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Is the Green Fields open on the Thursday

Guest tomoufc

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I've got a friend coming who wants to do more Green Fields stuff this year (As do I for that matter. In fact I'm thinking of having a themed Glasto this year - hippie stuff and Hip Hop, as there's now more hip hop then ever and I'm getting really bored of indie music). Anyway, you know how it is - you mean try loads of workshops and stuff in the Green Fields and elsewhere, but when you get to Fri, Sat, Sun there's jsut so many bands you have to see, and other bands you're friends have to see and you want to spend some time with them etc. etc.

So when does the Green Fields get up and running? I see to remember it hadn't until the Friday morning, and when you go on the Thursday there's not all that much going on. Am I remembering correctly?

thanks :)

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Don't think you're remembering correctly at all.

There's no universal rule as the Greenfields is basically a collection of hundreds of individual stalls/stages/groups/people but the bulk of places will be in full swing by the middle of Wednesday afternoon. The only places of note that I think might wait until Thursday are Greenpeace, Croissant Neuf and Permaculture, and I'm not even certain about those.

I don't think anything stays closed until Friday, and they'd be crazy if they did as Thursday is probably when the Greenfields are at their busiest.

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Permaculture, the Craft fields and healing fields will be open, welcoming and wonderful from Wednesday afternoon onwards. In fact, if you want yoga, singing, therapy, or massage, Wednesday and Thursday are the best times to go - I seem to remember the first 'official' stuff in the programme is craft activities on Wednesday afternoon. Greenpeace will be open, including the farmers' market, but I don't think there's any music at Croissant Neuf till Thursday.

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