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Elbow to headline in 2014

Guest ninetyeightytwo

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Well, we saw Elbow yesterday for their first gig in 14 months in Paradiso Amsterdam.

To keep it short: it was fantastic!

The band was in good shape and extended with 4 girls on violins, trombone and trumpet.

They played a lot of songs of their new album, all those songs sounded beautiful performed live.

The good news is that the whole show was recorded on video, which will be broadcast on April 5th in The Netherlands (Channel 3).

You can probably watch the show then also on www.3voor12.vpro.nl

More info (in Dutch) http://3voor12.vpro.nl/nieuws/2014/maart/Elbow-live-in-Paradiso.html

Let's hope Elbow will be back on Glastonbury as well. I will be at the front row!

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i think they have forgotten all their old fans from day one or just after LOFW , it would be nice to bring out some of the old faves, but i have said before either Guys not up for it or can't hit those long high notes anymore. or they have now got a new audience to pander too. I won't be seeing them this year, i need to listen again to the new album, but was not a fan on first listening, it flattered to deceive from the single and New York Morning ( which is great BTW ) which are by far the best songs on the album.

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Yes - My Sad Captains is one of my favs of the new album.

Must agree with the majority of posts though sadly that the new album is not that great - although it has got better with each listen - like most Elbow albums - and then hopefully will sound better having heard it live.

What is with the hating of SSK though? I personally like it - yes I agree that they should play some of their older songs Stadium Approach, Scattered Black & Whites etc but I still think some of the songs of SSK are great.

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Yes - My Sad Captains is one of my favs of the new album.

Must agree with the majority of posts though sadly that the new album is not that great - although it has got better with each listen - like most Elbow albums - and then hopefully will sound better having heard it live.

What is with the hating of SSK though? I personally like it - yes I agree that they should play some of their older songs Stadium Approach, Scattered Black & Whites etc but I still think some of the songs of SSK are great.

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I really don't get the insistence that they should be playing large sections of asleep in the back or cast of thousands. They're old albums, they've played them to death live. Its perfectly understandable that they concentrate on their new material, otherwise what's the point of them releasing it?

On a side note, they did scattered black and whites at jodrell, all be it that Garvey noted himself it was a rarity. And I'm struggling to think of a time when I've seen them in the last few years and they havent played station approach.

Didn't think much of the new album on first listen - but them I never have with an elbow album. I've learnt to put the effortin with them though and I now think the new one is great.

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I really don't get the insistence that they should be playing large sections of asleep in the back or cast of thousands. They're old albums, they've played them to death live. Its perfectly understandable that they concentrate on their new material, otherwise what's the point of them releasing it?

On a side note, they did scattered black and whites at jodrell, all be it that Garvey noted himself it was a rarity. And I'm struggling to think of a time when I've seen them in the last few years and they havent played station approach.

Didn't think much of the new album on first listen - but them I never have with an elbow album. I've learnt to put the effortin with them though and I now think the new one is great.

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They haven't done a full gig though this year have they? They're all warm ups and even the last two were about two thirds of a full set. Quite happy to stand corrected if they don't do station, grace or leaders when the arena tour starts, but I'd be very surprised if they don't.

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