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Are there sniffer dogs anywhere?

Guest Teal

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Never seen any personally, but that's not to say they're not there!

I don't & won't take the risk. I'm just taking good old pro plus and strawberry cider - caffiene and lots of sugary cider is all I need to see me through :D

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Every time I've been to Castle Carey (3 times) there have been dogs, but to be honest, a lot of it is luck, so many people are carrying something the dogs aren't really sure where to go, might pick you out, they might not, they usually try to catch you when you're queuing for the bus, they walk along the line until the doggy sits down. Just try to make everything as air tight as possible. There are also dogs at Paddington Station, but if you see one just carry on walking, the dogs don't work well in wide open spaces so they're looking more for the way people react.

Never seen any dogs at the gates, so if you're driving you should be fine, have a reasonably good hiding place and security shouldn't find anything, if you are unlucky enough to be searched, and obviously do all the sensible things, don't divide up your stash, don't carry loads of any one thing, do split it up amongst your friends etc. If you get caught you want to make sure you just get a caution, not done for intent to supply. One other tip, if you've got things like grinders and king size rizla or whatever, give them to someone who isn't carrying anything illegal, if you do get searched its much easier to hide a little bag than it is a grinder, and if they see stuff like that they're likely to look deeper.

Pretty sure they're only really out to catch dealers, so, assuming you're not actually trying to deal, you should be fine, I know someone who got picked up by a dog, he was called over to a porta cabin, he said he just said, 'ok you've got me' handed over his weed and ketamine, they gave him a caution and let him into the festival, I think that's the attitude to take really.

Edited by LostRiot
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Love This!

When we went through Paddington on Thursday in '09, when we got at the end of the queue, there was a cop with a dog standing there, waiting as people joined the end of the line. He simply said, may my dog sniff your bags? Since we had nothing, we didn't worry, and let the dog do his thing.

As someone stated in another thread, be careful if you're handling or using any substances while packing, as the smell could get on your hands or the luggage itself, and then the dog will smell something, even if the stash is hidden deep inside.

As for at the site itself, how thorough is the search if they decide to go through your stuff? When we arrived on Thursday in '09, we walked right in, with no search. This time we'll be there by 10AM Wednesday, when there will likely be lines.

Yes they can ask you to unpack all your kit if they want to and this isn't restricted to a particular time of day for entry.

Do they pull out and open tents/air mattresses/sleeping bags/etc., or will they just kind of look through the stuff without totally destroying it?

Edited by strolling wanderer
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So, is it completely random, just the whim of the gate person as to whether one person gets their bags totally strewn out, or would they need some sort of a hunch before they inconvenience someone in that way?

If it is so completely random, like when you get the full pat down at the airport, then that would suck, especially if you had nothing to hide.

I know that I'm not going to be a happy camper if all the things I folded and packed tightly in the luggage, had to be fit back inside after a thorough search.

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I've only been searched once going in and it was on my second trip from the car so my tent etc was already in as were other things. They did a pretty thorough search of the bags etc I did have on me. I wouldn't risk having stuff in my bags or other belongings that I was carrying in.

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Oh yes you know you are close when the old sniffer dog thread comes around.

The truth of matter is that they ain't as good as the police would have you believe at sniffing things out, recent research from Australia reported 74% false positives:

Australian research

This has been backed up by similar results in the UK:

Guardian Article

Also the dogs are taking cues from their handlers:

Economist Article

or here the Ben Goldarce version (who is talking at The Free University of Glastonbury on Saturday @ The Park)

Bad Science

The research document here:

Animal Cognition

The police want the dogs for two reasons, one it gives them random search rights by saying, "the dog told me" but mainly because the dogs put the fear of god into people and the police watch for peoples reaction to the dogs. Therefore once it becomes common knowledge that the dogs are not effective they loose this weapon.

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a few years ago i got searched and they were really thorough, unzipping makeup bags and stuff.

They even asked me did i smoke and when i said no they asked why did i have a lighter in my bag. I explained because my brother was a smoker and it was inevitable that he would need it at some point.

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So, is it completely random, just the whim of the gate person as to whether one person gets their bags totally strewn out, or would they need some sort of a hunch before they inconvenience someone in that way?

If it is so completely random, like when you get the full pat down at the airport, then that would suck, especially if you had nothing to hide.

I know that I'm not going to be a happy camper if all the things I folded and packed tightly in the luggage, had to be fit back inside after a thorough search.

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.......Everyone boasting about their stash, you seem to have failed to notice the police officer posting on this thread- where most of you have full names and photos up.....

Anyway- the searches arent random, its supposed to be anyone acting suspiciously or shifty. People give off signs subconsciously which are hard to hide and what the ones who search look for.

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I got stopped and searched re-entering the site in 09, had returned to the car for some drum stuff, security guard tried to take my drumsticks off me, claiming they were a weapon of some kind. was arguing for a while til his mate came over, laughed and let me go. What kind of twat doesn't know what a drumstick is or could confuse it for an offensive weapon???

Mind you, the way I play..... maybe he had a point!

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.......Everyone boasting about their stash, you seem to have failed to notice the police officer posting on this thread- where most of you have full names and photos up.....

Anyway- the searches arent random, its supposed to be anyone acting suspiciously or shifty. People give off signs subconsciously which are hard to hide and what the ones who search look for.

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My first festival in 2008 when i was a bright eyed teenager was glastonbury, got off the coach and I got pulled to one side and the steward was very polite and was looking for glass items. He went to town on my bag, even inspecting the trolley full of larger. Then let me go on my merry way.

Searches ARE random.

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I'm not taking anything due to starting a new job on the Wednesday and have to have a medical, however my most foolproof method of smuggling in stuff is putting it in food and sealing the packet back up with superglue. Pringles etc.. Ok, it's not completely foolproof but I doubt they'd start opening up every food item you have.

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I'm not taking anything due to starting a new job on the Wednesday and have to have a medical, however my most foolproof method of smuggling in stuff is putting it in food and sealing the packet back up with superglue. Pringles etc.. Ok, it's not completely foolproof but I doubt they'd start opening up every food item you have.

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