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going to festivals alone......

Guest kieran91

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hey, so I really wanted to go to reading and leeds this year but none of my mates have any interest what so ever in music really, they listen to chart songs and that's about it, so I was debating about going alone or not going and in the end I waited to long to decide and tickets where sold out,although I think the reason I really waited was I was unsure about going alone.

do many people go to festivals alone?, I mean if you go alone is it easy to talk to people and meet people, I mean im not mr in your face but im pretty comftable talking to people, there not just all going to stare at the weird kid on his own right? lol.

Also how safe is it aswell, because I have never been to a festival before you see and I really want to go but its all abit daunting thinking about the whole thing and going and camping there on your own.

I am thinking about going to download next year which will be on my own so im trying to get an idea of what it is like from some people online.

also is there any sites where you can go on specifically to look for other people on there to meet up with?

I would appreciate any inside information and advice anyone could give me, thanks.

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I've done it. Did Bestival 11 and 12 on my own (mates pulled out last minute as I was traveling down). Both times were amazing experiences, got chatting to lots of random people, went for enjoyable bimbles, fantastic time.

Also did Reading 11 and 12 on my own, but I live locally so just headed down 1-7pm and then back after the acts, so I don't really count that. It felt more like going to a gig on my own, than staying at a festival.

I stewarded at 5 festivals this summer, all without mates before, which was a truly fantastic experience, got talking to loads of people, made plenty of friends, several of whom I met up with at later festivals that summer.

In terms of advice:

  • The bigger the festival, the more difficult it is to find people to chat to. I've not done Glasto or V, but Reading and Download have been far less sociable, while places like 2kTrees and EOTR were insanely friendly.
  • The more extra stuff on, the less it matters that you have someone you know around. Bestival and Latitude are pretty big places, but I was quite happy just going off on my own for a bimble and exploring. Download and Reading? Far less interesting.
  • Safety is just a matter of understanding boundaries and being sensible. The vast majority of people in life, but even moreso at festivals, just want to feel comfortable and happy. If you act like a twat throwing stuff around, and you're part of a group of 20, people will usually leave you alone because they don't want to get into a fight, if you act like that on your own, it's more risky. By contrast, if you approach a bunch of people with a crate of unopened beers and offer one, they'll probably be friendly, and give you one back at a later time. Just be sensible (not necessarily the same as boring), and don't try and push people's boundaries.
  • Meeting people online carries its own risks, but it's usually safe. The best tip is that if you do it, be relaxed about it, but don't assume extra familiarity because of online conversations. Most people who meet online just want a bit of companionship and friendliness, but there's always the chance of a nutjob (just like anything). In terms of where, try the forums here, there's often a meetup or something posted about, the official forums for each festival will have similar, and I'm sure there's bookface groups if you're into that.

I'll finish though, by saying, that I'm very very glad I've become comfortable going to gigs and fests without friends, because I wouldn't have had anywhere near as many of the amazing experiences I have if I'd chickened out.

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Interestng first post.

My first thought was:

Is this the "Welcome Back ######" thread? (I thought that Preview Post might hash that out).

But Km2's post derailed me.

I've done most of my gigs and festivals on my own. I often feel myself feeling like the weird kid. Even though I'm far too old to be a kid.

Weird is allowable.

My advice?:

It's up to you who you interact with. You could go for meeting people. You could stay solo. Don't feel forced to join the cool kids gang.

Be yourself.

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I spent the Wednesday of Glastonbury alone, and that was the best day of the weekend for me. Got to wander about when I felt like it, and got to meet some brilliant people from efests. (Including the MrZigster above)

So yeah, going to festivals alone probably isn't as bad as it seems! You'll make friends in no time :D

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I've been to festivals alone, with friends and with family and all come with different pros and cons. I've never been to a festival and had a bad time, overall, even when things have gone wrong.

Take a smile and an open attitude and you'll have a much better time than a regular weekend at home I am sure.

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I turned up at Sziget last year on my own.

I found a place to camp and I said to a load of Dutch people "Is anyone camped there?" They said no, so I started to set my tent up. They said "do you want to camp with us?" so I said "yeah"

They helped me put my tent up, because I didn't have a clue how to... because it turns out I was majorly dehydrated! After going for a walk and fainting, I couldn't remember where my tent was, and thankfully they found me and escorted me back. These people hadn't known me for two hours yet!

Anyway, we had such a good time over the week and they threw me a birthday party on the last day.

I organised to go back to Sziget despite the substandard lineup (check the Sziget 2013 for lots of bitching) primarily to hang out with them. We had such an amazing time again, with lots more socialising with each other than last year. One of, if not the best, festival I've ever been to.

None of that would've happened if I hadn't gone on my own in 2012!!

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In many ways I prefer it. Sometimes going with others is hard work. I'm not 'faffy' and get frustrated with people taking too long to get their shit together. Too much to see and do for me!

That being said I'm sociable and generally make friends quite easily. Not that it bothers me when I don't, I just read my book or something - people watch, it's cool.

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if the lineup suited me i would go alone, and then camp in family/quiet camping just so it wouldn't seem so awkward for me (make sure i'm fully awake/get enough sleep - and know that there is less of a possiblilty of tw*ts around - potentially anyway)

but as others have said you just have to be sensible.

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In many ways I prefer it. Sometimes going with others is hard work. I'm not 'faffy' and get frustrated with people taking too long to get their shit together. Too much to see and do for me!

That being said I'm sociable and generally make friends quite easily. Not that it bothers me when I don't, I just read my book or something - people watch, it's cool.

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I turned up at Sziget last year on my own.

I found a place to camp and I said to a load of Dutch people "Is anyone camped there?" They said no, so I started to set my tent up. They said "do you want to camp with us?" so I said "yeah"

They helped me put my tent up, because I didn't have a clue how to... because it turns out I was majorly dehydrated! After going for a walk and fainting, I couldn't remember where my tent was, and thankfully they found me and escorted me back. These people hadn't known me for two hours yet!

Anyway, we had such a good time over the week and they threw me a birthday party on the last day.

I organised to go back to Sziget despite the substandard lineup (check the Sziget 2013 for lots of bitching) primarily to hang out with them. We had such an amazing time again, with lots more socialising with each other than last year. One of, if not the best, festival I've ever been to.

None of that would've happened if I hadn't gone on my own in 2012!!

Edited by feral chile
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  • 5 months later...

This thread is what brought me to this forum. I've got myself a ticket for SW4 2014 and none of my usual mob are up for going to it and looks like i'll be up for it alone. Reading here though it sounds like i'll be having more fun! Do many meet up from here coz i'd really be up for that!


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You're never alone at a festival - unless you choose to be. Certainly not the ones I've been to.

Glastonbury, which is about as big as they get, is a great place to make friends. Just say hello to your neighbours, offer help with things like putting up tents and perhaps share a coffee or a beer and you're away.

We're a gang of half a dozen who usually do about four fests a year. But we can't all make all of them because of work/family commitments, so gang numbers go up and down.

I'm doing Wychwood this year on my own and have already found a few people I'm looking forward to meeting up with through Efests.

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The meeting up thing can be sort of organic, I've met a handful of people from here at various festivals, including by chance that I was working on the same team as Grumpyhack (thanks again mate!) recently. Sometimes larger organised meetings can be an awkward affair for some, especially hermits like me, I went to one in '99 where people basically just wandered around asking what your username was and then wandering off if they didn't recognise it.

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Went to T on my own last year. Really enjoyed it. Was able to take pretty much everything in. Also, not needing to worry about meeting up with folk at the end of the night, could just sort of wander about. I think I got back to my tent at 4am last year after a Saturday night wander with my iPod.

Plus, nobody attempting to drag me somewhere ( which doesn't ever work, but it's annoying nonetheless ) and meeting all sorts of folk is always good.

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Whats funny is, the people i go festivals with are those that have been going quite a number of years whereas i'm a late bloomer, 33 and started last year and so far been Global Gathering and South West Four. So the people i go with are starting to get bored so the idea of meeting new people through here is an awesome one!

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I chanced across Boilerman in the queue, but didn't get to chat. He was a couple of barriers ahead of me and I overheard him in conversation about it with someone while I was queuing for the portaloo. While I never got to say hello I watched the progress of his Boilerbus drivers hat in the queue ahead and eventually passed him, asleep in a chair, when they condensed the queue about 6ish :)

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When I moved down to London 10 years ago I went to afew festivals by myself and met with folks from this site,two of which turned out to live close to where I am and we have been friends ever since.

I've bumped into afew folk from here at festivals and has always been a very organic thing and have all been lovely people but I have found that the meets never seem to work out as planned lol.

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If you haven't been to a festival before I would definitely say going to some smaller ones first before tackling Reading/Leeds would be a good idea. Just to get your confidence up a bit and get some practice in!

I love going to things by myself because it is easy. No-one to argue with, you can do exactly what you want, when you want.

No-one, I promise you, will be thinking you are weird for being by yourself.

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