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The "I had a great time" thread

Guest efcfanwirral

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What is it with NME and bad writing. She was in Essex on the 17th not 18th and I thought the nandos thing was a while ago unless she did it twice.

She did act like a brat but I don't really care. V probably knew what she would be like so they could have just given her a special area away from other acts or whatever. She doesn't really deserve it more than anyone else but if it made other people happier too then it could be a good idea

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Oh that sounds shocking. Wonder if they have had it pointed out to them yet.

To me IOW is a downgrade because there aren't many headliners I would pay to see as I aren't into most of them. The second stage isn't much different either really. There is a decent under card for me most years but subs and headliners don't quite do it for me

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not V related but NME related - they published this after the Friday of Courteeners at Castlefield http://www.nme.com/news/the-courteeners/71281. The setlist is actually wrong,

'Last Of The Ladies'


'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out'

They didn't do Last of the Ladies or There is a Light....they must have gone on the printed setlist as they did Marquee, How Come, Yesterday Today and Probably Tomorrow as the acoustic bit, and played Fallowfield Hilbilly after it, also not on the NME setlist. Shambolic and utterly bizarre journalism considering they were clearly there as they talked about the weather and a quote from Liam on stage.

The Smiths cover came the next day....not as much of a surprise to me however as I'd already read that!

Edited by efcfanwirral
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Oh that sounds shocking. Wonder if they have had it pointed out to them yet.

To me IOW is a downgrade because there aren't many headliners I would pay to see as I aren't into most of them. The second stage isn't much different either really. There is a decent under card for me most years but subs and headliners don't quite do it for me

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My Review of V Festival 2013 Chelmsford

Friday (Getting there)

We arrived at the coach pick up point at 8:30, got a drink and food from the Pumpkin Cafe at Portsmouth train station and waited for the coach to arrive at 9:30. One coach came and left half full, leaving a huge crowd of us V goers thinking what was happening. Half an hour later, two more coaches came. We gave our bags to the person putting them on the coach and got near the back of the coach, with only 1 group of people behind us. After another half an hour we set off for V; 3 hours later, having had a McDonalds stop on the way, we arrived at Chelmsford. After getting our wristbands and Lanyard from the Big Green Coach cabin, we embarked on our walk to the campsite. With a few already drunken knobs walking the other way shouting how far we still had to go, we made it through the campsite entrance and decided where to try pitch the tent. Once we walked for a few minutes, we slotted in between two other tents, pitched up, and had some food and drink. We started hearing ALAN shouts straight away and had a laugh. We walked around the campsite, got our bearings and got some greasy food. Once that settled, we went on to the arena. Not knowing the quickest way to get there, we went out of the gate we came through and followed the crowd. About 15-20 mins later we got the the arena entrance and went through. We looked round what parts of the arena we could see, found the 4music stage and Arena, looked round a few stalls and chatted to a few people. At about 9:00 we went to the disco in the Arena and danced around for abit, having a laugh and a sing a long. Once the two girls thought it was getting abit shit we headed out of the Arena, looked round abit more then went back to the tent. After a few more drinks and more food we tried getting to sleep, which isnt that hard once you get used to the ALAN shouts :P

To Be Continued

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Saturday at V

Once we woke up and smelt the V air, we got changed and went to get some food. Cold sausages, uncooked bacon, a hard fried egg and stale hard bread didn't quite do it for me, so I got some food we brought with us. Once the girls managed to stomach their cold breakfast roll, we chilled, chatted and eventually moved on to the arena. Not really knowing where to go, we went out of the top exit of the campsite and followed the crowd to the arena. Instead of taking 20 mins we got there in 5 so we knew which way we would be going from then on. After having our wristbands checked and the security pretending to check our bottles, we were in. We walked past the Arena and down to the 4music stage to get some early lunch and watch abit of our first act, The Pigeon Detectives.

While not really knowing many of the songs, we enjoyed the atmosphere and heard a few we had heard before (although I couldnt name them). The lead singer interacted with the crowd abit and asked everyone to get on each others shoulders to make the tallest crowd. Security guards wouldnt have been too impressed, but a fair few people did it for a song or two then got down. After throwing bottles of water into the crowd they ended their set and we walked off to the Arena.

Once we got to the Arena to see Nina Nesbitt, we worked our way through to get a reasonably good place to see her and see the screens. I had worked out we missed some of the beginning songs, much to my disappointment as I only recognised two of the songs she played once we got there. She sounded good and talked to the crowd abit between songs, saying bits about if anyone was going home that night they might hear her on a new advert, closely followed by her playing her cover of Fleetwood Mac's 'Dont stop thinking about tomorrow.' A few songs after she played her biggest hit 'Stay Out' which I managed to sing a long to. Once Nina finished her set, we went back to the tent to take the girls bags and money back to the tent, get some more food & drink then head back the the arena.

On the way back to the arena, we were all offered shots of the compressed gas many people were doing over the weekend. The floor was already covered with used balloons and discarded cartridges of gas, and we were only beginning the day. Once we got to the Arena, we caught the end half of Gabrielle Aplin's set which made for easy listening in the early afternoon.

This contrasted dramatically with the next act we stuck around for as we didnt know where else to go. We headed into the crowd as Netsky started...within 5 mins we decided it wasnt the act for us and we quickly exited. Less said about that the better, but at least we can say we avoided the mosh pits starting all around us.

As we didnt know where to go, we wandered around the stalls and the girls were drawn to a strongman game, where big headed gym users paid to hang from a bar to win a prize. Time after time they got to 1 minute and fell off. making it to 1 min 20 won £4, making it to 1 min 25 won £10 and making it to 1 min 30 won £20, well the prizes were something like that. Everyone bigged themselves up saying they would easily take the top prize, and I think we stood there for half an hour and saw 1 person win anything more than the £4 prize.

After wasting half an hour, we moved on to see a bit of Paloma Faith, our first act on the main stage. I am not a fan of her, but I didnt want to say anything to dampen the mood. She performed like she usually does, alot of hand movements and strange props and a golden microphone. She made noise like she usually does too, I tried to blank that out though. Once the girls got bored we went to get some more food from the tent, stopping off at Maverick Sabre for a song or two and seeing him end his set. He sounded pretty good and I do like his voice, I just dont like the same sound for that many songs so I didnt push to see him for long. Once we got to the tent to pick jackets up just incase it might rain and got back, we sat and watched the end of Of Monsters and Men, one of the acts I would have loved to have seen in full. We heard the last two songs, ending with Mountain Sound I think. They finished their set and we got up and into the crowd ready for Labrinth.

After waiting for 20 mins, Labrinth came on and was dressed as sharp as ever. Starting with Last Time, he got the crowd going as good as anyone else had done do far that day, although he didnt have much to compete with. A few songs after he played his cover of Pass out, which he started with an electric guitar. He sung the song better than I thought, and moved onto Let The Sun Shine. If the clouds had parted to really let the sun shine it would have been brilliant, but the clouds didnt dampen the spirits for Earthquake. The crowd were very active and sung the words back to Labrinth with not too many knobs pushing and shoving where we were. A few bottles were thrown over us but none felt too warm so we didnt worry that it was piss too much. Once Labrinth finished, it seemed alot of people were going where we were; to catch the end of Jessie J and stick at the main stage until the end of the night.

Jessie J wasn't wearing a wig like I thought she might, but we were near the side so we had to rely on the screens instead of trying to see her on stage. We heard a few big hits she left for the end of the set and had a singalong with the rest of the crowd. As she was about to finish, she hyped the crowd up for The Script and said she would try to see Beyonce, as many of the people in the crowd were staying to see Bey.

Once Jessie finished, we moved forward in the crowd as a couple of groups moved out to see other acts. We, like many, thought we saw gaps in the crowd and tried getting through them only to notice it wasnt a gap it was a few people sat on the ground. I dont see why people would do that, as it takes up more room than standing and it makes it far easier to get trampled on. I saw a few people falling over into the people sat on the floor but I had no sympathy for the people on the floor. Anyway, we moved forwards again so we could see the screens and the stage for when The Script came on. After a few songs and adverts on the big screens, the guys came on stage and started playing hit after hit. One key part of the set that stood out for me is when Danny rung someone and played a song down the phone to the guy, getting the crowd to sing along down the phone. Another stand out moment was when Danny and Mark, the guitarist, downed bottles of beer on stage, egging each other on to drink which the crowd seemed to enjoy. The fireworks that fired throughout the set looked nice as the sky dimmed and got darker, and Danny climbed into the crowd to sing for a short while. Labrinth made another appearance, singing Earthquake again which the crowd enjoyed just as much, then singing Will.I.Am's parts on Hall of Fame. The set was great and it looked like everyone else enjoyed it.

As The Script finished, some small groups left to see other acts, but the large majority stayed to see Beyonce. A large push from the back caused the crowd to be more compressed than I had been used to all day, with it being hard to move anywhere within 10 minutes of The Script finishing. The rain started to come down slowly, the stage was being set for Beyonce. As we waited and waited for beyonce, boos and chants started appearing when her scheduled appearance time came and passed. 20 mins after she was meant to come on stage, the screens came on, her dancers came on and eventually Beyonce was there, on stage, infront of us. The crowd went wild with screams and cheers, a direct opposite to what they were like 5 mins before. As Beyonce started, she sounded great and her dance moves were executed with perfect precision. The crowd was very compact so not room for much dancing, but Beyonce made up for that with her show. After every few songs she went to go change outfit, which I liked but I know other people didnt like. For 'If I were a Boy' she performed with a string band behind her, changing the feel and the speed of the song. At various other times she stopped her songs and talked to the crowd, spending a few minutes to thank everyone for waiting for her in the rain. She also spent a few minutes just getting people to say 'Hi Miss Carter' or something, which I felt was a bit of a waste when she could have performed another song but it did sound good with 40,000 people saying the same thing in sync. After a while we moved back as the heat of being in the crowd and the proximity of everyone made my girlfriend feel feint, so we ventured back and we soon realized how many people were there. It took longer to get out of the crowd than it did to walk from 4music stage to the main stage earlier in the day. We missed a few songs, but I dont know which ones as I was more focussed on getting some space. As we got to the back, we still had a fair view of the screens but there was no real point looking at the stage as Beyonce looked so small. As she played a few older songs, she claimed the night was not over yet. I thought 'this has to be a colab with someone' but it wasnt and she played her Encore, 'Halo'. She still sounded good even that far back, and the girls had a bit of a sing and dance to end the night. As we were near the back anyway, getting out of the arena wasnt too bad as most of the Steve Angello crowd had reached the exit before we did so we walked straight out and went back to the campsite for another night. We talked about our day and had a laugh, but the ALAN shouts didnt keep us awake too much. Off to sleep and ready for the next day.

A long review, I know not many people will read it all but I said I would do one so there ya go Poth and Boris and anyone else that mentioned me whilst in talks about reviewing V :D

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Saturday at V

Once we woke up and smelt the V air, we got changed and went to get some food. Cold sausages, uncooked bacon, a hard fried egg and stale hard bread didn't quite do it for me, so I got some food we brought with us. Once the girls managed to stomach their cold breakfast roll, we chilled, chatted and eventually moved on to the arena. Not really knowing where to go, we went out of the top exit of the campsite and followed the crowd to the arena. Instead of taking 20 mins we got there in 5 so we knew which way we would be going from then on. After having our wristbands checked and the security pretending to check our bottles, we were in. We walked past the Arena and down to the 4music stage to get some early lunch and watch abit of our first act, The Pigeon Detectives.

While not really knowing many of the songs, we enjoyed the atmosphere and heard a few we had heard before (although I couldnt name them). The lead singer interacted with the crowd abit and asked everyone to get on each others shoulders to make the tallest crowd. Security guards wouldnt have been too impressed, but a fair few people did it for a song or two then got down. After throwing bottles of water into the crowd they ended their set and we walked off to the Arena.

Once we got to the Arena to see Nina Nesbitt, we worked our way through to get a reasonably good place to see her and see the screens. I had worked out we missed some of the beginning songs, much to my disappointment as I only recognised two of the songs she played once we got there. She sounded good and talked to the crowd abit between songs, saying bits about if anyone was going home that night they might hear her on a new advert, closely followed by her playing her cover of Fleetwood Mac's 'Dont stop thinking about tomorrow.' A few songs after she played her biggest hit 'Stay Out' which I managed to sing a long to. Once Nina finished her set, we went back to the tent to take the girls bags and money back to the tent, get some more food & drink then head back the the arena.

On the way back to the arena, we were all offered shots of the compressed gas many people were doing over the weekend. The floor was already covered with used balloons and discarded cartridges of gas, and we were only beginning the day. Once we got to the Arena, we caught the end half of Gabrielle Aplin's set which made for easy listening in the early afternoon.

This contrasted dramatically with the next act we stuck around for as we didnt know where else to go. We headed into the crowd as Netsky started...within 5 mins we decided it wasnt the act for us and we quickly exited. Less said about that the better, but at least we can say we avoided the mosh pits starting all around us.

As we didnt know where to go, we wandered around the stalls and the girls were drawn to a strongman game, where big headed gym users paid to hang from a bar to win a prize. Time after time they got to 1 minute and fell off. making it to 1 min 20 won £4, making it to 1 min 25 won £10 and making it to 1 min 30 won £20, well the prizes were something like that. Everyone bigged themselves up saying they would easily take the top prize, and I think we stood there for half an hour and saw 1 person win anything more than the £4 prize.

After wasting half an hour, we moved on to see a bit of Paloma Faith, our first act on the main stage. I am not a fan of her, but I didnt want to say anything to dampen the mood. She performed like she usually does, alot of hand movements and strange props and a golden microphone. She made noise like she usually does too, I tried to blank that out though. Once the girls got bored we went to get some more food from the tent, stopping off at Maverick Sabre for a song or two and seeing him end his set. He sounded pretty good and I do like his voice, I just dont like the same sound for that many songs so I didnt push to see him for long. Once we got to the tent to pick jackets up just incase it might rain and got back, we sat and watched the end of Of Monsters and Men, one of the acts I would have loved to have seen in full. We heard the last two songs, ending with Mountain Sound I think. They finished their set and we got up and into the crowd ready for Labrinth.

After waiting for 20 mins, Labrinth came on and was dressed as sharp as ever. Starting with Last Time, he got the crowd going as good as anyone else had done do far that day, although he didnt have much to compete with. A few songs after he played his cover of Pass out, which he started with an electric guitar. He sung the song better than I thought, and moved onto Let The Sun Shine. If the clouds had parted to really let the sun shine it would have been brilliant, but the clouds didnt dampen the spirits for Earthquake. The crowd were very active and sung the words back to Labrinth with not too many knobs pushing and shoving where we were. A few bottles were thrown over us but none felt too warm so we didnt worry that it was piss too much. Once Labrinth finished, it seemed alot of people were going where we were; to catch the end of Jessie J and stick at the main stage until the end of the night.

Jessie J wasn't wearing a wig like I thought she might, but we were near the side so we had to rely on the screens instead of trying to see her on stage. We heard a few big hits she left for the end of the set and had a singalong with the rest of the crowd. As she was about to finish, she hyped the crowd up for The Script and said she would try to see Beyonce, as many of the people in the crowd were staying to see Bey.

Once Jessie finished, we moved forward in the crowd as a couple of groups moved out to see other acts. We, like many, thought we saw gaps in the crowd and tried getting through them only to notice it wasnt a gap it was a few people sat on the ground. I dont see why people would do that, as it takes up more room than standing and it makes it far easier to get trampled on. I saw a few people falling over into the people sat on the floor but I had no sympathy for the people on the floor. Anyway, we moved forwards again so we could see the screens and the stage for when The Script came on. After a few songs and adverts on the big screens, the guys came on stage and started playing hit after hit. One key part of the set that stood out for me is when Danny rung someone and played a song down the phone to the guy, getting the crowd to sing along down the phone. Another stand out moment was when Danny and Mark, the guitarist, downed bottles of beer on stage, egging each other on to drink which the crowd seemed to enjoy. The fireworks that fired throughout the set looked nice as the sky dimmed and got darker, and Danny climbed into the crowd to sing for a short while. Labrinth made another appearance, singing Earthquake again which the crowd enjoyed just as much, then singing Will.I.Am's parts on Hall of Fame. The set was great and it looked like everyone else enjoyed it.

As The Script finished, some small groups left to see other acts, but the large majority stayed to see Beyonce. A large push from the back caused the crowd to be more compressed than I had been used to all day, with it being hard to move anywhere within 10 minutes of The Script finishing. The rain started to come down slowly, the stage was being set for Beyonce. As we waited and waited for beyonce, boos and chants started appearing when her scheduled appearance time came and passed. 20 mins after she was meant to come on stage, the screens came on, her dancers came on and eventually Beyonce was there, on stage, infront of us. The crowd went wild with screams and cheers, a direct opposite to what they were like 5 mins before. As Beyonce started, she sounded great and her dance moves were executed with perfect precision. The crowd was very compact so not room for much dancing, but Beyonce made up for that with her show. After every few songs she went to go change outfit, which I liked but I know other people didnt like. For 'If I were a Boy' she performed with a string band behind her, changing the feel and the speed of the song. At various other times she stopped her songs and talked to the crowd, spending a few minutes to thank everyone for waiting for her in the rain. She also spent a few minutes just getting people to say 'Hi Miss Carter' or something, which I felt was a bit of a waste when she could have performed another song but it did sound good with 40,000 people saying the same thing in sync. After a while we moved back as the heat of being in the crowd and the proximity of everyone made my girlfriend feel feint, so we ventured back and we soon realized how many people were there. It took longer to get out of the crowd than it did to walk from 4music stage to the main stage earlier in the day. We missed a few songs, but I dont know which ones as I was more focussed on getting some space. As we got to the back, we still had a fair view of the screens but there was no real point looking at the stage as Beyonce looked so small. As she played a few older songs, she claimed the night was not over yet. I thought 'this has to be a colab with someone' but it wasnt and she played her Encore, 'Halo'. She still sounded good even that far back, and the girls had a bit of a sing and dance to end the night. As we were near the back anyway, getting out of the arena wasnt too bad as most of the Steve Angello crowd had reached the exit before we did so we walked straight out and went back to the campsite for another night. We talked about our day and had a laugh, but the ALAN shouts didnt keep us awake too much. Off to sleep and ready for the next day.

A long review, I know not many people will read it all but I said I would do one so there ya go Poth and Boris and anyone else that mentioned me whilst in talks about reviewing V :D

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I didn't do any balloons, although I did loads in Ibiza this summer, they're absolutely class, sort you right out. And I only chundered once after beer bonging a can of cider and bottle of wine one after the other. I had an absolute belter, did the festival the way it should be done. Tragic you are.

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