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Pop-Up Motel - Any Info?


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As far as I know they are new this year so it would be strange if someone claimed they had used it at Glastonbury in 2013 .
Please note ' this is not my map nor I have spent the time to make the adjustment ' but you may find it of use.
Just in case you don't know but when you walk though gate D you cant follow the red line which goes though Paines Ground as its a large Crew Camping area and you need a special pass to get in/out - yes I know it appears that its a track but its not a public track { I should know because I camp in there }
If you are going to the Pyramid stage then the quickest way is though Bushy Ground but if you were heading towards the Old Railway track then the quickest way is head to the right and follow the path round { keeping the crew area dividing fence to your left }


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Wow, thank you so much Glastoworker, that is really useful - the map and the info about the crew ground. I see there is a lock up just at the corner of Bushy Ground - but I can't tell if it's in the crew ground or Bushy Ground. Was hoping to use a lock up for my day/night stuff and this one looks the closest to Gate D? If this is the crew one, which lock up do you think would be the closest?

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We stayed in the cheapest option at Pop Up Hotel last year, it was a bit of a walk in and out but not too bad, about 20-30 minutes, depending on cider consumption. Tent was fine, is the motel the option where you take your own tent though? Showers and toilets were good, only bought one drink at the bar as it was very expensive. This bit I didn't get was the amount of people who just seemed to be sat there all day long, there was a party of 3-4 tents near us, all early 20's and they just seemed to want to sit on the campsite.

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20-30?? Bloody hell, the blurb says 10 mins from gate D. I thought they were new for this year though - Glastoworker said so up there ^^^^

Glad to hear the showers were good though. Defo won't be sitting there all day, I'll be up at dawn to make sure I'm in the 'village' early.

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Wow, thank you so much Glastoworker, that is really useful - the map and the info about the crew ground. I see there is a lock up just at the corner of Bushy Ground - but I can't tell if it's in the crew ground or Bushy Ground. Was hoping to use a lock up for my day/night stuff and this one looks the closest to Gate D? If this is the crew one, which lock up do you think would be the closest?

The map is badly laid out - that lock up is a Public lock up - I don't have any shots of it but when you walk though Gate D - walk straight for a 100 feet and turn to your left - don't panic - you will see lots of Security - near the path { marked in red on the map } - what the map fails to show is that corner that is marked '4' is a crew only access point for delivery trucks and they drive straight across into the crew area.
its easier with images - first one is shot from Bushy Ground looking towards the Crew Camp - you cant see it but Gate D is on your far right { near the fire watch tower }
the other two shots again both taken from inside Bushy Ground but facing the other way { towards the Pyramid stage }
just stick to that path and you will find the lock up ' on your right ' { just after you pass the House }
as to actual walking time - I would take their claim of ' ten minuets ' with a pinch of salt
perhaps if no one else was about it is possible to do it in 10 minuets but as there is going to be people about 20 to 30 minutes is more realistic.
I reckon its because Bushy Ground used to be a crew area { in 2009 it was a crew area as I camped there myself } and the extra Security put people off as some people may assume ' they cant walk down that path onto Bushy Ground when in fact they can - Security will only stop you when gate 4 is in use or if you turn right at that point -{ trust me they will check for a crew pass ' and they will check at the other end as well }
There is one bit of good news - when leaving the Pyramid stage that route is far quicker to get back to Gate D
if we return to the map I posted before - I don't have a bloody clue why paths/roads ' that are not public ' are included - if I did not know Glastonbury I would assume I would be able to walk along that road and reach the Old Railway track but I know ticketholders cant.
its a strange lay out ' as the crew camp ' from a ticketholders point of view is in the wrong place but I reckon its a ' rights issue ' - they have spent a fortune to lay down power and broadband in that crew area - so perhaps they did not have the access rights to lay them down the other side of that path .
I am there on the Tuesday so when the gates open I am standing waiting for people walking in for the first time on the Wednesday - if I was a ticketholder I would just camp on Bushy Ground but many people walk the other way - I reckon its the extra Security puting people off.
will have a hunt as I may have a better shot of the area.




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Now I don't pay attention to public lock up's as we have our own Guarded lock up's but I reckon that public lock up is very close to where I have placed that blue dot .

that was from 2010 when camping was not allowed on part of Bushy Ground due to the daft football
just in case people will claim the crew area is not very full - that was in 2010 and they were uncertain how many people it could hold - there was lot more crews using it in 2011 and 2013 so its in full use now.
the top image is from 2013 and you can see the path and I reckon that white tent you see near the house is the lock up http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2349467/
I must have a wander out this year - the last time I parked near Gate D { in a crew car park } the actual gate and wall was further into the site - so I have never walked though that gate - these extra camping sites I have never seen as they certainly were not in use a few years ago.
Just to help other people ' time the walk ' when sober -
perhaps they will send a detailed map next month - if so can you send me one please.



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  • 5 months later...

We stayed in a Bell tent at the Pop Up Motel last Glastonbury.

Plus points:

Great size tent.

Pretty location

Very quiet at night

Never had a problem getting a shower when you wanted

Power points for charging phones, hair driers etc if that's your thing

Plenty of very clean loos

Minus points:

The cost

It's a fair walk in and out. At the end of the night on tired feet it is quite hard work

You can't nip back to pick up clothes for the evening, more beer etc.

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We stayed in a bell tent with power and air beds. Accommodation was all fine, parking close by and no issues there.

The showers were a bit hit and miss the first few days, and the wi-do never worked (I know small details but we had paid for it).

It was the first year for the motel and I got the feeling they were still learning a bit, but the on site staff were all really helpful. The worst thing / funniest was listening to the wailing from some of the guests when the showers didn't work.

We're staying again so I guess voting with our wallets and I'm sure they'll have ironed out the teething troubles. The walk was about 20 mins I guess, plus then the walk to a stage, no worse than the campervans.

So I'd recommend and for what we pay split between a few, with hot showers and a pre-erected tent worked well for us

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We've stayed In this area for a few years now but are trying the pop up Motel for the 1st time. It is a bit of a walk getting back but I'm hoping the thought of nice toilets will spur me on.

If you're heading to the main stage in the morning you can get a minibus at ashcomb park and ride for about Β£1 each. They'll also pick you up if you're heading back before 12am. It's really only worth it if you're near the pyramid stage coz the pick up/ drop off is at the bus stop but it may suit some people!

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