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What's the funniest thing you've heard a Glastonbury virgin ask?

Guest Who2002uk

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Ach sorry meant to the got distracted.

If you look at my sig theres some gaps in festies. Main reason, crowd phobia. It took years for other half to persuade me to go to download but we worked out ways to always avoid crushes etc.

Is it actually poss to do that at glastonbury or is that just a stupid q? I know to stand at backs or sides and leave before last song etc but are there any other pinch points?

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Agreed. Unless you're really desperate to see an act elsewhere it's best not to leave early but to hang around a bit for things to settle down. Especially after the final act on the big stages! Don't be tempted to join the big rush down to the south-east corner. Spend the witching hour in the Greenfields and amble down after the sensible people have gone to bed; there's more room to breathe!

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If it's muddy I try to use the outer pathways. Where the Dance goes into JP area is usually quite bad and where the other stage meets the dance area, there seems to be a lot of crossflow there. If it's dry, then it's a lot easier to get around and like fatyeti24 said if you feel uncomfortable just hang back until things quiten down.

I would imagine you'll be fine as long as you relax & don't stress about being somewhere at a specific time without leaving plenty of time to get there.

One thing I love about the festival is the amount of room there is around a lot of the stages during the day, make the most of those opportunities :)

Just my pennies worth, hope you have a good time :)

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There are some busy areas at certain times. The market area for one can become very crowded, as can the walkways away from the pyramid in between acts. The worst area without a doubt is leaving the pyramid stage from anywhere near the front as a headliner finishes. Definitely worth waiting 30 minutes.

Obviously all this is much worse when it's muddy as many have said.

Even though there are pinch points, I've always found it easy to step to one side and find a bit of space until things die down. Had to do that quite a lot in 2011 as we had a 6 month old baby in a converted bike trailer in tow! :)

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That is all really really helpful. Just knowing there's somewhere to step aside to is ace. Dodging into the healing fields/green fields for a bit is a brill idea too and we'll not plan to move around much in the evenings between stages as well. Thank you all, I feel a lot less silly too, I forgot parents would be in a similar boat for different reasons :)

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For the Pyramid, don't enter at the bottom of the field. Go round the back of The Mandela bar and head up the hill outside the pyramid field and enter the field from the top corner. You will see others doing this - the path is between the Mandela bar and the toilets, heading up the hill, just outside the field. Once in, head down the hill towards the back left hand speakers. the sound is great and there is space.

If you are crowd phobic, you aren't going to be anywhere near the front anyway, so this is as good a view as you are likely to get, and probably better sound.

It is also easier to get out from up there, just go steady, and raise you hand and shout stop as loudly and calmly as you can if you are feeling panicky - people actually will stop.

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My mate rang me at about 3am on the Wednesday in 2000 after being stuck in the traffic queue for about 10 hours. He asked me to meet him as he couldn't find his own way to Pennards and when I asked where he was he replied, "I should be easy to find, I'm right next to the toilets".

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Yes you can take alcohol anywhere. I think the point is that most people going to their first Glasto will probably have been to V, Reading/Leeds etc. in the past where they just want you to buy from the bars rather than taking your own booze in.

Then moving to Glasto is just a brilliant sense of freedom - no arena vs campsite as it's all integrated and no stroppy stewards searching your bags to stop you smuggling in a can of warm lager when you could be buying their over-priced and watered down stuff.

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Ach sorry meant to the got distracted.

If you look at my sig theres some gaps in festies. Main reason, crowd phobia. It took years for other half to persuade me to go to download but we worked out ways to always avoid crushes etc.

Is it actually poss to do that at glastonbury or is that just a stupid q? I know to stand at backs or sides and leave before last song etc but are there any other pinch points?

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*raises hand* another crowd-phobic here. you'll be fine. hanging back just an extra 10 minutes after bands finish can make all the difference. i've only gotten caught in a pinch maybe once at most every festival and what makes all the difference is the chilled vibe coming off everyone else.

also, yes, what amfy said about going up the hill. that's where i end up and you can mosey into the crowd as far as you feel comfy and know you can get back out the same way with relative ease. sound is great and as a short-arse i see more of the stage from there than i would down in the midst of it.

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Hadn't thought of this as crowds don't bother me, but the mud if it's a wet one does restrict the width of certain thoroughfares. I remember in 2011 being stood for ages somewhere in the market areas waiting for the pyramid lot to move on. The path was wide enough but the only passable line was about 10 feet wide.

Another reason to vote NFR NFC if you ask me. *goes off to tell whisty....*

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Ach sorry meant to the got distracted.

If you look at my sig theres some gaps in festies. Main reason, crowd phobia. It took years for other half to persuade me to go to download but we worked out ways to always avoid crushes etc.

Is it actually poss to do that at glastonbury or is that just a stupid q? I know to stand at backs or sides and leave before last song etc but are there any other pinch points?

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