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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Not sure why, but I'm sending you a virtual £5. Does he have incontinence problems or is he just in to plastic sheeting?

Your weird mental quantum leap is funnier than the reason I said it! He played the 'baddie' in Lethal Weapon 2, a drug smuggling South African who put down plastic sheeting in his office if he decided to kill someone, so his henchmen could roll the corpse up and dump it. Sounds crap explained like that, but I quite enjoyed the film (although that may have had more to do with Patsy Kensit!).

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I know how you feel guy. I went out last night feeling relatively sane and returned back home in the very early hours positively insane. Things have only slightly improved since. I think I'm going to have to have a smoke just to settle my nerves. Hopefully normal service will return later. There's a couple of curry's winging their way here shortly. I am hoping that they will have restorative properties.

I need to come around by Tuesday morning at the latest as I have promised to tackle some asbestos that one of last night's host's is too scared to handle. Fear not as I'm a qualified asbestos surveyor so know what I'm doing. Which reminds me - I must get a load of plastic sheeting tomorrow.

im JUST feeling normal now old son lol

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I'd noticed that too, but wasn't too sure whether to mention it or not. Talking of that kind of thing, I nearly had a spit roast take place right beside my head as I was trying to sleep in a hotel room one time. They'd have gone there but for me kind of showing waking up signs, I'm sure. Lordy, Lord - the things people get up to eh! And yes, I'm fully aware of the irony.

I say!!

Well finbarred, by the way Scruffy :)

It was an excellent roast, in case you were wondering.

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Obviously all seen your bottom!

Rik and Ade, eh?

Evening all, dry and cold tonight with houses beginning to shimmer with Christmas lights round us. We survived Monday!

Slodge, that was a lovely pic on FB of Barney. Man hug.

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Morning all

Simon, sending lots of love to you and Deb. So sorry to hear that. Barney was a smashing dog, it was a pleasure to meet him xx

Still full of cold here. I have so much fruit on my desk I look like a greengrocers!

Get well soon - your cold stands no chance with all those vitamins ready to attack it.

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Thanks! I've been on quite a strict honey/ribena/fruit/veg diet!

With Ali being a teacher and surrounded by germs and me in and out of hot retail outlets and in halls full of people at this time of year we eat shed loads of fruit and veg, in fact we pretty much go totally veggie at this time of year.....

Famous last words, we seem to have beaten everything that has tried so far to make us ill.

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With Ali being a teacher and surrounded by germs and me in and out of hot retail outlets and in halls full of people at this time of year we eat shed loads of fruit and veg, in fact we pretty much go totally veggie at this time of year.....

Famous last words, we seem to have beaten everything that has tried so far to make us ill.

Hope you manage to avoid it for the rest of the winter too!

I might go for a refreshing walk in the forest at the weekend if its not too w*t. I think a nice bracing walk will do me good. Might even go to look at the sea. Sea air has healing properties, I believe ;)

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Hope you manage to avoid it for the rest of the winter too!

I might go for a refreshing walk in the forest at the weekend if its not too w*t. I think a nice bracing walk will do me good. Might even go to look at the sea. Sea air has healing properties, I believe ;)

Sea air is lovely.

Forest air is lovely.

Tomorrow I am out in our forest all day - well lots of it.

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