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Why? Did you listen to their stuff and think "jeez this is shit"? Or do you automatically not like hip hop? :P

I don't know really, I think i heard a song or two a while back and thought it was a bit shit. I suppose I don't give most new hip hop as much as a chance as I do with other acts. (and even if you like the songs, normally its a bit shit live.)

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I have skimmed some of this thread, so apologies if I'm repeating anyone, but I've spotted a potentially horrible clash. Vintage Trouble are TBC for the Saturday on West Holts, and I think there's a good chance they'll be given the same slot as their interrupted set last year (starting at 5.30). Meanwhile, Van Morrison is a SR for the pyramid on the same day, and I wouldn't be surprised if he plays at the same time Robert Plant did last year, also starting at 5.30!

If anyone at Glastonbury HQ is reading this thread, please don't let this clash happen! :(

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I will be moving the earth to see Vintage Trouble this year...

Caught half their set at Avalon in 2013, sacrificing half the Stones to do so, and was close enough to hear their impromptu, powerless,acoustic couple of tracks last year, after the monsoon...

Was lucky to catch a surprise appearnace at a small festival about 3 years ago, when they simply wouldnt stop palying, and quite literally played all Sunday afternoon, mich to everyone in the small crowds enjoyment

Would love to see them in their full glory, such a show band :)

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OK, Vintage Trouble fans.

I've dabbled a bit a few years back and been unimpressed by them. However, such is the unalloyed enthusiasm with which they're greeted on here I'm prepared to give 'em another crack of the whip. Which track should I try?

I have listened to albums and too have been left rather empty...... however, having read all the stuff about how good they are live I looked at some live sets on Youtube.

Now I get it.

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OK, Vintage Trouble fans.

I've dabbled a bit a few years back and been unimpressed by them. However, such is the unalloyed enthusiasm with which they're greeted on here I'm prepared to give 'em another crack of the whip. Which track should I try?

Give this a go. Definitely better live than on record.


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OK, Vintage Trouble fans.

I've dabbled a bit a few years back and been unimpressed by them. However, such is the unalloyed enthusiasm with which they're greeted on here I'm prepared to give 'em another crack of the whip. Which track should I try?

I haven't even bothered to listen to their recorded music much, to be honest I really think their songwriting is average, but on their recent Manchester gig a new song of the next album sounded stronger.

So...what you get live is:

1. Hugely energetic performance, puts a smile on your face

2. Great crowd involvement (At Manchester Academy the other day, at the end of the gig they just jumped off the stage and all walked directly through the crowd to the back rather than just disappear backstage)

3. A frontman with a powerful, soulful voice, and a real showman too...this is a great fun video:


Edited by dangerous1957
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I haven't even bothered to listen to their recorded music much, to be honest I really think their songwriting is average, but on their recent Manchester gig a new song of the next album sounded stronger.

So...what you get live is:

1. Hugely energetic performance, puts a smile on your face

2. Great crowd involvement (At Manchester Academy the other day, at the end of the gig they just jumped off the stage and all walked directly through the crowd to the back rather than just disappear backstage)

3. A frontman with a powerful, soulful voice, and a real showman too...this is a great fun video:


+ a really tight band and great soul / blues music, if you like a frontman who's cross between James brown and Sam Cooke :)

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