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A few first time questions?

Guest Stewie484

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Hi guys, I turn 16 on the 27th of August which is one day after Reading ends. They say I cannot go in unless accompnied by an adult but I will get in with my festival beard and 16 year old friends won't I? Also, they plan to take some beer/cidre and wondered how thorough the bag checks were?

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they randomly check bags, but if you have cans of beer/cider then the only risk is you get them taken off you if they try and id you and you are underage. they normally check for items that are banned - glass, aerosol etc so they are quite thorough. it also depends how busy it is at the time, if its really quiet when you go in the first time they might search more of you, whereas if its busy then you might get away with a bag search and stuff. also it helps if the stewards aren't jobsworths ;)

as for the age thing, probably is only for people who look really young as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, I've got an early bird ticket which gives me acces on the 22nd, and I turn 16 on the 23rd of August, and I was wondering the same thing, because there's no way I'm bringing my passport as proof of age. And for getting cidre in to Slamdunk fest, we put it in plastic apple juice bottles, and everything was fine!

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I took my lad who turned 16 and the 28th a few years ago, no one batted an eyelid at any point, in fact the only hassle we had was trying to convince the people at the train station he was able to travel on a child's ticket. You'll be fine. I absolutely assure you that if this issue came up a random in the queue would claim to be with you to assist.

As for booze, my son carried a case of beer and some 3l bottles of cider in without any query.

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