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Things you'll do differently next year?

Guest markeee

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Unfortunately I can't remember what it was called. I bought it on line from a cider producer in Somerset. It was then delivered to me in Birmingham, only for me to take it back down to Somerset. I guess I'm feeling a little bit guilty of my carbon footprint on that little manouvre.

The positive aspect in all this was that I am no longer going to have loads of differing ciders at my wedding next year in East Pennard. We were going to have lots of different ciders and local ales for people to enjoy. I can no longer take that gamble as I'll not be able to try them all before the day. Therefore we are going to have a normal bar where everybody gets to drink what they actually want to drink, rather than our 'forced' lets drink local stuff idea. The slip up at Glastonbury actually helped in the long run. I'm actually glad it happened really, although I wasn't that happy about it at the time.

Edited by Thearg
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Sorry to hear about your Cider misshap Yoghurt,Ciders can be really touch and go,there are a lot of dire ones out there,next time try this stuff http://www.thatcherscider.co.uk/product/the-cider/draught/thatchers-cheddar-valley-draught-cider.ashx its nectar or the Traditional if you prefer a medium.

If you go into the orchard shop on the way you can test them all.

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Thanks for the info Thearg. I like trying different ciders. The problem I have is that most of the ones I like come in glass bottles and not cans ie. no good to me at Glastonbury. I may well try some of that Thatchers stuff though. If it's nice I could then bring a shed load of it in a box to the next Glastonbury.

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I want to bring less gear next time, but I literally consumed everything I carried this time. Coming as part of a group we all seemed to travel light, but the combination of group items like disposable bbq, food, water and booze for 4 people really added up.

I'm going to get a smaller tent, this was the first year where I felt like we were being greedy for space. I saw a nice eurohike by me (friends of the Pink oboe flag people, I believe) which had reflective outer and was a little smaller than my current tent (eurohike avon 3 man).

Booze wise 2l of spirits works out perfect for me to be able to be sharing and drink at the bars all weekend.

Money wise I spent around £500 including travel, but I was buying meals and drinks for family here and there in amongst that, on my own I reckon I could get by on £150.

I think this year will be the last where I take the kids as their dad and from next year it is every person for themselves, my daughter will be 20 and my son 21 so I reckon they don't need their dad to look out for them anymore :)

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Hopefully have the two of our gang who didn't make it this year (they opted for a holiday in Australia instead) back with us. One has a VW Camper and it sits nicely alongside my caravan to make a great encampment.

Other than that, spend even more time in the Greenfields.

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I bought a camper van yesterday (picking it up from Wales next week). May well use it if I get tickets for next years festival. The only downside will be not camping with my mates, as I have done every year I've been. Going to have to think about this one.

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- Stay in either CV or WV , looks much more civilised and chilled.

- Spend more time on my own! Went with a large group and they just spent large chunks of the day waiting around for people to go toilets / bar / food / randomly wandering off .... and doing largely nothing, missing acts that I was looking forward to seeing (GOAT - arrrrrghhhh so pissed I missed these) Found this so infuriating - ended up just going off on my own and you see soooooo much more, do exactly what you want and dont have to worry about anyone else.

- Spend more time in Circus / Park / Greenfields and less at Pyramid / Other

- Go the Rabbit Hole

- Take a proper camera

- Take my Goretex jacket, rain mac totally inadequate, should have took my walking jacket and put in lockups instead of leaving at home terrified it would get stolen / ciggy burned / lost.

Edited by badger80
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- Stay in either CV or WV , looks much more civilised and chilled.

- Spend more time on my own! Went with a large group and they just spent large chunks of the day waiting around for people to go toilets / bar / food / randomly wandering off .... and doing largely nothing, missing acts that I was looking forward to seeing (GOAT - arrrrrghhhh so pissed I missed these) Found this so infuriating - ended up just going off on my own and you see soooooo much more, do exactly what you want and dont have to worry about anyone else.

- Spend more time in Circus / Park / Greenfields and less at Pyramid / Other

- Go the Rabbit Hole

- Take a proper camera

- Take my Goretex jacket, rain mac totally inadequate, should have took my walking jacket and put in lockups instead of leaving at home terrified it would get stolen / ciggy burned / lost.

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If we get a ticket and go as punters and arent working then am going to take my son. Because we were working this year we didnt do any late night stuff and though that was odd it showed me that we can do it and it wont be as much of a leap to take him and climb back to WV or TF after the headliners.

If we are working again then I need to buy some really good earplugs and book off the tuesday afterwards and go down earlier so we can enjoy the site before the shifts start.

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i would like to invest in a bigger tent for next year, as this year there was no room to move inside the tent when getting dressed. i would also like to spend bit more time at the craft field, and get there early enough too book in and make something. also i would like to go round the circus fields because we just didn't have enough like this year

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You wont be disappointed.There's a pub I drink down in Dorset,more of a Cider house really,That's all anybody drinks in there.

All the locals drink it with ice,it tastes and looks a bit like an unsweet orange squash,very easy to drink so very dangerous.About 3 pints gets you squiffy and 6,you cant remember what happened the next day.

Proper old school drunk

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I've realised the SE corner (and possibly Arcadia) holds no fun for me. Its the most overcrowded area of the festival and I found it impossible to enjoy myself with so many people crammed into one place. After I'd decided that (after DJ Yoda on the Friday), I enjoyed my late nights much more by just wandering round and finding random bars/music.

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After 6 Glastonburys, I still haven't worked out the best way to survive staying up late every night. The problem is all the late night areas, which I want to experience, are too packed between midnight and 2am. This leaves about 2 hours of time to waste. If I go back to the tent, I'll be liable to fall asleep. Another problem is that if I stay up until 5 then I only end up getting 3 hours sleep, which makes the next day a struggle.

Does anyone have any advice? Napping between midnight and 2am - does this ever work? Napping in the daytime - are you missing out on too much? Are there ways of staying asleep in a tent in the morning? Are there places open midnight til 2am that aren't too busy but are still enjoyable?

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Bringing arcadia out into the open has meant that a second shift now heads to the SE corner around 2, keeping it steady through the night after the initial rush. I think this helps alot.

Camping too far away to bother returning to the tent apart from sleeping was a good idea this year. I got several good nights' kip and was out and about for 16-18 hours per day. I was really impressed with my stamina, best I've ever managed at Glastonbury, a festival I have previously been close to collapse from exhaustion by Saturday before.

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