be near.

Big Ground WILL be full by 10pm Wednesday as will Kidney Mead probably.

10pm there will still be enough light to set up but if you are arriving at 10pm then walking in, expect it to be a bit dark when setting up.

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Options will be limited by that time, and difficulty finding spots is going to be increased by the fact it'll be dark when you get there.

Have a chat with the stewards, they should be able to help you.

TBH though these days there isn't much action in any of the campsites (due to all the late night stuff) so they're all much of a muchness. Just pick a field based on it's location, then get as close as possible when you arrive.

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