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i do appreciate a bit of help in such matters, but sometimes you have to make do on your own. i can always ask the neighbours to help me get it up, but it's what comes at the end that i'm thinking of.

Oh I know what you mean. Sometimes having a hand is good, but can be quite unsatisfactory. Some folk are just clumsy and heavy handed, and you don't want that at all.

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Well guys, sorry to put a downer on the tent porn fun, but I have a huge decision to make and I don't want to feel I've made it all on my own. I've come home to news that Sam has bitten 3 people while I've been gone having fun. One of them was really bad, the other two only just caught them, only because they had the feeling and pulled away from him just in time. The vet said it could be an issue with the brain... Like Alzheimer's. He's very full of beans but that could just be excitement at his mum being home. Is it time to send him to rainbow bridge

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Well guys, sorry to put a downer on the tent porn fun, but I have a huge decision to make and I don't want to feel I've made it all on my own. I've come home to news that Sam has bitten 3 people while I've been gone having fun. One of them was really bad, the other two only just caught them, only because they had the feeling and pulled away from him just in time. The vet said it could be an issue with the brain... Like Alzheimer's. He's very full of beans but that could just be excitement at his mum being home. Is it time to send him to rainbow bridge

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CG, sorry to hear that. i think you need to discuss with your vet, possibly a behaviourist if you can afford.

If it's behaviour out of the blue then it could be anxiety, but can you take the risk.

Definitely need professional advice. Are the people who were bitten ok with him?

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Well guys, sorry to put a downer on the tent porn fun, but I have a huge decision to make and I don't want to feel I've made it all on my own. I've come home to news that Sam has bitten 3 people while I've been gone having fun. One of them was really bad, the other two only just caught them, only because they had the feeling and pulled away from him just in time. The vet said it could be an issue with the brain... Like Alzheimer's. He's very full of beans but that could just be excitement at his mum being home. Is it time to send him to rainbow bridge

OMG! that sounds heart breaking and my heart goes out to you right now, i hope everything turns out well for all parties concerned specially you and your lil "fuzzy buddy" i really do, This is the biggest worry in my life right now and is all consuming atm, my dog is now 15 and is getting so grumpy and whiney and i havnt had the bottle/heart to leave him since i went to glasto last year tbh and i,m still worried sick about this years GF incase he gets worse again and bites the bullet without me by his side, my sister looks after him when i go and they both love each other to bits and he didnt even enjoy his time with her an trust me she spoils the sh*t out of him an then some. May i ask CG what type of dog he/she is? in all serious i wish you all the very best on whatever you decide to do as i can see this sort of thing happening to me in the very near future. Think i can feel a huge brandy coming on at 5.30 tonight now. :cry:

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He is 12 years old approximately. When I first got him at 6ish yr old, he bit 5 people in 2 weeks, including me. He has had all kinds of behavioural therapy and is now a good dog. Or was. He hasn't bitten or been aggressive to anyone since the last incident 6 years ago. He isn't anxious when he stays with my neighbour, they look after him a lot. I'd rather pay them than a kennel. He doesn't appear to be any pain. He bit my friend whilst out walking and she was putting his lead on. He bit two of the groomers when he was getting his hair cut. He is always so happy at both places. Still waiting for the vet man to ring but have spoken To the nurse. She's the one that mentioned his brain. There's no point in me taking him to the vet unless he's sedated as that is the one place he is incredibly aggressive... Unless he's really poorly.

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OMG! that sounds heart breaking and my heart goes out to you right now, i hope everything turns out well for all parties concerned specially you and your lil "fuzzy buddy" i really do, This is the biggest worry in my life right now and is all consuming atm, my dog is now 15 and is getting so grumpy and whiney and i havnt had the bottle/heart to leave him since i went to glasto last year tbh and i,m still worried sick about this years GF incase he gets worse again and bites the bullet without me by his side, my sister looks after him when i go and they both love each other to bits and he didnt even enjoy his time with her an trust me she spoils the sh*t out of him an then some. May i ask CG what type of dog he/she is? in all serious i wish you all the very best on whatever you decide to do as i can see this sort of thing happening to me in the very near future. Think i can feel a huge brandy coming on at 5.30 tonight now. :cry:

Ah Tommy, I'm sorry for you too. Welcome to the thread!!

Sam is a west highland terrier and has been going through quite a lot recently with pancreatitis and hepatitis and colitis!! It's possible it's brain damaged him but without a scan I suppose we won't know. I hope your furry friend is ok. It's heartbreaking isn't it. I don't want my little man to suffer which is why I'm so concerned about the aggressiveness. Pain can cause that.

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Ah Tommy, I'm sorry for you too. Welcome to the thread!!

Sam is a west highland terrier and has been going through quite a lot recently with pancreatitis and hepatitis and colitis!! It's possible it's brain damaged him but without a scan I suppose we won't know. I hope your furry friend is ok. It's heartbreaking isn't it. I don't want my little man to suffer which is why I'm so concerned about the aggressiveness. Pain can cause that.

Thanks for the welcome, i was on here last year an was supposed to meet with camp Ralph but could i heck make it up the hill with all the weight i was pushing/pulling, lol, it was my first time and like a silly little newb boy i brought enough to last me until this years GF if i wanted. never again though coz it killed me for the first couple of days i swear, i lift furniture for my job and have done for over 13 years and that near killed me off, felt like i,d been in the gym for like 2 days straight, lol. anywho thanks for the welcome very nice of ya. my lil bezzy is a staffordshire bull terrier and i had his mum before this one aswell, his name is Bowser (King Bowser) (for the mario fans out there) lol, when i got back from Gf last year R Bows Had made himself so sick with the crying/howling/pineing for me he ended up having fits due to his age the vet said and since then its just been one thing after another and has skinted me something rotten (all worth it) but yer its frickin heart breaking and i just wanted to say i hope everything goes well for you and Your lil westy Sam. gorgeous lil dogs but to me i just love any dog, (love dogs more than humans some days, lol. good luck and i will deffo be keeping my eyes out to see how it all goes. my fingers knees an toes are all crossed for the best outcome.

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Really sorry to hear the news. I am sure others have said this but....

You will know if something is 'wrong' with his behaviour/temprament and if you think there is then it sounds likely to be connected with pain and he is biting to warn others off.

The only thing to suggest is after talking to the vet/nurse etc then you have to use your judgement - if it is obvious then that is an easier task.

If it is not obvious then take a day or so to watch and listen - maybe he was having a bad day type thing?

It is so very hard with any animals and especially so with those you love - we have a vets visit tomorrow and I am rather concerned but have hopes I am just over reacting to things cat wise.

If you want to talk more please ask anything - even PM me on FB if you want - not that there is much I can do sadly.

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Thanks for the welcome, i was on here last year an was supposed to meet with camp Ralph but could i heck make it up the hill with all the weight i was pushing/pulling, lol, it was my first time and like a silly little newb boy i brought enough to last me until this years GF if i wanted. never again though coz it killed me for the first couple of days i swear, i lift furniture for my job and have done for over 13 years and that near killed me off, felt like i,d been in the gym for like 2 days straight, lol. anywho thanks for the welcome very nice of ya. my lil bezzy is a staffordshire bull terrier and i had his mum before this one aswell, his name is Bowser (King Bowser) (for the mario fans out there) lol, when i got back from Gf last year R Bows Had made himself so sick with the crying/howling/pineing for me he ended up having fits due to his age the vet said and since then its just been one thing after another and has skinted me something rotten (all worth it) but yer its frickin heart breaking and i just wanted to say i hope everything goes well for you and Your lil westy Sam. gorgeous lil dogs but to me i just love any dog, (love dogs more than humans some days, lol. good luck and i will deffo be keeping my eyes out to see how it all goes. my fingers knees an toes are all crossed for the best outcome.

Thanx Tommy. I hope it's good too haha. I joined efests around September time as I was spending a lot of time looking after my grandad. Spend most of my time on NFR NFC. I can't keep up with all of the threads. There's such a great bunch of people on here! Not many peeps I can pour my heart out to, and I hate moany people on fb, so unfortunately, all the gorgeous people on here put up with my doggy problems.

HMV how is Tippy?

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Really sorry to hear the news. I am sure others have said this but....

You will know if something is 'wrong' with his behaviour/temprament and if you think there is then it sounds likely to be connected with pain and he is biting to warn others off.

The only thing to suggest is after talking to the vet/nurse etc then you have to use your judgement - if it is obvious then that is an easier task.

If it is not obvious then take a day or so to watch and listen - maybe he was having a bad day type thing?

It is so very hard with any animals and especially so with those you love - we have a vets visit tomorrow and I am rather concerned but have hopes I am just over reacting to things cat wise.

If you want to talk more please ask anything - even PM me on FB if you want - not that there is much I can do sadly.

Matty you are so right. I think he's fine pain wise but it does make me question why he's biting. I go away a lot and depend on my friends looking after him, but if he's gonna bite them I can't take that risk. I'm still waiting for the vet to call me, they may suggest a brain scan as pancreatitis can cause brain damage. I will see. But your advice is the best. Watch him closely for a few days and judge then. Thanx.

I do hope your feline friend will be ok too. It's bloody torture when they're not very happy.

And I'm pleased you feel you're getting on top of things. But you can only do one thing at a time. Try to take it easy and keep calm.

Thanx to everyone who has commented and sent well wishes. Gonna get slushy but I love you lot! You're a fab bunch. Thanx again x

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He is 12 years old approximately. When I first got him at 6ish yr old, he bit 5 people in 2 weeks, including me. He has had all kinds of behavioural therapy and is now a good dog. Or was. He hasn't bitten or been aggressive to anyone since the last incident 6 years ago. He isn't anxious when he stays with my neighbour, they look after him a lot. I'd rather pay them than a kennel. He doesn't appear to be any pain. He bit my friend whilst out walking and she was putting his lead on. He bit two of the groomers when he was getting his hair cut. He is always so happy at both places. Still waiting for the vet man to ring but have spoken To the nurse. She's the one that mentioned his brain. There's no point in me taking him to the vet unless he's sedated as that is the one place he is incredibly aggressive... Unless he's really poorly.

Hi CG this is awful news, so distressing for you :( do you think he could be having little strokes rather than Alzheimer's? Is his eyesight ok? I had an old cat who suddenly became aggressive, it turned out her retinas had detached and she'd gone blind quite suddenly - very traumatic for an old lady. Hearthugs xx

Edited by Babylon sister
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Well that day awaiting phone calls was a waste of time. He simply said its up to me if I want to put him to sleep!!! Tried to explain that I'm concerned that there's something wrong with him that's making him bite... I now have a 1750 appt at the vet tomorrow and if he wants to refer him for scans, it'll be at a later date. Oh the joys. Thankfully he's quite happy within himself so we can go back to tent porn if you want??


I have this

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