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Do you keep efestival's info private or do you share it? (when bands are made TBC etc).

Guest Matt42

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Put this in wibble because it doesn't really have a place anywhere else, but i've always wanted to know!

If you're going off to a festival with some friends and some people, if a band gets put as a TBC here, or a SR do you tell people you're going with? Or do you keep it to yourself.

I find myself in the situation a lot where group of my friends are under the impression that (due to shite like gig wise etc posting baseless rumours every day) that headliners and other acts are "Playing because I saw it in a gig wise article"...

but whenever I say, actually (insert band) is playing I often get the response;

"What? No you don't know that... it's just rumours, it meant to be (blah blah blah)"

This has happened an awful amount of times, so much to the point I just don't say anything anymore and let them be surprised on lineup day that Led Zeppelin are infact not headlining Glastonbury this year!

So do you tell people info that is posted here? Or do you bottle it? To people who don't know what efestivals is and that a lot of the time it does get information, it's alot to stomach!

Am I the only one that is reluctant to pass rumours (on here) on, to save myself getting that awkward "well you don't actually know that" comment.

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Put this in wibble because it doesn't really have a place anywhere else, but i've always wanted to know!

If you're going off to a festival with some friends and some people, if a band gets put as a TBC here, or a SR do you tell people you're going with? Or do you keep it to yourself.

I find myself in the situation a lot where group of my friends are under the impression that (due to shite like gig wise etc posting baseless rumours every day) that headliners and other acts are "Playing because I saw it in a gig wise article"...

but whenever I say, actually (insert band) is playing I often get the response;

"What? No you don't know that... it's just rumours, it meant to be (blah blah blah)"

This has happened an awful amount of times, so much to the point I just don't say anything anymore and let them be surprised on lineup day that Led Zeppelin are infact not headlining Glastonbury this year!

So do you tell people info that is posted here? Or do you bottle it? To people who don't know what efestivals is and that a lot of the time it does get information, it's alot to stomach!

Am I the only one that is reluctant to pass rumours (on here) on, to save myself getting that awkward "well you don't actually know that" comment.

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Well your friends are right, you don't know for certain. You going "Actually, QOTSA is playing" for e.g. is stupid because it isn't confirmed.

I tell my mates what I see on here, but make sure to tell them bands playing is either likely or not likely, not that they are for certain playing/not playing

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Anyway, to answer your question, I tell my friends who is rumoured on here, and once they're TBC I tell them. They all believe what I tell them, because I only tell them it's definite when it's TBC. I don't tend to spend my time discussing/arguing about festival lineups with friends, though.

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You should give a try, a girl I know was going to IOW last year and was telling me how excited she was to see Paramore and I told her they weren't playing. She kept going on how I was wrong or just mistaken untill I pulled out the line up and it showed it was actually Paloma Faith to which I then rubbed it in her face. I actually 100% knew Paramore weren't playing as there would of been arguments about it in the R&L section.

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I'm in the same boat. If someone is a strong rumour on here then I tell my friends who I'm going with about it, and I tell them again when it's TBC. They believe what I tell them because efestivals are almost always right when a band is TBC, therefore my friends always believe I'm right when I tell them.

I do like proving people outside of my main group of friends* wrong though by shooting down their shite suggestions like The Killers headlining last year and Oasis headlining this year by making out I'm 'in the know'. I usually bet them a night out over it and when I'm right I get drinks bought for me all night :P then I get to come on here and post things when I'm totally bevvied... :lol:

*these people aren't friends btw, they're just people I know from about town and school/uni etc who also go to the festival.

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I tell people about rumours and TBC ad they trust me about this sort of thing, one person I know still questions Arctics at R&L even though there is loads of evidence to suggest they are and she just goes "They're rumoured every year" which is a load of shit. I thinks she trusts my judgement (and all them do) when I told them all about Blink a few hours before the announcement.

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I tell people about rumours and TBC ad they trust me about this sort of thing, one person I know still questions Arctics at R&L even though there is loads of evidence to suggest they are and she just goes "They're rumoured every year" which is a load of shit. I thinks she trusts my judgement (and all them do) when I told them all about Blink a few hours before the announcement.

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We book for Glastonbury regardless of who's playing (it's not just about the music etc.) but our Glasto Gang share any info they've picked up from all sorts of sources on who might be playing at fests and gigs generally.

Why would you not tell your mates?

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Well in relation to this threads title -

Do you keep efestival's info private or do you share it?

Matt42 despite telling saying that he would keep info given to him private, actually doesn't as even when he is given a load of acts that are made up in private, he still shares them with people.. and gets caught out.

This is why I never share any actual info I have with randoms off the internet

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I usually text my two mates & the OH if a rumour is worth mentioning. Just to keep the excitement up like. I don't think I've ever claimed to be in the know or said "told you so" as the rumours are so diverse!

Anyone one could get booked, its why I love Glastonbury

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