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Is vertigo like labyrinthitis? Mrs 2 Hats gets that occasionally and I love to annoy her whenever she mentions it by talking in my very best David Bowie voice.

Dear Mr Hats, many thanks for your enquiry.

Labyrinthitis is inflammation of the 'labyrinth', the complex tubular structure in the middle ear. The tubes are filled with fluid which flows forward and back, up and down, in relation to the position of your head, telling you which way up you are, and thereby helping you to balance. When the labyrinth becomes inflamed (most commonly a viral infection), that fluid positioning system doesn't function properly, your head now has no idea which way up it is, which contradicts what your eyes are telling the brain and you feel f***ing icky (medical term). You will feel very dizzy, i.e. experience vertigo.

20 Guineas, please. My secretary will email you the details to arrange payment.

Yours sincerely

Ben MD

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Thanks Ben! Gotta get bloods done in the morning. Not looking forward to the drive down the road, bad enough I'm whoozey as it is but I have a fear of needles and having blood taken makes you feel whooshey at the best of times. Looking forward to resting the rest of the day though. A friend is going to walk the dogs for me.

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Dear Mr Hats, many thanks for your enquiry.

Labyrinthitis is inflammation of the 'labyrinth', the complex tubular structure in the middle ear. The tubes are filled with fluid which flows forward and back, up and down, in relation to the position of your head, telling you which way up you are, and thereby helping you to balance. When the labyrinth becomes inflamed (most commonly a viral infection), that fluid positioning system doesn't function properly, your head now has no idea which way up it is, which contradicts what your eyes are telling the brain and you feel f***ing icky (medical term). You will feel very dizzy, i.e. experience vertigo.

20 Guineas, please. My secretary will email you the details to arrange payment.

Yours sincerely

Ben MD

Thank you Dr Ben.

A further enquiry, can labyrinthitis be a contributing factor in making one reminiscent of 'a babe'?

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I've got this swelling you see................

Seriously though, enough respect to your mastery of your profession. I know a fair few doctors personally, one of whom I witnessed studying at close quarters. It makes me shudder to think of all that hard work that he had to put in initially, and ever since. I'm allergic to work. I don't need a doctor to tell me that lol

guy - you are right to hate Eastenders. It's Coronation Street that really does my head in. I can't stay in the living room for too long when it's on the telly. My wife informs me that it's hilarious. I fail to see any hilarity.

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Limpy Pussy has either a bite and infection (unlikely), a pull/twisted muscle between elbow and shoulder or artheritus (which the vet says can come on very fast in cats).

She thinks it is the pull/twist though and he is on anti imflam/pain killers which he has to have with chicken - so he thinks it is great!!

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cheers Matty, just had me bloods done this morning, lovely nurse didn't give me the ouchys too bad. At home now snuggling with the pooches on the sofa.

Just have to wait for results now, they are doing checks to see why I'm tired and dizzy all the time, so doing thyroid, B12, sugar and cholesterol. So just have to wait and see if I get a call with results, they don't call if they are clear.

So here all day folks unless I'm snoozing.

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Slodge- glad to hear you are feeling back on form :)

HMV, hope you are ok at the drs, remember to breathe in as they put the needle in, you wont feel it so much then. And dont look! I'm enormously squeamish, I always tell the nurse/dr that straight away. I had to lie down the other day when they put the line in for the dye for my MRI. The nurse came to hold my hand too :)

Matty glad to hear Pusskins is ok, hope he is better after the tablets.

Guy- I agree! Cant stand soaps!

Everyone else- Hello! NIce to have a dr amongst us too Ben!

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cheers Matty, just had me bloods done this morning, lovely nurse didn't give me the ouchys too bad. At home now snuggling with the pooches on the sofa.

Just have to wait for results now, they are doing checks to see why I'm tired and dizzy all the time, so doing thyroid, B12, sugar and cholesterol. So just have to wait and see if I get a call with results, they don't call if they are clear.

So here all day folks unless I'm snoozing.

Glad you survived!

Look after yourself Missy xxx

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cheers Matty, just had me bloods done this morning, lovely nurse didn't give me the ouchys too bad. At home now snuggling with the pooches on the sofa.

Just have to wait for results now, they are doing checks to see why I'm tired and dizzy all the time, so doing thyroid, B12, sugar and cholesterol. So just have to wait and see if I get a call with results, they don't call if they are clear.

So here all day folks unless I'm snoozing.

Thyroid a possibility, I have a under active thyroid, causes no end of grief :( makes you very tired and moody.

Glad the blood test was not to stressful. Really hope the results come back ok.

Enjoy the pooch snuggles and get well soon xxx

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Who will have the 'biggest' weekend.

What will the 'best' thing you do be.

Lets get this thread past 500 pages talking about it folks....................................

Doubt it will be me, "best" thing i'll do this weekend is get some rest. Will make up for it next weekend though cos its payday weekend. Rockstar for a day then hobo for the rest of the month. Lol

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