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West Holts

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Meanwhile, there's an massive act that's available that would be real glam for West Holts on Saturday night's alright (for fighting dancing).

Now, that might sound like it runs the risk of getting a bigger crowd than Prince, but....

If the rumours are true, there's also a massive draw on the Other stage, which would help split the crowds in all directions.

Could be.

Edited by eFestivals
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Meanwhile, there's an massive act that's available that would be real glam for West Holts on Saturday night's alright (for fighting dancing).

Now, that might sound like it runs the risk of getting a bigger crowd than Prince, but....

If the rumours are true, there's also a massive draw on the Other stage, which would help split the crowds in all directions.

Could be.

Well that is going to have my head pickled all day now.....thanks Neil :fie:

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Elton John, on West Holts? hahaha come on now. that was never a possibility

I wasn't thinking west holts for him until I was reminded of the 'glam up' thing that West Holts put on facebook.

If Metallica were on the other stage at the same time, then I reckon its something that would have worked (tho it can't, cos he's not free on the Saturday).

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Elton as West Holts headliner on the Friday would be a fairly surreal start to the weekend, but as pipe dreams go I've encountered worse.

surely he'd rinse Arcade Fire's crowd though. they're arguably already at a risk of having a pretty small crowd. stick an act on who could probably headline the festival himself up against them and they're fucked

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it says its a gig for sports relief, so I expect it'll be loads of acts doing short sets, maybe?

I've just found out that the show is scheduled to finish at 9.30pm. That makes Glasto just about doable with the timings on the same day, tho I don't think it's really likely.

Then again, of all the bigger acts in the world, Elton is the one who I think would be the most likely to do that sort of thing.

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surely he'd rinse Arcade Fire's crowd though. they're arguably already at a risk of having a pretty small crowd. stick an act on who could probably headline the festival himself up against them and they're fucked

If it takes the 'pyramid dwellers' away then bring on the Elton. Don't think Arcade Fire's crowd would suffer greatly, they'll attract a decent size crowd in their own right. All that will change is a number who would have gone to see them because they're headlining the Pyramid will instead see Elton. Which is no bad thing :)

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Meanwhile, there's an massive act that's available that would be real glam for West Holts on Saturday night's alright (for fighting dancing).

Now, that might sound like it runs the risk of getting a bigger crowd than Prince, but....

If the rumours are true, there's also a massive draw on the Other stage, which would help split the crowds in all directions.

Could be.

I know this is the West Holts thread but who is the massive draw rumoured for the Other Stage?

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i suppose if put up against Prince AND Metallica it wouldn't be as bad, but still… "hey, remember how i said i've got three of the biggest acts who've yet to play? well, i'm sticking them all on at the same time. fuck you festival goers"

:lol: Something that ridiculous could only work at Glastonbury :P

Interesting thought! If it happened would probs sway me to a bit of Metallica then Elton John :D

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