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Dissertation survey (Please can you fill it out)

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Hi Laura,

I have the same issue thought we might join our forces and exchange favours...I'll definitely fill out your survey and please if you have ever attended Glastonbury over the art 4 years or know anyone who did please fill it out or pass it on your mates.




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It is refreshing to see a good questionnaire. I think many folk get pissed off with people just chucking one on here and they seem to have made on effort. I have just done one for a module on my course. The report is 2500 words and my questionnaire should take about 15 minutes. Now most dissertations are around 10k words and worth 30 or 40 credits so you would expect something more.

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The problem with long questionaires is getting people to fill them out. You usually get bias in your results because you only end up getting information from the kind of people who can be bothered to spend 15 minutes filling one out.

Saying that, this is much better than the brainless

"How old are you?"

"Do you like festivals?"

"Thank you for your time"

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let's not get carried away here, this is for a DEGREE in "Events Management". A Degree! Dross like this just devalues the credibility of a degree even further (if that's possible).

The sooner they bring back polytechnics the better. A proper university should not be teaching this kind of crap.

This country is on its arse. Do we really need more Event Managers?? It's absurd. We need engineers, manufacturers, scientists. We do NOT need more powerpoint presentation specialists.

£40K debt to stand in a dole queue. Your teachers should be shot for recommending you do this farce. But then again, they themselves are probably thick as two short planks.

Edited by russycarps
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Wow. I'm impressed.

But I really don't have the time right now.

I also think Russy is right about your teachers getting shot if they steered you into this. I think you're capable of something harder and with a bit more kudos.

You're going to need an Events Management degree to get a job running a jumble sale at this rate.

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Hey guys, didn't want to piss anyone off and make a new post about it, but was wandering if you could spare a few minutes and fill out my questionnaire regarding music streaming firms. It's much shorter than most as it is only part of my research methods so should only take 3-4 mins tops. Would be a massive help https://strathbusiness.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3Uhpd8tzLlF4ivq

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