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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Hope everyone is ok.

Lots going on here.

'R-Day' tomorrow. Find out if the ex-'s financial irresponsibility is gonna result in my house that i've worked for since i was 21 is gonna be respossessed.

Hence my absence.

Will keep you posted.

NFR NFC NForver x

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Well, had an eventful weekend helping a friend out of a scrape after she split from her boyfriend who got nasty. Police advised that she take her three year old and leave her own home for their safety. Tough times ahead but hopefully over the worst now.

Then had a lovely day of NFR at Alton towers today. Was oddly quiet which is no bad thing!

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The best BEST thing about the friendship of this thread is the utter humilty it affords you...

...humour, humilty and good old faith in human nature.

We're all in this beautiful mess together.

And this place weirdly gives me hope; for me and you all.

Bloody brilliant, innit.

Night all. Xxx

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Morning all

I hope it goes well today for you Woffy. Sometimes life throws these things at us so that we become a stronger , better person. Although it's shite whilst in the midst of it.

Healing thoughts to Mrs Jeffie.

Keep your fingers crossed folks as I had an interview last week (one of 8 people called) and the 2nd round of interviews are being called this week.

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Morning all.

Group hug is defiantly in order, life can really throw some challenges and weird situations.

Mrs slodge is having a job interview today so fingers crossed it goes well, it would be a nice job move with prospects.

Good luck and positive thoughts to everyone today.

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Virus Alert

There is a dangerous virus being passed around electronically, orally, and by hand.

This virus is called Weary-Overload-Recreational-Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from any of your colleagues, your boss, or anyone else via any means DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe out your private life completely.

If you should come into contact with WORK, put your jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest antidote store. Purchase the antidote known as Work-Isolating-Neutralizer-Extract (WINE) or Bothersome-Employer-Elimination-Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

You should forward this warning to 5 friends. If you do not have 5 friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.

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Morning all,

Momentous weekend for lots, hope Mrs J is better now Jeffster, horrible news about your friend ICG, hope she can move on, there are lots of brilliant organisations to help, and that Woffster, you end up with your house and finances in tact, and good luck in the slodge household and continuing good luck for HMV.

Mrs CJ and young 'uns are off to the East Coast today for the week (Filey not New York). Will be quiet without them, but I hope I get stuff done without having to wash up or tidy tools till Thursday night, heh heh.

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Another tricky few days in the NFR NFC camp then, hope everything works out alright for everyone.

I'm not really with it today, haven't slept well for a couple of nights and am feeling quite peculiar. I'll be ok but I may not make much sense!

Hope you feel less peculiar soon.

Tis indeed a rough ride at the moment - my Mum is in hospital with compications due to Parkinsons.

Time will sort everyones stuff - and I keep positive thoughts for everyone whether it be good stuff or bad stuff.


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Thanks Matt. I just need sleep, I've also just changed some tablets I'm on which I don't think helped, hopefully they will settle down soon.

Hope your Mum is ok, is she near so you can visit?

Remaining positive is so important, lets keep it up and between us we can spread it around :)

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I think we should all raise a glass of positivity thus evening, life can be trying at times and staying positive is what gets us through.

I still feel it is lovely that we are able to share life's ups and downs with each other, I for one knows how much it helps me personally.

You guys and gals are fabulous people that I fell privileged to have met both personally and virtually.

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Thanks Matt. I just need sleep, I've also just changed some tablets I'm on which I don't think helped, hopefully they will settle down soon.

Hope your Mum is ok, is she near so you can visit?

Remaining positive is so important, lets keep it up and between us we can spread it around :)

She is in York so a fair way - latest news is a bit better but I will get an update from my brother who lives in York this evening.

I can only do positive - I tried negative in the past and it just makes it all worse...... Positive is as positive does!!!

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