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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Negative sir, but not as scared as I am of moths. Flutterbyes tend to stay around the floor but moths dive bomb my head repeatedly. It's like a game of dare to them. I sucked one up in my Hoover once then gaffa taped the end of the nozzle so it couldn't escape and invite its mates over to attack me. I didn't vacuum for a fortnight as I was too scared to empty it! I think I need help!

I shan't post flutterby pics then.

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Finbarr. Surely.

I think you may be right


Negative sir, but not as scared as I am of moths. Flutterbyes tend to stay around the floor but moths dive bomb my head repeatedly. It's like a game of dare to them. I sucked one up in my Hoover once then gaffa taped the end of the nozzle so it couldn't escape and invite its mates over to attack me. I didn't vacuum for a fortnight as I was too scared to empty it! I think I need help!

There are numerous potential finbarrs in here - unless I just have a weird mind!

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Good evening everyone. I'm just home after a long day at work and a trip to the vet to pick up dog food. A £138 Bill later!!! I hope he appreciates this! That's just for 32 days worth. Wounded. On a positive, Sam is quite content and doesn't need a bath tonight! Seems a few have moved/moving house/office today/tomorrow? HMV and Alfa, hope all went well. A well deserved glass of wine me thinx!! Lucy good luck tomorrow and I hope the weather gods are good to you so you can enjoy your view.

Have you checked online prices against your vets? Bound to be cheaper. And look at quidco to see if the online supplier is on there.

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Hello all

I've just come around from passing out on the high street. All a bit unusual really. My head started spinning (so to speak ie not in an Exorcist way) and then my legs gave way. I came around on the pavement with people around me asking if I was OK. I was OK but there was blood streaming down my face from where I nutted the pavement. Feeling OK now though apart from a slight headache. The perils of over indulgence I suspect - or the bad old scars of all the good times, as Marc Almond would have it.

Hello matt - I know where you are coming from but just can't face a major wait at the hospital like that. It's so soul destroying I'd rather take the risk.

Mr Stick,

At least read this http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Concussion/Pages/Symptoms.aspx and consider going in during the day when it'd be less busy, especially if you have any of the symptoms. Randomly passing out can be serious*, as can the after-effects of a blow to the head.

*If Dr Ben says it's not serious, then go with what he says. I bet he says to get checked out though.

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Hello all

I've just come around from passing out on the high street. All a bit unusual really. My head started spinning (so to speak ie not in an Exorcist way) and then my legs gave way. I came around on the pavement with people around me asking if I was OK. I was OK but there was blood streaming down my face from where I nutted the pavement. Feeling OK now though apart from a slight headache. The perils of over indulgence I suspect - or the bad old scars of all the good times, as Marc Almond would have it.

Might be worth a visit to the duck?

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Mr Stick,

At least read this http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Concussion/Pages/Symptoms.aspx and consider going in during the day when it'd be less busy, especially if you have any of the symptoms. Randomly passing out can be serious*, as can the after-effects of a blow to the head.

*If Dr Ben says it's not serious, then go with what he says. I bet he says to get checked out though.


I once blacked out at the cinema, and was taken to A&E whether I liked it or not. Yes it was a pain, and it turned out my blood pressure was low, made worse by standing up after a 3 hour film, but it could save your life.

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Good evening everyone. The surgery is now open.

Yog - how do you feel now? Any persisting symptoms - headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness anywhere, pins and needles, visual disturbance?

Has this ever happened to you before? How old are you? Do you take any (ahem, prescribed) medication? Do you have any significant past medical history? What time did it happen? Did anyone see it and can they describe the episode (were you pale etc?)

Did you get any sensations before you blacked out? Any sensation that something wasn't right? Heard/saw funny things - ringing in the ears/spots in front of eyes. Any light-headedness immediately before the collapse?

Problem with a 'syncope' (posh medispeak for passing out) is that the clues are all in the history - and it's tricky do do that on t'internet forum!!!

If you feel 'fine', then you may well not need to go see someone now, but seeing the GP tomorrow for things like blood pressure check, consideration for arranging an ECG etc might be prudent.

Happy to try to guide further with a bit more info (even if you are not, strictly, a paediatric patient!).



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Good evening everyone. The surgery is now open.

Yog - how do you feel now? Any persisting symptoms - headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness anywhere, pins and needles, visual disturbance?

Has this ever happened to you before? How old are you? Do you take any (ahem, prescribed) medication? Do you have any significant past medical history? What time did it happen? Did anyone see it and can they describe the episode (were you pale etc?)

Did you get any sensations before you blacked out? Any sensation that something wasn't right? Heard/saw funny things - ringing in the ears/spots in front of eyes. Any light-headedness immediately before the collapse?

Problem with a 'syncope' (posh medispeak for passing out) is that the clues are all in the history - and it's tricky do do that on t'internet forum!!!

If you feel 'fine', then you may well not need to go see someone now, but seeing the GP tomorrow for things like blood pressure check, consideration for arranging an ECG etc might be prudent.

Happy to try to guide further with a bit more info (even if you are not, strictly, a paediatric patient!).



Hello Ben

Thanks for opening the surgery - it's becoming a habit that is. Anyway, to cut a long story short I took some mind altering chemicals last night as well as a bucket load of G&T. I then got up this morning (after only about 4 hours sleep) and repeated the process. Then I had to go and try and be sensible at 2.30pm as I was seeing an ex work colleague. I had a coffee with that person which lasted near enough exactly 2 hours. Then I stood up to leave, felt a bit funny but walked out and across the road. I then felt my head spin and the next thing I know is that I'm on the deck coming around, with people asking me if I'm OK. This was in the Moseley area of Birmingham, where deviants such as myself rub shoulders with people who frown on people passing out on the pavement.

I think I'm OK to be honest. I reckon it was the indulgence and standing up suddenly and walking in to the 'fresh' air. I have collapsed once before in the door way of a theatre quite a few years ago. Once again chemicals were involved as well as suddenly standing up and walking in to the fresh air. I therefore conclude that fresh air is bad for me and that I actually thrive on smog (Cor blimey guvnor, it's a real pea souper out there etc etc).

Anyway, thanks Ben. Your medical input is, once again, appreciated.

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Yoghurt; be ok please.



I hear where you are coming from Woffy and appreciate it. If truth be known it was an unusually wild one last night - my wife's birthday. I think we over celebrated. Not on K though. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. I went to India once and was told I could buy litres of K (it was in liquid form) for about a £1. I declined then and will always maintain that stance with it. Anyway, I'm Ok this end. Cheers Woffy.

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Eee Yog I know you is poorly and I shouldn't laugh but my god you are funny. I'm laughing out loud to my kindle ref the fresh air being bad for you and your story from India!! You really cheer me up even tho you're probably concussed

Hello Curlygirl. There's a school of thought that would argue that I'm perpetually concussed. It's either that or a congenital ailment.

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Hello Ben

Thanks for opening the surgery - it's becoming a habit that is. Anyway, to cut a long story short I took some mind altering chemicals last night as well as a bucket load of G&T. I then got up this morning (after only about 4 hours sleep) and repeated the process. Then I had to go and try and be sensible at 2.30pm as I was seeing an ex work colleague. I had a coffee with that person which lasted near enough exactly 2 hours. Then I stood up to leave, felt a bit funny but walked out and across the road. I then felt my head spin and the next thing I know is that I'm on the deck coming around, with people asking me if I'm OK. This was in the Moseley area of Birmingham, where deviants such as myself rub shoulders with people who frown on people passing out on the pavement.

I think I'm OK to be honest. I reckon it was the indulgence and standing up suddenly and walking in to the 'fresh' air. I have collapsed once before in the door way of a theatre quite a few years ago. Once again chemicals were involved as well as suddenly standing up and walking in to the fresh air. I therefore conclude that fresh air is bad for me and that I actually thrive on smog (Cor blimey guvnor, it's a real pea souper out there etc etc).

Anyway, thanks Ben. Your medical input is, once again, appreciated.

Ah, yes, I see. Well, thank you Mr Stick.

Yes, well this is a common condition known as NFB*. It's a little known complaint that predominates in the West Midlands Conurbation.

Seriously, Yog (well, kinda for a moment, at least), if you had come to see me, I'd have said something along the lines of "For fuck's sake, man, what on earth were you thinking of?!"

You are, medically speaking you understand, conceivably starting to write cheques your body can't cash!

I'm just fortunate that you're over 16 and there was no ambo involved, as you might have ended up with me ( I work at a particular institution opposite the cop shop on Steelhouse Lane!).

Anyhoo, you've got plenty of precipitants for your episode, so my advice would be that no, you likely don't need to see anyone (most of them make it up, anyway...), but you do need to rein it in a touch, old pal!

No charge - this one's on me...



*Normal For Birmingham

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Ah, yes, I see. Well, thank you Mr Stick.

Yes, well this is a common condition known as NFB*. It's a little known complaint that predominates in the West Midlands Conurbation.

Seriously, Yog (well, kinda for a moment, at least), if you had come to see me, I'd have said something along the lines of "For fuck's sake, man, what on earth were you thinking of?!"

You are, medically speaking you understand, conceivably starting to write cheques your body can't cash!

I'm just fortunate that you're over 16 and there was no ambo involved, as you might have ended up with me ( I work at a particular institution opposite the cop shop on Steelhouse Lane!).

Anyhoo, you've got plenty of precipitants for your episode, so my advice would be that no, you likely don't need to see anyone (most of them make it up, anyway...), but you do need to rein it in a touch, old pal!

No charge - this one's on me...



*Normal For Birmingham

Nice one Ben. I've got the message - you are right in that I do need to take my foot off the accelerator. The thing is that I used to hate life so took drugs as a sort of compensation. I no longer hate life (thanks to Mrs. Yog) but have retained the habit. Time for a re-think I guess. Regards Yog.

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