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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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have a lovely evening. and if you want some weekend viewing, some kindly soul has put all of channel 4's 1995 Glastonbury coverage online. starring a young Mark Radcliffe and Mark Lamarr, amongst others who still do the Glastonbury coverage to this day!


Now that's rockin'

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Task for tonight and Saturday.


In no more than 100 words please say what your ideal first 2 hours at Glastonbury Festival (after tent it pitched) would entail and why.


Your ideal first musical act of the festival, who would it be and why?

Hi Matty, my Friday has started, g&t is sliding down very nicely my ideal first 2 hours would include:

Apply sun cream to protect my skin from the scorching heat. Pour some wine and drink it. Roll a herbal ciggie and smoke it. Text home to let folk know I've arrived safely and wax lyrical about how great it is to be here and the wonderful people who have helped me put up the shelter next to the van : ) Switch off my phone and put it away until Monday. Introduce myself properly to my neighbours, invite them to share some wine, nibbles, smokes. Peruse the line up and choose 2 must sees each day, the first of which has to be no later than 6pm so that I don't end up spending the whole weekend in the cv field! Smile and greet all who pass by. Play some of my favourite tunes. At the end of the two hours I will diligently apply more sun cream.

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