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Rufus Gwertigan

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So much stupid in this post 

how so? people flipping out to get tickets for a film that will be on for months? the "prequels" were roundly slagged off, yet people are confident this time its gonna be different?

ill happily wait 4-6 weeks to go see it, if I even bother to go to the cinema. A decent HD leak will do me tbh.

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how so? people flipping out to get tickets for a film that will be on for months? the "prequels" were roundly slagged off, yet people are confident this time its gonna be different?

ill happily wait 4-6 weeks to go see it, if I even bother to go to the cinema. A decent HD leak will do me tbh.

Get in early and avoid spoilers!

Prequels were unfairly slagged off in a lot of quarters. Some great bits in those films. 2nd one is fairly shit, granted.

Jar-Jar etc blah blah... but... C fucking 3PO. A camp robot straight out of a 1930s MGM movie. Hes as bad as anything in the prequels. Always has been.


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Totally agree on C3P0, the battle scene where the jedi get slaughtered is turned into cheap laugh slapstick, totally kills the atmosphere and that's just one of the really shit moments he has.  I know it's in keeping with the original trilogy but they went way over the top with him.

That trailer was fantastic.  Finally hearing some voices, hint of plot and still left with lots of questions.  

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George Lucas 

Good point.


There's one man responsible for the shit-ness of the Clones and Revenge for me. 



but.............. he didn't cast himself.

I'm not saying the film is gonna be shit, I hope its fucking brilliant, but people buying a ticket in advance are just asking to get rolled over. Its like "preordering" games - there's no need, you can buy them when they come out. All people are doing is saying - make it, we dont care if its shit - we will pay you anyway. 

we as consumers have been brainwashed into thinking that showing allegiance to a corporation or a brand or a franchise is a good thing-  it isn't, they are a corporation who couldnt care less if you exist or not, they just want the money. make them earn it by producing good products.

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I don't think he's a bad actor, it's just that that dialogue is shit.

I too was very wary of the Disney treatment to begin with with (being sick and fucking tired of Marvel films), but I've seen enough in the people they've hired and the teasers they've released to peak my interest nearly up to pre-prequel levels.

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Good point.


but.............. he didn't cast himself.

I'm not saying the film is gonna be shit, I hope its fucking brilliant, but people buying a ticket in advance are just asking to get rolled over. Its like "preordering" games - there's no need, you can buy them when they come out. All people are doing is saying - make it, we dont care if its shit - we will pay you anyway. 

we as consumers have been brainwashed into thinking that showing allegiance to a corporation or a brand or a franchise is a good thing-  it isn't, they are a corporation who couldnt care less if you exist or not, they just want the money. make them earn it by producing good products.

You did that yourself with Destiny..hyping it to be the best thing ever just to complain when it did come out..if people are excited and want to book tixs in advance let them.

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I don't think he's a bad actor, it's just that that dialogue is shit.

nah he's a shite actor, that much is true

I'm not saying the film is gonna be shit, I hope its fucking brilliant, but people buying a ticket in advance are just asking to get rolled over. Its like "preordering" games - there's no need, you can buy them when they come out. All people are doing is saying - make it, we dont care if its shit - we will pay you anyway. 

we as consumers have been brainwashed into thinking that showing allegiance to a corporation or a brand or a franchise is a good thing-  it isn't, they are a corporation who couldnt care less if you exist or not, they just want the money. make them earn it by producing good products.

it's Star Wars. these people who are pre-booking the tickets are obviously huge fans and are going to go and see it regardless of if it turns out to be shit or get panned. it won't make a lick of difference. you think people boycotting the first week or whatever is gonna make the producers think 'shit, we better try harder next time!'

the new Star Wars has gotten everything right on paper - fantastic cast, great director etc. let's just hope it can all meld together into a good film. i mean, it just can't be as bad as the last three, can it?*

*i say cautiously with the shadow of Fantastic Four still looming large

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Got my Star Wars tickets!, In the end I went for the Empire Leicester Square Imax as Odeon still wasn't giving me any joy late last night for BFI Imax which makes me think it was more than demand, there was no way people were trying on mass for 12 hours and after all that I didn't feel like handing over my money for craper seats than I wanted  at a silly time.


I just watched inside out, absolutely a massive return to form for pixar, who I've been really disappointed with for a long time.  I'd read a few scraps about the concept, but the way they lay it out for the audience with the film's introduction was brilliantly done.  I hope they don't shit all over it with sequels.

Actually I think its one Pixar movie that leads itself quite well to a Sequel (Like when you saw the Mum and Dad emotions :P). And its not like the Toy Story sequels were bad at all... (Ignoring the next one :P)

see also, Back To The Future and Indiana Jones trilogies

You've corrected Back To the Future now right?!


Good point.


but.............. he didn't cast himself.

I'm not saying the film is gonna be shit, I hope its fucking brilliant, but people buying a ticket in advance are just asking to get rolled over. Its like "preordering" games - there's no need, you can buy them when they come out. All people are doing is saying - make it, we dont care if its shit - we will pay you anyway. 

we as consumers have been brainwashed into thinking that showing allegiance to a corporation or a brand or a franchise is a good thing-  it isn't, they are a corporation who couldnt care less if you exist or not, they just want the money. make them earn it by producing good products.

No they are not, they pretty much people who are going buy in anyway, and want to make sure they are the first in to avoid spoilers etc. (Same with games, pre-ordering isn't supporting the industry, its buying a game you know you are going want and getting to play it first, to get ahead of everyone else. What is killing that industry is Micro transactions and season passes for unfinished games.).

You watch the trailer (which was amazing for Star Wars :D) and decide if you want to go or not. For some films I'll wait and see what others think first, for franchises I love. I am going see it regardless of how shit it might turn out.

So what sort of nonsense will we see about this tomorrow?



This is about as official as a statement as we'll see.

Hoverboards and self tying laces will be announced for pre-order :P

(Plus the rest of the Perfect Pepsi bottles at $20 will be on sale)

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Erm, except his two Star Treks films were fucking awful.

Thing is though, they weren't. Nerds like to dislike them because they wanted a different Star Trek, but they aren't bad films. They're big, loud, dumb, fast moving action films in as good quality as they come, you wanted it to be whatever the fuck Star Trek was when only people with too many pet cats watched it, but a big-budget film series will go for the easy money, and they did. They were much better than the first Avengers film, and nerds were more than happy to eat that up because it was The Avengers coming together on screen, it's the sort of thing people like Avengers for anyway, and everybody thought an Avengers film would be trash.

I'd be pissed off if Star Wars came out like that, but really Star Wars has remained mega-popular since it started, instead of slowly and tragically dying like an animal in an Attenborough documentary that just cannot find that fucking water hole, like Star Trek did before the reboot. So when Abrahms got Star Trek out the box, he needed to go big and dumb for the easy money otherwise nobody would finance it. People love Empire Strikes Back and it's massively lucrative, so Abrahms is allowed to be faithful to what made people love Star Wars and work with Kershner and bring in the nostaligic elements, because they're all still massive money spinners. He can even make a few risks and take the franchise in an interesting direction, because the prequels proved that Star Wars will still print money even if you make a load of shit Star Wars films that people hate, what's the worry? You make a shit Star Wars film, it'll still finance a holiday home on the moon for Bob Iger, so nobody needs to worry what the nerds are getting up to on the Star Wars set and have execs poking in with "put more of Zoe Saldana stripping off in that scene, everybody needs to be shouting, more big lense flare so people don't get bored". 

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I watched "It Follows" yesterday, quite a refreshing horror title, with some genuinely creepy moments, and a great concept. I liked the style of it, its set in no particular era, which was quite weird getting my head round, most of the TV's in it are older CRT sets, and allof the movies that are playing on the TV's are black and white movies from the 30's era, 1 person (at the very opening scene) is seen with a mobile phone, and most of the cars are oldish looking, yet one of the focal characters has a kindle like device she is always using. The costumes are all quite hard to date, although they nod to the 80's

also, there are no opening credits, and the title of the movie only appears at the end fade. 

the nature of the concept means it is total fodder for cheap, cashin sequels, but I hope they dont bother, its a good standalone creepy movie.



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