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2013 Headliners

Guest shangri-la_steward

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This. x 1,000,000. Ray Davies in the acoustic tent in '09 was amazing but a Kinks reunion would surpass everything. It's been rumoured for a while but the Davies brothers don't exactly see eye to eye

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If Lady Gaga is available and a deal can be done then she will play. Makes perfect sense, doubt they wouldn't book the biggest pop act in the world at the moment because they already had a female solo singer last year.

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Working on a cost basis the most expensive combination of three headliners would be The Rolling Stones, Gaga and the Stone Roses. (Obviously I'm predicting that the Roses demand a high price for their shows and the other two will probably ask for a lot)

So maybe Eavis might HAVE to go for a more viable, cost-efficient option, dropping one of them for somebody such as Radiohead because they probably wouldn't ask for that much knowing their history with the festival etc.

Or Arcade Fire seem like the kind of band who wouldn't demand that much as they seem pretty ethical charity-wise.

Edit: Pulp as well considering Jarvis has said something recently about a possibility of new material. They might be with us for just long enough in 2013.

Edited by Gregcharlie
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Working on a cost basis the most expensive combination of three headliners would be The Rolling Stones, Gaga and the Stone Roses. (Obviously I'm predicting that the Roses demand a high price for their shows and the other two will probably ask for a lot)

So maybe Eavis might HAVE to go for a more viable, cost-efficient option, dropping one of them for somebody such as Radiohead because they probably wouldn't ask for that much knowing their history with the festival etc.

Or Arcade Fire seem like the kind of band who wouldn't demand that much as they seem pretty ethical charity-wise.

Edit: Pulp as well considering Jarvis has said something recently about a possibility of new material. They might be with us for just long enough in 2013.

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My view is:

The Stone Roses - Almost no chance if they are about they won't be playing it. Ian brown admires Glasto, Eavis admires Ian Brown.

Radiohead - New album, no UK Fest dates and a few own arena tour dates now for later in the year, it all adds up, it#s likely they're time, Thom loves Glastro, vise versa with Eavis loving them.

Lady GaGa - Easily could fit a return to the UK for Glasto in he plans, considering only announcing each set of dates as she goes along and only two UK dates so far, neither of which are even close to Glasto.

Arcade Fire - This is my if radiohead don't end up there thought.

The Rolling Stone - Just can't see it, there has been more than enough opportunity for them to play. Jagger cares for the money and I don't think he really is fussed about playing Glasto.

Macca - it would be amazing but I see it as a the following year more than next

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What they'll "lose" from their lower appearance fee they'll make back in sales through the 2 million+ people who will watch them on the Beeb.

The Stones are nailed on.

I'd be shocked if the Stone Roses didn't play - They owe Glasto an appearance after 95.

Generic pop act on Sunday night - Lady GaGa, Madonna, Kylie etc.

Meaning Radiohead won't be playing. Doubt they'll have 3 "rock" acts on in a row.

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If you think The Stones are more nailed on at this time than Radiohead are I think you're wrong.

We don't actually know who is nailed on but I'd say the only definite one if any is The Stone Roses, probably already signed that contract or as good as. New material and BBC extensively covering it, I think so haha.

I said Radiohead, The Roses and Lady GaGa and I'm sticking to it for the moment.

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