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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Well that was an eventful weekend!!

Downward humidity of biblical,proportions Friday night and Saturday morning - the Ark sank without a trace.

We were supposed to be going out with friends Saturday night and they were going to ring us - no call so we tried to get them and they were nowhere to be found................ In the end we stayed in and had a restful evening which was nice and walked up to see them and find out what happened the next day.

Helen had been taken into hospital with a burst appendix and had to have emergency surgery - we thought that was a fair excuse for not ringing!!

Thankfully all is well - though she is very sore.

My Mum not good and still in hospital - might be home this week but undergoing more tests.

Thank goodness I am reasonably healthy!

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Well that was an eventful weekend!!

Downward humidity of biblical,proportions Friday night and Saturday morning - the Ark sank without a trace.

We were supposed to be going out with friends Saturday night and they were going to ring us - no call so we tried to get them and they were nowhere to be found................ In the end we stayed in and had a restful evening which was nice and walked up to see them and find out what happened the next day.

Helen had been taken into hospital with a burst appendix and had to have emergency surgery - we thought that was a fair excuse for not ringing!!

Thankfully all is well - though she is very sore.

My Mum not good and still in hospital - might be home this week but undergoing more tests.

Thank goodness I am reasonably healthy!

wow, not good. Hope all gets better and settled soon.

ICGenie, cheeky request as I read you do yoga... could you suggest any pose to help increase shoulder flexibility please? On the pose to link fingers behind the back, my right shoulder is less able to go upwards than my left, and I'm starting to look for other ways to loosen it up without forcing. If not, no worries :-)

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ICGenie, cheeky request as I read you do yoga... could you suggest any pose to help increase shoulder flexibility please? On the pose to link fingers behind the back, my right shoulder is less able to go upwards than my left, and I'm starting to look for other ways to loosen it up without forcing. If not, no worries :-)

My shoulder flexibility is awful! One thing you can try - let me see if I can explain. Lie on your front with your arm out to the side. Really reach it out as far as you can. From here you basically roll your body towards that arm so you end up on your side. As you get looser you can start to bend your knees to hold the position, move onto one flat foot on the floor then the other - in the final posture you can go as far as to end up with your bum and lower back flat to the floor. Go as far as is comfortable though and try to rest there for about a minute. Keep reaching the outstretched arm, creeping it along the floor.

The other one is my personal hell, Gomukhasana:


You can do it without the legs. Push the bottom arm up your back first, then reach over your head. If you can't bind it (I'm about 2 inches off!) you can use a strap or any piece of material to give some tension.

These are pretty strong poses, but as with all yoga you can just take it as far as you're comfortable. Keep your body soft, keep your spine aligned, and listen to what your body is telling you!

Quick browse, this looks like some good (and some easier!) suggestions - http://www.shape.com/blogs/working-it-out/9-yoga-poses-open-your-shoulders

Finally, if you do the linking your fingers behind your back thing make sure you do it with your fingers the unusual way as well as the usual way!

Edited by ICGenie
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Better news.

Mum is going home tomorrow and all tests are negative for anything bad.

great news, hope it's a weight off your mind :-)

ICGenie, oh yes that's the one that gets me too. I'm about 2 inches out too. I'll check out that link tonight. I need to start again, as I've not done any for a while and I'm making middle age noises getting up. .. Thanks for that!

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glad to hear good news old sons

if youve seen the pic on FB ...............................................hammered but ok now 2 days yep 2 days to get back to normal .......im not 21 no more lol

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Good news about your Mum Matt :) And ouch at your friends burst appendix! I had mine out when I was about 20. It really REALLY hurt. It wasnt burst, but I definitely wasn't well!!

Genie- I can do that! I can do it both ways, and with the legs!! Go me! I am looking for a yoga class too.... going to start a gym soon and I think there's on there.

Guy- I hate that we're not 19 anymore and it takes days to recover! It's horrible!!

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You're all far to bendy!!!

I am only jealous - I used to be able to do all sorts that now sadly my body laughs at my attempts - I suppose dislocated a shoulder means I lost flexibility there.

I'll take the photos of you lot all bending!!

Guy - 2 day hangovers are now sadly part of normal life for me - 50 years young next year and trying to stop drinking earlier in the night to avoid 48 hours of pain.

In other good news, Helen (appendix friend) is home now but very very very sore. I think we may have to change our plans as we are all supposed to be at a days 'festival' on the 16th!!!

and the downward humidity has stopped!!

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back from Standon Calling where we only had a bit of wet stuff on sat morning before the arena opened - so no drama and a couple of moist spells that lasted as long as it took me to put on my poncho then stopped. Flip flops all weekend.

From other posts it would appear that we were in the right place.

Off again this weekend to Boomtown. Again the weather says it might be iffy ...let's hope our good luck holds for festie number 5

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back from Standon Calling where we only had a bit of wet stuff on sat morning before the arena opened - so no drama and a couple of moist spells that lasted as long as it took me to put on my poncho then stopped. Flip flops all weekend.

From other posts it would appear that we were in the right place.

Off again this weekend to Boomtown. Again the weather says it might be iffy ...let's hope our good luck holds for festie number 5

I think you were very lucky indeed!!

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i hope you all did the candle in the window thing last night ...i live not far from a cemetery [about 150M ] and thought i would be nice to do something for the tiny war graves bit so me and miss got some poppys from garden and some candles and went and put them on the cross . i was amazed cos there was no other flowers or anything so i had a good feeling for doing it .

clouding over down here lotsof R coming tomo ...G

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You were lucky, Dee!!

Is Boomtown good? I know people that say its the best. Those people haven't been to Glastonbury, mind ;)

Boomtown is like the south west corner of Glastonbury. It has a young demographic (we are so old that people suspect we are either undercover coppers or drug dealers).

It has all the quirkyness of GF and is VERY full on.

Arcadia are there. They have loads of stages which are themed (e.g. reggae stage, DJ's in the woods etc) and the stages are amazing. The boombox stage is an enormous boombox where the dj's play in the middle. It's now a staple in our summer festival list.960x640_bestfit-Copy119_zpsf8a0de40.jpg256x256_fit_one_bestfit-Copy50_zps5c65d8

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Genie- I can do that! I can do it both ways, and with the legs!! Go me! I am looking for a yoga class too.... going to start a gym soon and I think there's on there.

I can do the legs on a block but for some reason I get a shooting pain down my left arm when it's the lower arm. It must trap a nerve or something...

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Good to hear the Appendix Friend is ok :-) I knackered my arm (biological term) last year whilst clearing a house and aggravated my right shoulder, which has some calcification. It's better now, but it's certainly not as flexible as it was, hence the need for me to not vegetate but exercise. So many nice things (processed meat, alcohol, tv, pizza) are not good for us in large amounts :-(

We had a candle reflection Guy at home. There are some Commonwealth graves near us, I'll have to make time to visit them.

I'd love to visit more festivals, but we have so much on our bucket list that Glastonbury (NFiR NFC) will be the main festie for me, but I enjoy reading about the others. My cousin recommended one in Brittany (forget its name) so I could combine a holiday with Mrs CJ and go there.

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Unfortunately old age is catching up on him, he really poorly at the moment keeps collapsing and really lethargic. Vet is trying one last tablet and if that does not improve things we may l have to make a horrible decision.

Sad slodge household at the moment we have everything crossed.

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