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IPad to PC Connection

Guest grumpyhack

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  • 5 weeks later...

I cant believe how fuckin easy iMovie is to work. anyone who has ever had futile dreams of creating their own (reasonably professional looking) videos but never dared should check it out.

I faffed around with adobe premiere, and even windows movie maker in the past, but never quite understood WTF I was doing. but the results you can achieve with just some pinching, pulling, dragging, dropping and tapping is absolutely amazing.

Definitely watch a couple of youtube tutorials before you start, but once you have, its a piece of piss.

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  • 4 months later...

OK, so I've had my ipad for about 6 months now, and while I love it and think its a great bit of kit, I think i've probably realised that its tablets I love, and in fact the Apple way of doing things is causing me way too much frustration. The lack of flash is seriously starting to piss me off. The lack of a file system so that I can upload pictures from it to something other than facebook, or upload and download email attachments other than photos, movies or pdfs and store them, is a total pain in the arse too. In fact theres so many little things where I think an Android or windows system would never have these problems.

Apple pride themselves on their functionality, when in fact their functionality for people who want to use their tablet for more than just browsing facebook or playing angry birds is terrible. I find myself having to turn to my pc on more and more occasions just to do a simple task, or use a flash website, when a tablet which costs hundreds of pounds should definitely be able to do this.

The final straw yesterday was when I wanted to skype my sister from work to see her newborn and discovered that Apple won't let the Skype app connect through a proxy (same with facetime apparently). Seriously. WTF, Apple? So much for your adverts all about bringing your family together from across the globe. You can bring your family together just as long as Apple say you can. They need to sort themselves out.

I was actually given this ipad as a present, and I'll stick with it for another year or two until I decide to upgrade, but then Apple can go fuck itself. Will definitely be looking at what the android and windows 8 tablets are going to be like.

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iPads are generally good for surfing the net, Youtube, email etc. Crap for everything else really. They're targeted at people who don't know how to use computers basically. They were never to be used a primary home PC but they have become that. When they came out first they were really just for coffee tables but people have gone bananas with them.

On a side note, I'm tapping out of a lot of this sort of stuff - smartphones (I'm back on an old Nokia), Twitter, Facebook etc. Really really not good for your brain. Have been reading some horror articles about it lately and the impact on the human mind. We're into totally unknown territory.

I've noticed mates of mine, we're mostly in our early 30s, who's attention span is shot to shit. They don't read books or newspapers anymore, cant concentrate in work or in social conversations, need an iphone as a crutch (I see people taking phones out in pubs and clubs!!) and there only has to be a 3 second break in conversation or a slower moving bit in a film and they have the iphone out.

I spend all day pricking around in work, using our systems here, posting on efests etc. Last thing I need to do is start doing it when I get home. The human brain can actually change consistency and exposing it to piece after piece after piece of quick, short and mostly unnecessary information has unknown effects. Not good. Not good at all.

I'm pretty certain that there's no flash for android either (I could be wrong).

Edited by The Nal
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OK, so I've had my ipad for about 6 months now, and while I love it and think its a great bit of kit, I think i've probably realised that its tablets I love, and in fact the Apple way of doing things is causing me way too much frustration. The lack of flash is seriously starting to piss me off. The lack of a file system so that I can upload pictures from it to something other than facebook, or upload and download email attachments other than photos, movies or pdfs and store them, is a total pain in the arse too. In fact theres so many little things where I think an Android or windows system would never have these problems.

Apple pride themselves on their functionality, when in fact their functionality for people who want to use their tablet for more than just browsing facebook or playing angry birds is terrible. I find myself having to turn to my pc on more and more occasions just to do a simple task, or use a flash website, when a tablet which costs hundreds of pounds should definitely be able to do this.

The final straw yesterday was when I wanted to skype my sister from work to see her newborn and discovered that Apple won't let the Skype app connect through a proxy (same with facetime apparently). Seriously. WTF, Apple? So much for your adverts all about bringing your family together from across the globe. You can bring your family together just as long as Apple say you can. They need to sort themselves out.

I was actually given this ipad as a present, and I'll stick with it for another year or two until I decide to upgrade, but then Apple can go fuck itself. Will definitely be looking at what the android and windows 8 tablets are going to be like.

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Adobe are no longer supporting flash on mobile devices, so I suspect most sites will be HTML5 and therefore compatible before long, indeed a lot have already converted.

Apple are a huge market, so sites wont want to miss out on that volume, supposedly HTML5 will be easier to dev on before long (so I've heard, Im far from a techie though so may be wrong here) via better dev tools and more experience in the field and is better than flash, so within a couple of years I suspect sites using flash will be very much in the minority

see here- http://nofilmschool..../11/flash-died/

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Thing is, when Jobs said the ipad would be the "best browsing experience you've ever had", he was talking total shite.

Android tabs do support flash. Apple not supporting flash was them trying to push flash out of the market, to the long term benefit of Apple, and the short term detriment of their customers. Well, screw them. The short term detriment is enough for me to vote with my wallet next time around and move to an Android or windows platform (very intrigued to see what they'll come up with)

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iPads are generally good for surfing the net, Youtube, email etc. Crap for everything else really. They're targeted at people who don't know how to use computers basically. They were never to be used a primary home PC but they have become that. When they came out first they were really just for coffee tables but people have gone bananas with them.

On a side note, I'm tapping out of a lot of this sort of stuff - smartphones (I'm back on an old Nokia), Twitter, Facebook etc. Really really not good for your brain. Have been reading some horror articles about it lately and the impact on the human mind. We're into totally unknown territory.

I've noticed mates of mine, we're mostly in our early 30s, who's attention span is shot to shit. They don't read books or newspapers anymore, cant concentrate in work or in social conversations, need an iphone as a crutch (I see people taking phones out in pubs and clubs!!) and there only has to be a 3 second break in conversation or a slower moving bit in a film and they have the iphone out.

I spend all day pricking around in work, using our systems here, posting on efests etc. Last thing I need to do is start doing it when I get home. The human brain can actually change consistency and exposing it to piece after piece after piece of quick, short and mostly unnecessary information has unknown effects. Not good. Not good at all.

Only on the very old android models.

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I still love my ipad, i do like the look of the new microsoft tablet, so will be watching that one closely. the closed ecosystem of apple is a pain in the arse, but I'm led to believe that has always been the case. Ive never used a mac, and dont really want to.

I was dallying with the idea of getting the new samsung galaxy s3, but its too fucking big, and feels too flimsy. My apple fanboyism has waned a little, but I do still love my phone and pad. they do pretty much everything i need them to do. well.

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i think its already launched isnt it? the nexus? but the news was that they werent building it in house, they are getting asus to build it, its more of a competitor to the kindle fire afaik, beng a cheap, lower powered tablet.

unless its something completely different, in which case I'll stfu.

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i think its already launched isnt it? the nexus? but the news was that they werent building it in house, they are getting asus to build it, its more of a competitor to the kindle fire afaik, beng a cheap, lower powered tablet.

unless its something completely different, in which case I'll stfu.

The asus bit and a competitor for the kindle fire are a part of what I read, so I guess you're 100% on the ball with the rest too.

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Theres going to be a wave of tablet PCs as soon as Windows 8 is launched. A lot of manufacturers had plans to release tablets earlier this year but most of them have been put back when Micro$oft brought Windows 8 forward.

I've played around with Windows 8 already. Very tablet friendly, social media apps connecting to each other, single views for all sites where you can see status updates and posts across all of their social media log ins - FB, Linkedin, Twitter, etc all on the one page.

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Theres going to be a wave of tablet PCs as soon as Windows 8 is launched. A lot of manufacturers had plans to release tablets earlier this year but most of them have been put back when Micro$oft brought Windows 8 forward.

I've played around with Windows 8 already. Very tablet friendly, social media apps connecting to each other, single views for all sites where you can see status updates and posts across all of their social media log ins - FB, Linkedin, Twitter, etc all on the one page.

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As much as I hate Apple, the one thing that Steve Jobs got right was not putting Flash on the iPhone and iPad. Flash is a terrible, terrible piece of software and does not perform well on mobile devices.

I had it on my andoid phone for a while but it brought the browser to its knees. I uninstalled it and have had no need for it since anyway.

Any site that does not move away from Flash will die off along with Flash itself as people will simply move to alternative sites that don't use it.

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