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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Fifty Sheds of Grey.

'I'm your slave,' she said breathlessly, 'Make me feel completely helpless and worthless.'

So I locked her in the shed and went to the pub.

Not on our allotments, very strict rules.

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Morning all!!

Re my FB status Yeti- you got it! Bad grammar is bad!! ;)

As for Lent, I tend to give up will power. However this year will be different as I am "being good" until the end of May. I'm not ruling anything out at all, but just no big benders til then. So far this year I have had 3 or 4 alcoholic drinks, 2 fags, and nothing else in the way of "naughties". I shall be overdosing on pancakes next week though.

Naughty Matt for not remembering Lent!!

You've done nothing naughty this year? Shame on you lol

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Moving us away from mattyc's cabbages and seeing as we have a few self proclaimed music snobs in our ranks.

A -What are people's favourite 3 albums?

B- albums we've bought and almost instantly regreted

Have to sort this tomorrow. Much took difficult now.

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Morning all.

I'm due to meet someone I haven't seen in 29 years in about four and a half hours time. I contacted him recently to see if he was OK after possibly being bullied at school. I've pulled yet another all nighter and fear the worst. I do so hope that I am not rendered speechless by then. I don't mind the dribbling, it's the inability to hold a 'genteel' conversation that worries me. I'm quite used to looking gormlessly in to space, but balk at verbal interaction at the best of times.

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Morning all

Big day in Benland - Child 1 doing his driving test and, hopefully, he'll hear whether or not he got an offer form the LSE...



Good luck with both, then he'll be able to work out the economies of being insured as a new young driver, ker-ching! I have 18 months before I have to sell my kidneys for the first step-daughter's insurance.

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Agenda Item No.1 is a fail, I'm afraid. Child 1 feeling wronged by what was presumably a perfectly reasonable driving examiner, but that's Child 1, I'm afraid! He's gone off to school now, reportedly chuntering quite a bit, and repeating 'It's ridiculous'!

Will keep you posted on Agenda Item 2 - i.e. result of LSE application. Not a given that he will hear today, but a pretty decent chance based on the system that they run. He applied on 14 October, so these buggers should put the kids out of their misery one way or another!

Stay tuned



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Morning all!

Jeffie- I probably have been a bit naughty on occassion this year ;)

Bad luck to Child1 at Benland, hope he (is he a he I just skimmed the posts!) is ok!

Bit damp here this morning, I had to release a mouse that the Cat brought in and I didnt realise it was a bit damp when I went out in my slippers at 7.45am!

Mind you, it was meant to be hammering it down all day so we must have done something to please the Gods :)

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