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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Afternoon all

Got me an interview for a different job next monday morning so whilst it completely spoils my plans for sunday (could do with getting it so i need to be grown up and not get wrecked and stay up until after 4am) at least its an opertunity to reduce the 2/3hours each way commute down to 10mins each way.

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Afternoon all

Got me an interview for a different job next monday morning so whilst it completely spoils my plans for sunday (could do with getting it so i need to be grown up and not get wrecked and stay up until after 4am) at least its an opertunity to reduce the 2/3hours each way commute down to 10mins each way.

Nice one, good luck with that.

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Afternoon all

Got me an interview for a different job next monday morning so whilst it completely spoils my plans for sunday (could do with getting it so i need to be grown up and not get wrecked and stay up until after 4am) at least its an opertunity to reduce the 2/3hours each way commute down to 10mins each way.

good luck!

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Afternoon all

Got me an interview for a different job next monday morning so whilst it completely spoils my plans for sunday (could do with getting it so i need to be grown up and not get wrecked and stay up until after 4am) at least its an opertunity to reduce the 2/3hours each way commute down to 10mins each way.

I shall make a mental not to wish you well on Sunday or Monday but in case I forget,

Good Luck.

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Not been around much, if at all, as steering clear of things outside the 'real world' while I try and sort some family rubbish - not in a good place at the moment and do not want to type anything I might regret.

Speak soon.


All the best, Matty. You know where we are if you need us.

G x

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Not been around much, if at all, as steering clear of things outside the 'real world' while I try and sort some family rubbish - not in a good place at the moment and do not want to type anything I might regret.

Speak soon.


matty, I don't know you, yet. I don't know any of you yet, but I already like the fact that I could, should I need to, come on here and offload, have a moan, feel a bit down, and be certain of receiving genuinely caring and kind thoughts.

Post anything you like and I, along with all of the NFR NFC massive will respond as you knew we would...



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Not been around much, if at all, as steering clear of things outside the 'real world' while I try and sort some family rubbish - not in a good place at the moment and do not want to type anything I might regret.

Speak soon.


Hope all gets sorted.

Remember if you want useless or occasionally useful advice, or even just gibberish, we're all here

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matty, I don't know you, yet. I don't know any of you yet, but I already like the fact that I could, should I need to, come on here and offload, have a moan, feel a bit down, and be certain of receiving genuinely caring and kind thoughts.

Post anything you like and I, along with all of the NFR NFC massive will respond as you knew we would...



We're bloody cliquey and unfriendly though lol.

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Hi everyone (and especially matty, as he's having a crap day/time)

Not been on much for a few days, as it was my weekend on duty. And what a weekend.

I was on late shifts, working in the Emergency Department until 11pm - but, as the boss, not actually getting out of there until midnight +

The numbers going through have been huge. March is, for some reason, always a bit grim. I'm sure everyone was aware of the ridiculous numbers going through 'A+E' (we in the trade don't like the term much, so they are 'ED's to us, sorry...) over December and Christmas...it was mental. We had by far our highest ever daily attendance one day....226 children coming through the department. Anyway, it settled down a wee bit in late Jan/early Feb only for March to get horrid again.

And in addition to that...they're filming a TV series in the hospital/ED at the moment! The same team that make 'One Born Every Minute' have been filming for a month or so and have been in the ED for the last three weeks. They have about 40-50 fixed rig cameras positioned around the department, controlled remotely by the 'Gallery' who sit in Portakabins outside the hospital!

So, at any point you hear a very soft whir as a camera turns to look at you! I've been miked up on every shift for three weeks and seem to have ingratiated myself with the production team who ask me to go and see as many of the consenting families as I can! It's been really fun, actually, as the production assistants are really lovely, very unobtrusive and non-pushy, realising that the environment in which we work is very stressful and we don't really have time to stop and prepare for being on TV! I've been very naughty, often giving very cheeky remarks to 'Gallery'. Last night was the final night of filming in the ED. As I was saying goodbye to the team on my way out at midnight I walked into the main area of the department and said into my mike...'Ben to Gallery, camera onto me in the main area, please'. Instantly a camera rotated to look at me! I looked into it and just thanked them for a fun time and for being so sensitive to us in letting us get on with our work.

The camera started 'nodding' up and down in acknowledgement!

So, come the autumn, your resident, verbose medical NFR NFC'er might be all over Channel 4 like a rash...maybe it could be my ticket out of the NHS and into stardom!

The daytimes of the weekend were equally packed, with me driving Mrs Ben 21 miles from home on Saturday morning, pushing her out of the car and telling her to run home. She did. And looked incredibly good, all things considered. The marathon is in less than 3 weeks.

Child 1 was in the Brecon Beacons for a final DofE Gold Award practice, including a night walk in the mountains. Child 2 was working and revising. Child 3 lost his big semi-final rugby match Sunday morning. His Dad, one of the coaches (ah...that'd be me...) obviously didn't get things quite right. He's OK, though.

I'm a bit knackered, but glad to get the weekend out of the way. Only two on-duty weekends between now and my Glastonbury baptism...

Anyhoo, will try to be a bit more communicative on here, now that big block of 'stuff' is out of the way.



Edited by bennyhana22
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Not been around much, if at all, as steering clear of things outside the 'real world' while I try and sort some family rubbish - not in a good place at the moment and do not want to type anything I might regret.

Speak soon.

Sorry to hear that Matty, things have a way of working themselves out, meanwhile take care of yourself .


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Spoken to Mrs Matty.

I will not post details, but having family issues and things going wrong, unfortunatly at the same time. he knows I am here if I can help and also everyone thinking of him. I passed on everyone's good wishes which was appreciated.

He sends thanks and hugs to everyone.

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