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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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I have a expensive year as well, turning 50 in 2016, but so will 2017 when Mrs Splodge is also 50 and it's our 30th wedding anniversary.

No Glastonbury in 2017 either :(

Any thoughts on what you want to do? What does Mrs Splodge fancy? Well done on self control and stopping smoking. I don't smoke, but have no self control.

Oh nice, sounds like a good gig that. I'm still hoping I can go pro with my photography one day.

I'm best man at my brother's wedding, usher at a wedding on Norway, attending at least two more.

Mum's 60th, Dad's 65th, Girlfriend's graduation (exotic holiday ensues). Euro 2016 in France.

The run of 30th birthdays will continue with many of my closest friends celebrating.

Possibly buy a house. Engagement ring.

Things I can't really complain about, it's just daunting!

Cracking year then, are you proposing via eFests?

Sorting my music library was one of the most time consuming, mundane 'that'll be fun' tasks I ever had to do. I'll be thinking of you today, Slodge.

Good work on the no smoking, keep it up!

After copying the majority into various folders on my NAS, that's a "I'll come back to it" job for me. I've not even started on chaning my iPod around with new stuff...

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Morning all!

Gotta say this- PLEASE can we stop being mean to other people on efests? We are all here because we want a dry and sunny festival, and to chat with others about general "stuff". Could we try to be nice to everyone please? Winding people up is not going to help anyone! It makes us all look bad, not just the person doing it.

And it makes me sad because I know you're all nice really.

ON a lighter note- the sun (see what I did there?!) is trying to pop it's head out from behind a cloud!! :)

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Cracking year then, are you proposing via eFests?

Haha, I think she might miss it if I do. Her birthday is 28th June so this will be the third one in a row where I'm at Glastonbury and not with her (that's 3 for 3 since we met, too). If my proposal had anything to do with the festival I think I'd find myself in a bit of bother.

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Morning party people.

I am changing my name today to Mr Knackered couldn't sleep last night so gave up, finally nodded off at 5am.

Have a very busy day today installing new NAS drive and then sorting my music library and copying across.

That and giving up smoking means today could be very difficult.

Morning slodge, I sympathise with the not sleeping thing :( well done on stopping smoking, I gave them up 6 weeks ago. Hang in there it does get easier :)

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Well done Slodge, I have also quit but I can't control myself on nights out got any tips?

If it's anything like me with beer then kebabs, then maybe indulge a little less to reduce temptation? It seems harsh to totally change one's friends to avoid temptation, but I also find sucking on pens keeps my hands busy, but doesn't stop me getting a large one with extra chilli. Go on, fnarr that one, ;-)

Anyway, be kind to yourself, warm handshakes.

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Well done Slodge, I have also quit but I can't control myself on nights out got any tips?

I still smoke when I'm drinking etc, however much much less than I used to. And on Saturday at Morrissey I didnt have any cigs at all! Just 3 pints of Thatchers gold. YUMMY. I was quite pissed actually!!!

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If it's anything like me with beer then kebabs, then maybe indulge a little less to reduce temptation? It seems harsh to totally change one's friends to avoid temptation, but I also find sucking on pens keeps my hands busy, but doesn't stop me getting a large one with extra chilli. Go on, fnarr that one, ;-)

Anyway, be kind to yourself, warm handshakes.


Cheers Carlosj, need to start indulging in kebabs instead as I tend not to eat much on nights out due to too much liquor.

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I still smoke when I'm drinking etc, however much much less than I used to. And on Saturday at Morrissey I didnt have any cigs at all! Just 3 pints of Thatchers gold. YUMMY. I was quite pissed actually!!!

Same It's less but it's still quite a lot as the clubs in Coventry are rubbish so the smoking areas are the best bit.

Jealous about Morrissey missing him in brum due to my Amsterdam visit.

Ummmm Thatchers gold, I prefer mine with blackcurrant it's the perfect hangover drink.

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nice shout Lucy girl .....

slodge old son every time you dont have a smoke put the money you would have spent in a jar ..........yourll be amazed.....my father in law did it and he saved 10000s ..mind you he was smoking 80 a day lol

good luck old son if your still not smoking at glasto ill buy you a t shirt ..lol.....of my choice!!!!!

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nice shout Lucy girl .....

slodge old son every time you dont have a smoke put the money you would have spent in a jar ..........yourll be amazed.....my father in law did it and he saved 10000s ..mind you he was smoking 80 a day lol

good luck old son if your still not smoking at glasto ill buy you a t shirt ..lol.....of my choice!!!!!

Will the t shirt be a very small childs one? :) haha!!

Cockbaby, I know what you mean about the smoking areas being the best bits, most of our lot here sit outside when we go out. Mind you, we dont really go to the pub much anymore! I'm sure that will change as the weather gets nicer :)

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I am happy

Have hot chip finally been offically confirmed? We have a self confirmation a while back i know

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