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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Good evening everyone. I'm just home after a long day at work and a trip to the vet to pick up dog food. A £138 Bill later!!! I hope he appreciates this! That's just for 32 days worth. Wounded. On a positive, Sam is quite content and doesn't need a bath tonight! Seems a few have moved/moving house/office today/tomorrow? HMV and Alfa, hope all went well. A well deserved glass of wine me thinx!! Lucy good luck tomorrow and I hope the weather gods are good to you so you can enjoy your view.

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Good evening everyone. I'm just home after a long day at work and a trip to the vet to pick up dog food. A £138 Bill later!!! I hope he appreciates this! That's just for 32 days worth. Wounded. On a positive, Sam is quite content and doesn't need a bath tonight! Seems a few have moved/moving house/office today/tomorrow? HMV and Alfa, hope all went well. A well deserved glass of wine me thinx!! Lucy good luck tomorrow and I hope the weather gods are good to you so you can enjoy your view.

Ouch to the bill.

Repeat after me (and a glass of wine) - it is only money (and smile)

Well it might help!!

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Not nice poor thing - but I know from reading what you write that he is so well loved and that is a massive part of the battle against illness.

Oh he is! Don't get me wrong, he has issues and can be a little shit, but often makes me laugh. He's a proper character. Everyone that has pets love them dearly though... apart from my friend that has aquatic fish. She is terrified of them! Strange pets to have when you have a phobia! That would be like me keeping a couple of moths!!! Urgh. I actually had to paint my whole house in silk paint because I'd washed the paint off the walls when trying to clean squished moths from them. They're the size of terradactyls where I live! And they look at me! With them eyes!

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Hello all

I've just come around from passing out on the high street. All a bit unusual really. My head started spinning (so to speak ie not in an Exorcist way) and then my legs gave way. I came around on the pavement with people around me asking if I was OK. I was OK but there was blood streaming down my face from where I nutted the pavement. Feeling OK now though apart from a slight headache. The perils of over indulgence I suspect - or the bad old scars of all the good times, as Marc Almond would have it.

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Hello all

I've just come around from passing out on the high street. All a bit unusual really. My head started spinning (so to speak ie not in an Exorcist way) and then my legs gave way. I came around on the pavement with people around me asking if I was OK. I was OK but there was blood streaming down my face from where I nutted the pavement. Feeling OK now though apart from a slight headache. The perils of over indulgence I suspect - or the bad old scars of all the good times, as Marc Almond would have it.

I would pop down the hospital if you have a spare 4 hours

Hope you is OK

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Hello all

I've just come around from passing out on the high street. All a bit unusual really. My head started spinning (so to speak ie not in an Exorcist way) and then my legs gave way. I came around on the pavement with people around me asking if I was OK. I was OK but there was blood streaming down my face from where I nutted the pavement. Feeling OK now though apart from a slight headache. The perils of over indulgence I suspect - or the bad old scars of all the good times, as Marc Almond would have it.

Glad your feeling ok now yog Edited by thurlow84
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Hello all

I've just come around from passing out on the high street. All a bit unusual really. My head started spinning (so to speak ie not in an Exorcist way) and then my legs gave way. I came around on the pavement with people around me asking if I was OK. I was OK but there was blood streaming down my face from where I nutted the pavement. Feeling OK now though apart from a slight headache. The perils of over indulgence I suspect - or the bad old scars of all the good times, as Marc Almond would have it.

Jesus Yog, hope you're ok?! That's scary stuff. Take care

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Sorry did not mean to make you feel ill.

Do you like butterflies?

Negative sir, but not as scared as I am of moths. Flutterbyes tend to stay around the floor but moths dive bomb my head repeatedly. It's like a game of dare to them. I sucked one up in my Hoover once then gaffa taped the end of the nozzle so it couldn't escape and invite its mates over to attack me. I didn't vacuum for a fortnight as I was too scared to empty it! I think I need help!

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