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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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By the way Ben (and others), on the subject of nutters, guypjfreak is the king of nutters!

Oh, and Yoghurt on a stick, too.

And Woffy

And HMV comes out with some weirdness regularly

And Lucyginger

And Mattyc

And me, I suppose

And deebeedoobee (please come back!)

And jeffie


Oh, you get the idea!

Yeah you talk total fucking shit when it comes to Star Wars, Gumby!!!!!!

Clarification: so as not to exclude and to indeed welcome anyone to NFR NFC -

Gumby doesn't like Star Wars.

Fuckin' weirdo! ;)

(Still love his bones though)

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Yeah you talk total fucking shit when it comes to Star Wars, Gumby!!!!!!

Clarification: so as not to exclude and to indeed welcome anyone to NFR NFC -

Gumby doesn't like Star Wars.

Fuckin' weirdo! ;)

(Still love his bones though)

I'm not exactly a Star Wars geek, but just have a look at this beauty;


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What does it do when 'energised' Yog?

Looks a bit...S&M / flamethrower-ish!!!

I have no idea. I just stumbled across it when having a mooch about on ebay yesterday. I do actually think it's more Flash Gordon than it is Star Wars. Talking of which the first party I went to was at a mates house in the 6th form. We all got pissed and stoned while we watched One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest. And then the host put 'Flesh' Gordon on. To say I was startled would be an under statement of magnific proportion.

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Evening! Well I have been at a friends this evening, and due to my not drinking thing, I had three cups of tea! Usually this friend and I drink loads of gin! I'm off the booze cos of the liver thing, I'll ease myself back in soon. Fnar. The not smoking is mainly due to not drinking, I moly really smoke when I'm on the lash. However, four weeks is a long time so I may not smoke again. We'll see!

I hope everything here is ok, I very rarely get involved in many other threads, mainly because I don't spend loads of time on line so I miss all the piss taking etc. I'm sorry to see people being upset, that's not the Glastonbury spirit, surely!

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Thanks all for your lovely words of welcome.

I'll fess up: I've long seen Glastonbury as an amazing looking thing, but not necessarily for me. I'm not a music snob but...actually I guess I am a bit of a music snob. Well, maybe it's that music is SO important to me that I find myself a bit intolerant of so much of the crap stuff around, but more the casual fan who doesn't give a fig for music, and just wants to be seen to be at a festival, to tell people they've been. I know I should be able to be more live and live about that, but I won't insult you lot by saying I can. Stupid attitude, really, but maybe just unavoidable as I love music so much.

Any road up, so I ended up drawn to festivals where I felt there was more of that for me...End of the Road, Green Man and Latitude. I always felt that I'd never REALLY want to go to Glastonbury. Until this year. I'm not sure quite why things changed for me, but I am now entirely on message, and certain that it will be an incredible time for me. Over the last decade, notwithstanding all the other wonderful things in my life, those four or five days, once a year (I only ever feel I can justify being away at a festival once in a year...), are the time when I feel more me than at any other time. I have a very responsible job. I don't drink (at 45 have just never pushed through the barrier of it tasting disgusting!) and don't do drugs*. I'm fit and run and cycle. For 4-5 days a year, I don't have to be like that. It's not artificial, it's not trying to be someone I'm not, it's realising that the life I live at a festival is not one that I could live all the time. But for those 4 or 5 days...!

I love dance music too - ideally bleepy, squelchy minimalist stuff with brilliant beats (Luke Abbott, anyone...?), so after main stages are done, I bloody love dancing til 5am and collapsing into my sleeping bag. God, do I ever. But really, that can only happen at a festival, where I don't have to comply with the conventions of my usual life, where so few people I know really 'get' all of that. It's just not ok for me to do weed away from a festival either - mainly because I feel guilty to my kids for doing something that really isn't good for me. Limiting that to my annual festival makes that even more fun. I'm kind of hoping that I might find a couple of other chemical experiences at GF2015, if I meet people I can feel comfortable with etc. I'm going on my own as my usual festie bud just didn't fancy the enormity of GF. I've already posted about making plans with other soloists, and dully intend to make sure I camp with as many as we can practically set up.

I know it will be incredible. I spend SO much time trying to familiarise myself with aspects of the festival - I reckon I know the site map almost by half. I'm realistic to know that there's no way I can do/see everything, but I'm ambitious and have boundless energy, so will give it a good go...as I've said on here, I saw 43 bands at Green Man in 2014, so I'm good at pushing the envelope!

And lovely to discover NFR NFC, because it seems to be populated by people who just LOVE the whole bloody thing. Yes, I think I'll fit in here...



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Thanks all for your lovely words of welcome.

I'll fess up: I've long seen Glastonbury as an amazing looking thing, but not necessarily for me. I'm not a music snob but...actually I guess I am a bit of a music snob. Well, maybe it's that music is SO important to me that I find myself a bit intolerant of so much of the crap stuff around, but more the casual fan who doesn't give a fig for music, and just wants to be seen to be at a festival, to tell people they've been. I know I should be able to be more live and live about that, but I won't insult you lot by saying I can. Stupid attitude, really, but maybe just unavoidable as I love music so much.

Any road up, so I ended up drawn to festivals where I felt there was more of that for me...End of the Road, Green Man and Latitude. I always felt that I'd never REALLY want to go to Glastonbury. Until this year. I'm not sure quite why things changed for me, but I am now entirely on message, and certain that it will be an incredible time for me. Over the last decade, notwithstanding all the other wonderful things in my life, those four or five days, once a year (I only ever feel I can justify being away at a festival once in a year...), are the time when I feel more me than at any other time. I have a very responsible job. I don't drink (at 45 have just never pushed through the barrier of it tasting disgusting!) and don't do drugs*. I'm fit and run and cycle. For 4-5 days a year, I don't have to be like that. It's not artificial, it's not trying to be someone I'm not, it's realising that the life I live at a festival is not one that I could live all the time. But for those 4 or 5 days...!

I love dance music too - ideally bleepy, squelchy minimalist stuff with brilliant beats (Luke Abbott, anyone...?), so after main stages are done, I bloody love dancing til 5am and collapsing into my sleeping bag. God, do I ever. But really, that can only happen at a festival, where I don't have to comply with the conventions of my usual life, where so few people I know really 'get' all of that. It's just not ok for me to do weed away from a festival either - mainly because I feel guilty to my kids for doing something that really isn't good for me. Limiting that to my annual festival makes that even more fun. I'm kind of hoping that I might find a couple of other chemical experiences at GF2015, if I meet people I can feel comfortable with etc. I'm going on my own as my usual festie bud just didn't fancy the enormity of GF. I've already posted about making plans with other soloists, and dully intend to make sure I camp with as many as we can practically set up.

I know it will be incredible. I spend SO much time trying to familiarise myself with aspects of the festival - I reckon I know the site map almost by half. I'm realistic to know that there's no way I can do/see everything, but I'm ambitious and have boundless energy, so will give it a good go...as I've said on here, I saw 43 bands at Green Man in 2014, so I'm good at pushing the envelope!

And lovely to discover NFR NFC, because it seems to be populated by people who just LOVE the whole bloody thing. Yes, I think I'll fit in here...



Ben, hi there.

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Haven't posted anything in ages but am feeling quite cross about others suggesting this thread was in some way elitist - so I'm back to join the kind, caring, ridiculous madness that is this wonderful thread.

It would never have never have occurred to me that I (or anyone else) wouldn't be welcome.

Thanks mandolin, that means a lot and I'm sure all the other regulars would agree :D

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Morning pop pickers, just passing so thought I'd report in; fine and dandy down here in glorious Devon this morning :)

Oh, and I'm a nutter and so's my dog :)

Talk about mountain and molehill........blimey, we as a human race don't half over complicate things sometimes, own worse enemy.

Anyway, breakfast and dog walk. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone; be lucky :)

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By the way Ben (and others), on the subject of nutters, guypjfreak is the king of nutters!

Oh, and Yoghurt on a stick, too.

And Woffy

And HMV comes out with some weirdness regularly

And Lucyginger

And Mattyc

And me, I suppose

And deebeedoobee (please come back!)

And jeffie


Oh, you get the idea!

I am perfectly sane... ;)

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Dee is resisting at the mo but I will ply her with Newky Brown and persuade her back on here. Slodge, have a go on facebook.

Newky Brown you say...........

I was told this ;last night but thought it could not be true - but it appears that it is true"!


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Welcome............... I was a Virgin last year and my mind was blown.

Thursday was just a whirlwind of stuff and all too much to take in. I was sober but have memory failures simply from overload.

You will love it.


Thanks, matty

SeeCoaches thought my cheeky email to them asking if I could be on the earliest Birmingham coach was really sweet, so they've promised to try to get me on it! Last year the earliest one was at 0715h, so if that's repeated and I'm lucky, I could be looking at getting on site late morning on the Wednesday.

That's my dear hope, as then I get a full day and a half (and two nights) to try to see as much of the festival site as I can, before the music proper gets going on the Friday. That time, when the festival is still starting to wake up before the weekend is one of my favourite times of all. There's something about the happy community, the communal feeling of anticipation, talking endlesslessly about bands and stuff before anything that has even happened that I just adore. I'm really not one for hanging around the tents - other than that lovely time talking crap at the 'end' of the day, ideally around a fire. I'd rather be on the go, seeing this, looking at that, talking to them etc. There's nowhere on Earth where I feel more energised, than at a festival.

One thing I'm especially excited about is getting into the 'open arena' that is GF. Although places like Green Man can go all night, there's something very special (unique in the UK?) about there being no boundary between the campsites and the main body of the festival that evokes a sense of a truly open community that I know will be amazing.

Four months from now we'll be two weeks away and I'll be uncontrollable...!


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Thanks, matty

SeeCoaches thought my cheeky email to them asking if I could be on the earliest Birmingham coach was really sweet, so they've promised to try to get me on it! Last year the earliest one was at 0715h, so if that's repeated and I'm lucky, I could be looking at getting on site late morning on the Wednesday.

That's my dear hope, as then I get a full day and a half (and two nights) to try to see as much of the festival site as I can, before the music proper gets going on the Friday. That time, when the festival is still starting to wake up before the weekend is one of my favourite times of all. There's something about the happy community, the communal feeling of anticipation, talking endlesslessly about bands and stuff before anything that has even happened that I just adore. I'm really not one for hanging around the tents - other than that lovely time talking crap at the 'end' of the day, ideally around a fire. I'd rather be on the go, seeing this, looking at that, talking to them etc. There's nowhere on Earth where I feel more energised, than at a festival.

One thing I'm especially excited about is getting into the 'open arena' that is GF. Although places like Green Man can go all night, there's something very special (unique in the UK?) about there being no boundary between the campsites and the main body of the festival that evokes a sense of a truly open community that I know will be amazing.

Four months from now we'll be two weeks away and I'll be uncontrollable...!


It is like 2 different festivals - Wed/Thurs are so different to the rest but it is all fab.

On Weds and Thursday we thought we would see as much as we could - and saw so much yet so little. There are big areas we need to try and see this tear as we go nowhere near them!!

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It is like 2 different festivals - Wed/Thurs are so different to the rest but it is all fab.

On Weds and Thursday we thought we would see as much as we could - and saw so much yet so little. There are big areas we need to try and see this tear as we go nowhere near them!!

I'll come with you...!

*too needy, Ben, too needy...*


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It is like 2 different festivals - Wed/Thurs are so different to the rest but it is all fab.

On Weds and Thursday we thought we would see as much as we could - and saw so much yet so little. There are big areas we need to try and see this tear as we go nowhere near them!!

I'll come with you...!

*too needy, Ben, too needy...*


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Ben, welcome! We'll be having a meet up so come along! :) sorry if other people have said that, I'm not really awake yet!

thanks, Lucy - I'm conscious of not imposing myself on people! Trouble is, I'm really nice, and fun to be with and not annoying and...all that!

As said, I do plan to try to help coordinate a soloists camping enclave at least for a few of us here, so we have a place to fall back on, meet up from time to time etc. I'm not always great at planned meet-ups with those who know one another already - ridiculous really for me to feel self-conscious as, when I feel that I've got to know people, I am the most outgoing/extroverted one going (caveat - not one of those loud-mouthed a**es, though!).


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