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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Sorry to hear you're ill, and your Mum too. Did she make it out of hospital?

Fake plastic people? Doesnt sound good. Need to rant?

Mum got out of hospital after 10 days - and was the same as when she went in!!!! Nobody thought to speak to her Parkinsons consultant while she was there which is bizarre!!

She will recover but just does not want to eat which is not good. My brother is back from a trip now and lives close so that will help.

Plastic people thankfully melt in the heat of their own lies (eventually). It just winds me up how some people say one thing to you and a different thing to others and forget their own lies GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Just be real and say what you mean - it is always easier that way (well I think so anyway.

Ranting Matt alert

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Mum got out of hospital after 10 days - and was the same as when she went in!!!! Nobody thought to speak to her Parkinsons consultant while she was there which is bizarre!!

She will recover but just does not want to eat which is not good. My brother is back from a trip now and lives close so that will help.

Plastic people thankfully melt in the heat of their own lies (eventually). It just winds me up how some people say one thing to you and a different thing to others and forget their own lies GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Just be real and say what you mean - it is always easier that way (well I think so anyway.

Ranting Matt alert

That's good that your brother is near to your Mum, hope she's ok!

I agree, no need to fib really. It just gets you into more trouble! So silly!

Everyone needs a good rant now and then, you go for it :)

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All OK - well could be better must such is life.

Mum ill again, me ill again but not manflu this time and worst of all more fake plastic people in my life that need to be removed.

Moan over

Hope you and your mum will feel better very soon, such a worry ill parents.

Really hate fake people really wind me up, honesty and loyalty is always the best way. I remember a few years ago we did a "so called friend" cull for the same reason.

Matty if you would like a rant or talk Debbie and I are always at the end of the phone.


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evening all ...been abit lax on here soz but busy with granddaughter and festival stuff my back garden is half full of tyre seats recycled bottles that are now flowers all painted plus records all sprayed struth and my sons On The Bus festi is this week end so really hoping the weather gods stay good as well cos he works so bloody hard he deserves a good weekend .

me and the misses have helped out at other festis doing decor but weve sort of ended up doing stuff for our sons festi the trouble being weve done all this stuff but we still dont have enough and im worrying that itll look shite lol.still at least its a start ah .............well hope alls well with everyone ill try posting pics up after festi .......G

I am sure all will go well Guy.

If we were around this weekend would be happy to help.

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knackered doing festi décor all day ahahhahhahhhahhhahhhahhhahhhhhh still loads to do leaving thurs praying to the sun gods ....

im lucky ive got a camper but i think a kettles a must anywhere you are ....take it old son

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Off to Shambala on Thursday. As absolutely no preparation has gone into it at all yet, I suspect I'll be busy tomorrow. I think we'll move the date of our annual summer party that occurred at the weekend just gone. It's too close to having to 'go back on it' at Shambala. I am looking forward to spending time again in fields at a festival though. It's time to get out of the city for a bit again.

Love to all.

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Morning all, really need to start wearing a coat for the morning dog walk.

Everyone going to Shambala have a fab time, really jealous but on next years possibles list.

Matty while I remember have a fab time at watchet festival.

Guy really hope On The Bus goes well and a fun time is had.

I am off to Carfest South it's only 10 minutes away thought we would see what it's like but feel it will be very corporate and money making.

Weather gods if you could be nice it really would be appreciated.

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