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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Cockbaby, hope you're surviving the office. Biccies are always a good plan.

Dee, thanks for the first report of movement on site! I havent seen cubehenge yet, I really must make the effort this year.

I'm feeling a little bit slow this morning, probably gin withdrawals. I'm sure I'll survive!

Survived the day, went out for lunch and all the biscuits disappeared!

How was Morrissey?

Avoid politics and make friends with whoever allocates pencils and toilet paper.

Not one for politics, seem to have been positioned to the main gossiper though which will slowly drive me insane.

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its awful but they are my furry babies. shes totally chilled beside me on the sofa. hoping it might have been a nervous tremor or something. Took a video of it to show the vet then gave her a big cuddle.

They really are your babies! I can't imagine life without my little man. Good idea doing the video, I took one of sam to show the vet.

For some reason I can't put photos or videos on here? It lets me copy links and post?

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They really are your babies! I can't imagine life without my little man. Good idea doing the video, I took one of sam to show the vet.

For some reason I can't put photos or videos on here? It lets me copy links and post?

I took the photo from Facebook, changed the setting to public then right clicked to open in a new tab. Then uploaded as normal

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Please ignore the "line up announcement thread".

Nothing to see, my bloomin heart skipped a few beats when I saw it.

Could be the most downvoted post ever tho.

Shit, I'm sorry. I saw it earlier and never thought of warning people! How hard is it to phrase a thread title without it being misleading? How many downvotes is it now?

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I had to look, even though you said there was nothing to see, I thought there must be something cos your heart skipped a beat, but actually, you were very correct Mr slodge sir, absolutely nothing. I can't do down votes on my phone or else I would have!! Git!!

Most stupid thread title and started a 5.54pm so I thought announcement at 6pm on a radio station. Grrrr

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It was so good to see you and Sharon, really enjoyed catching up also glad you brought the good weather, was lovely and toasty outside The George having a beer.

Looking forward to meeting again very soon.

Hugs xx

top of the range old son .....and the behind the counter cider lolol funny that was ..we had a good night at Placebo ..they were great then went to a gig at the cellar bar cos we were on the guest list but i cant remember any thing then lol.......fucking backs fucked tho old son ......

oh and the weather today is fune down here people lol

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At the bottom of the page on the mobile version theres the option to change to the full version. If you did that you could downvote/upvote if you wanted and see what scores folk have

Oh thanx for that info. Will look now! Can you downvote the whole thread or just the post?

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