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Elbow to headline in 2014

Guest ninetyeightytwo

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Has it's moments, but nothing that really impresses me. Fly Boy Blue/Lunette is the highlight. I read an interview with Guy Garvey the other day where he said he hadn't played much of a role in the arrangement of that one, and would have done it differently himself. Makes you wonder if some of the other songs would be musically more interesting if Guy just stuck to the lyrics and let the others lads sort out the arrangements.

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Has it's moments, but nothing that really impresses me. Fly Boy Blue/Lunette is the highlight. I read an interview with Guy Garvey the other day where he said he hadn't played much of a role in the arrangement of that one, and would have done it differently himself. Makes you wonder if some of the other songs would be musically more interesting if Guy just stuck to the lyrics and let the others lads sort out the arrangements.

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Massive Elbow Fan, love the Elbow and The Take and Landing of Everything is great. Really do just listening to the lyrics of Guy Garvey. He is a writer of songs and composer of music and this album is just just full of his brilliance.

Nothing not to like, can kinda understand the reviews but after listen and listening it gets better better!

Edited by PurpleFire
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some pointed excerpts from Alexis Petridis' review in the Guardian last week (sorry if posted already, too lazy to scroll back)

"but Elbow don't really seem the kind of band that are ever going to throw a shocking curveball. They deal in solid dependability, a reliable standard of craftsmanship, rather than the springing of huge surprises" - this is perhaps a greater statement on the type of setlist we could expect from them if they were to be promoted to a pyramid headline spot

and..on 'Day Like This'

"The song undoubtedly casts a long shadow over Elbow's career. But six years on, they're still playing the biggest venues in the country: their forthcoming tour takes in the O2, the SECC and the glamorously named Manchester Phones4U Arena. Even the most cynical naysayer might be forced to concede that you can't sustain that level of success for that long by milking a solitary hit, however ominpresent said solitary hit remains. Forty quid a ticket seems a lot of money to hear one song, particularly one you hear about three times a week, whether you want to or not."

it is a shame that most of those arena seats are going to be filled by those looking for "One Day Like This" or "OPen Arms". love the band, think Guy Garvey would be a great person to have a few pints with or walk around Glastonbury with, but just don't like the direction they are heading

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some pointed excerpts from Alexis Petridis' review in the Guardian last week (sorry if posted already, too lazy to scroll back)

"but Elbow don't really seem the kind of band that are ever going to throw a shocking curveball. They deal in solid dependability, a reliable standard of craftsmanship, rather than the springing of huge surprises" - this is perhaps a greater statement on the type of setlist we could expect from them if they were to be promoted to a pyramid headline spot

and..on 'Day Like This'

"The song undoubtedly casts a long shadow over Elbow's career. But six years on, they're still playing the biggest venues in the country: their forthcoming tour takes in the O2, the SECC and the glamorously named Manchester Phones4U Arena. Even the most cynical naysayer might be forced to concede that you can't sustain that level of success for that long by milking a solitary hit, however ominpresent said solitary hit remains. Forty quid a ticket seems a lot of money to hear one song, particularly one you hear about three times a week, whether you want to or not."

it is a shame that most of those arena seats are going to be filled by those looking for "One Day Like This" or "OPen Arms". love the band, think Guy Garvey would be a great person to have a few pints with or walk around Glastonbury with, but just don't like the direction they are heading

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The telling thing about their 2011 Glasto set list was for me the fact that they played only 4 songs from the most recent album and 6 from the previous album. That tells you all you need to know about BARB. I actually think it is very rare that they don't play anything pre SSK, at Latitude in 2012 they played LOTW and Scattered, and when I saw them at the O2 they did Grace under Pressure, Leaders of the Free World, Fugitive Motel and Puncture Repair (but not Scattered unfortunately) Bloody brilliant

These 'guys' aren't stupid, they know they will not get away with regurgitating SSK again at Glasto. Yes, they will always play One Day Like This (and maybe Open Arms) but will ceratinly drop a few from SSK and BARB now) I can put up with One Day Like This, as long as the other 10-15 songs are a good mix from albums other than SSK, including earlier stuff. A nice sprinkling of Scattered Blacek and Whites, Grace Under Pressure, LOTW and Fugitive Motel and all will be great in the Elbow world again.

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I used to love Elbow and they produced some fantastic albums. I thought last one was gash but after reading the 5 star review in Q I thought I'd get the new one. Judging by reviews I'll have a listen on Spotify before parting with cash.

Can understand. for popularity why they only play recent stuff but it does annoy me,cause the best of Elbow is well before albums 4 and 5.

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I'd never really listened to much elbow as i had the pre-conception that they were a bit dull and not rock n roll enough for me. Yeah of course I'd heard (and liked tbf) the two catchy singles off SSK so knowing they are likely to play the festival this year i thought I'd properly check them out.

Seldom Seen Kid is a great album. Some really great songs on it (glitter ball, skin of you etc) so I started to think that I was a bit of a fan, and wondered why I had ignored them in the past!

Excitedly i stuck on the rocket album.


They are a bit dull and not rock n roll enough for me arent they?

I want to like them now, at least a bit, but the reviews of the new album arent exactly encouraging. clash permitting i should be there for a bit of their set at least anyway and there ends my story. thank you for listening

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Not sure what the fuss is all about, the new album is good and and an improvement on Build a Rocket Boys. Lunette is up there with the best they have ever done with great lyrics about smoking and drinking "the tip to my lips just remind me to breathe".

The rest is good particularly Sad Captain although there is no effort to write another One Day Like This like they did with Open Arms. If you weren't an Elbow fan before it will probably not keep you entertained though!

Good to see them still on form ready for Glastonbury.

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Just listened to it and I think it's very good. A million miles better than BARB. They've wisely avoided the big mantra songs like One Day and Open Arms and it really works as a collection of songs, a lot less fragmented than the last couple of albums.

Don't know if I'd watch them if they play though.

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3 plays today & it's growing on me. I love the multi track vocals when done right but there's a few occasions where you can tell they're there for some call & response live show action.

Dont get all the criticism for BARB either, is probably my second favourite after COT.

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Not sure what the fuss is all about, the new album is good and and an improvement on Build a Rocket Boys. Lunette is up there with the best they have ever done with great lyrics about smoking and drinking "the tip to my lips just remind me to breathe".

The rest is good particularly Sad Captain although there is no effort to write another One Day Like This like they did with Open Arms. If you weren't an Elbow fan before it will probably not keep you entertained though!

Good to see them still on form ready for Glastonbury.

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NME in the middle ground? Up until now they've dealt in either foaming at the mouth declerations of "best album ever! You need to love this band to be trendy" or lynch-mob style assassinations of the artist that made the album.

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I know I am on my own here but I am loving the new album! It's really mellow, which i appreciate some would say would turn you to sleep. I am finding I am playing it all the way through without fast forwarding any of it, something I rarely do. The stand out tracks are the two they promoted before the release,, but I am loving the rest to. I understand why others find it dull but for me it all just works.

I am not sure how much of the album would work particularly well live, a bit too much slow and mellow stuff for a festival crowd, but take 2 or 3 from each of their earlier albums, less from SSK this time round please, and more 'louder' ones from earlier albums and it could be great, not as headliners though.

As I said in my drunken post last week, my only criticism is that the album is a bit too Garvey orientated, it would have been nice to have a bit more of the band doing their thing to liven it up here and there, but still like it as it is

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