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what did you get up too on the wednesday night?

Guest Northernsoul45

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missed the fireworks but saw them from the tent we then went up to the stone circle shortly after fw's from oxylers that short journey took ages as we ended up chatting to strangers all the way, bought a few of those flame torches a bag of weed and stayed at the stone circle for a few hours , then on the way back had a little dance where the glade pizza place was

Edited by monkey1989
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We just met up with some other friends who were camping over the other side of the site to us, had a couple of drinks with them then wandered around the site having some drinks at various bars as we went along - headed back to the tent about midnight I think! Lovely & chilled, due to arriving & getting set up so much earlier than usual this year!

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Cider at the cider bus first and then had a hot mug of rum & ginger beer while peddling an excercise bike in a bar which I think was in the unfair ground?

Ended up on the hill & got back to my tent around 3, I'm pretty sure I did some other stuff too but my memory has popped it somewhere for safekeeping ;)

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Something along the lines of got camped, got drunk, bought camping chairs, sat on said camping chairs, made friends with neighbours, sat up at the Glastonbury sign and got stonned for a couple of hours, drank more, saw neighbours then slept. Honestly I don't think I drank that much Wednesday but about 8/9 o'clock onwards are a massive blur.

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Meandered onto site about 11.00am from cv east, grabbed breaky in Greenfields and then meandered around Greenfields/Healing fields. Made a leather bracelet then wandered to the cider bus, chatted to friends from home, chatted to Mardy and Lucious Lucy and said hi to a few others, then left around erm I have no idea to grab something to eat, and then went to the late night area,

Some of it was open and had a few beers in the bar of idea's - cut my leg in there (I think it was in there) whilst climbing through a tunnel (as you do) and to be honest had a damn good giggle and explore before heading back to camp in the early hours

A lovely bimble day :-)

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i thought Wednesday was probably my best day at Glasto.

parked up about 10:30, straight in through Gate A with zero queues and straight to bushy Ground.

The night was brill, spent it in the park. just went from bar to bar to bar!! only spent about half in each bar and just kept going round them all night :) (rabbit bar was the best)

missed the fireworks though :( saw the bird shaped bonfire but didnt see it on fire....i dont think?!?

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We wandered down from cv east at about 12ish.Mooched around Greenfields for a bit.Wednesday was my birthday so husband treated me to a massage in the healing fields followed by a cream tea (lovely scones!).

We were back at the van early evening for barbecue and watched a bit of Wimbledon out the back of the van while taking in the festival view. Lovely.

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Wandered and marvelled about the site with a few newbies. Laughed so hard.

Ended up deciding to go to sleep at what turned out to be only about midnight, felt like about 4am, but to be fair I'd been up since 7am Tuesday.

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Had camp set up by about 10AM tried to get a power nap in but couldnt fall asleep (had been up like about 1PM Tuesday aswell).

Ended up having a few drinks round the camp till about 1:30PM, then off exploring, ended up at the brothers bar, then then smallish tent near the cabaret tent that was really packed playing alot of disco tunes, wandered round shangrila etc after there then ended u in London Underground til about 2 which was really good, then the stone circle for sunrise

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Onsite by 7.30am, got some power napping in mid afternoon after a bimble and then went to meet up with friends to go up the stone circle. As we arrived my son's first introduction to my mate's dad was him dressed as a christmas tree made out of rags with red LEDs as part of the ceremony (for which he was late), which sort of set the tone of the rest of our evening.

Sometime after midnight we were checking if the secret entrance to Shangri la was still there (it is) and discovered the place was sort of open (but then again sort of not) and had a wander round there before meeting back up with my son to finish off the night at the brothers bar singing cheesy 80s and 90s hits drunkenly, then head home via various interesting characters on the way.

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Sat content by the tents for a while after just squeezing into Pennard then ventured over to the hill near the glastonbury sign for a view over the whole site for our newbies. Mooched over to the cider bus for a while then up to the stone circle to see the phoenix set aflame then fireworks and flares and much singing with the hare krishna bongo troupe :)

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onsite by 8.30am as had stayed overnight in carpark, stayed in Bailey's for 5th time in a row, we like it there! Had first beer once put two tents up, one for us and one for friends, sat watching everyone else arrive and putting tents up, wife had a nap. Went for a bimble around lunchtime taking cans with us, a good wander around site seeing what was different, finding fave places to eat, had lunch then wandered through the market area of Avalon, had a lie down and some beers in Avalon. Then up to top of park to take in view and a few more beers.

Went back to tent early evening awaiting our friends who had been held up due to problems at work. They made it on site by 8.30pm, went to meet them at Gate D and help them to our camp.

They dumped their stuff and we headed to the park, all ate at the italian there, i had meatballs and pasta. Had a few drinks in the Bimble Inn and wandered back to tent about 12.30am.

Very nice and relaxing start to the weekend!

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Bacon rolls and cuppas in the campervan then wandered in about midday to explore. Spent some time in the arvo chilling at the stone circle until the constant hiss of laughing gass got on our nerves. Managed to meet up with pretty much all of our mates at the cider bus early eve and just enjoyed the building excitement! Watched the fireworks then headed for bed as we we're attempting to pace ourselves (yer right!!)

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I walked with my girlfriend to the efests Cider Bus meet and ordered two pints of cider. Took one sip and thought the taste unpalatable beyond my wildest imaginings. We then went to the left (as you look at the bus) and stayed near the fence to have a look around. Realised there was no way of meeting anybody other than to barge in on groups, so decided we decided we'd go. Then had a call from friends who wanted to meet us so we decided to stay and meet them at the Cider Bus. They turned up quite soon. One group were happily pissed. Two others had got in early on the Wednesday and had taken so many bits and bobs that they were gurning for their country. I decided that I must have some of that gurning and promptly took a few bits and bobs myself.

It all gets a bit too wierd after that but I do remember us snorting something off my girlfriends bag in the Stone Circle. We were liberally being coated in hot wax from a flare at the time being wielded by my girlfriends son. Who really should know better at 23 years old. Decided that the Stone Circle was a load of bollocks and went back to the tent early. We went straight to bed and sleep. The result of this early night was that we woke up early at 5am. Me and the girlfriend decided to have the hair of the dog and then went for it. But that's another day.

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