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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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8 a.m. Officially, but they sometimes open the gates slightly earlier to get the queues moving.

Theres a coach that gets to the festival at 05:30 im considering getting

Be a bit of a wait mind to get in. But its nearly £40 cheaper than getting to the site at 9am

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Theres a coach that gets to the festival at 05:30 im considering getting

Be a bit of a wait mind to get in. But its nearly £40 cheaper than getting to the site at 9am

Up to you, obviously, but I'd say go for the early one. Get some kip on the way, then chat to randoms in the queue. There'll be plenty of people waiting for gates to open, have a little party! Just make sure you're wrapped up warm!

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Hi all

Posting from phone, in an on-call bed at work. Had a grisly day - quite literally...saw something so sad and horrid that I've not seen before in 20+ years as a children's doc. Anyway, enough of that.

I've not posted much for a few days, as life has been ridiculous (mostly in a good way). We're now Day 4 post-tatt and it's looking well bad nice as my teenagers would say. No scratching, healing beautifully, starting to peel a bit and every bit as smashing as I had hoped. I'll show anyone who's interested, at the NFR NFC meet.

Kanye, eh? I think it's great, as it's stirred up SUCH a lot of passionate debate! No way on your god's earth I'll watch him, but then I was almost never gonna watch Pyramid headliners...

My favourite 3 animals are (in order of preference):



Orang utan

Tired now. Need sleepybyes





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Doctor Ben, my daughter has flu (diagnosed today by GP) and was sick at bedtime. My wife was just chained to the toilet. Is this something in addition to the flu? Should we all be quarantined? I work from home, so can stay away from people if I can.

I feel ok, so far, except for a snotty nose and a funny feeling in my belly for the last week or so that makes me want to eat a lot. A bit like butterflies.

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Doctor Ben, my daughter has flu (diagnosed today by GP) and was sick at bedtime. My wife was just chained to the toilet. Is this something in addition to the flu? Should we all be quarantined? I work from home, so can stay away from people if I can.

I feel ok, so far, except for a snotty nose and a funny feeling in my belly for the last week or so that makes me want to eat a lot. A bit like butterflies.

Aww hope you're all feeling a bit better soon

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Doctor Ben, my daughter has flu (diagnosed today by GP) and was sick at bedtime. My wife was just chained to the toilet. Is this something in addition to the flu? Should we all be quarantined? I work from home, so can stay away from people if I can.

I feel ok, so far, except for a snotty nose and a funny feeling in my belly for the last week or so that makes me want to eat a lot. A bit like butterflies.

Hope then stuartbert household all feels better soon

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