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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Well guys, sorry to put a downer on the tent porn fun, but I have a huge decision to make and I don't want to feel I've made it all on my own. I've come home to news that Sam has bitten 3 people while I've been gone having fun. One of them was really bad, the other two only just caught them, only because they had the feeling and pulled away from him just in time. The vet said it could be an issue with the brain... Like Alzheimer's. He's very full of beans but that could just be excitement at his mum being home. Is it time to send him to rainbow bridge

Awful news my heart goes out to you.

I wonder if he was caught of guard of someone caught a painful spot, would a muzzle help? Might be a way of getting him settled again.

I would seriously not rust into anything especially after what he has been through he may still be adjusting to his new food or situation.

My niece is a fully qualified vet nurse if you need me to ask anything please PM or contact me by phone (number on page on Facebook).

Bigs hugs coming your way.

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As I couldn't crack on with painting due to Mrs Jeffie's migraine, I made:

Celery Soup

Leek and Potato Soup

Fresh soft brown/white mix rolls.

Much appreciated by the little'uns for tea.

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Well that day awaiting phone calls was a waste of time. He simply said its up to me if I want to put him to sleep!!! Tried to explain that I'm concerned that there's something wrong with him that's making him bite... I now have a 1750 appt at the vet tomorrow and if he wants to refer him for scans, it'll be at a later date. Oh the joys. Thankfully he's quite happy within himself so we can go back to tent porn if you want??


I have this

A soft muzzle may be helpful, even to save you being anxious. Good advice from Matty, sometimes watching things for a day or two is a good thing. Keep cosy xx

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As I couldn't crack on with painting due to Mrs Jeffie's migraine, I made:

Celery Soup

Leek and Potato Soup

Fresh soft brown/white mix rolls.

Much appreciated by the little'uns for tea.

Wow Jeffie I am impressed! I've never made a bread roll in my life! Love leek and potato soup though you can keep the celery one. Celery is for the devil!

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A soft muzzle may be helpful, even to save you being anxious. Good advice from Matty, sometimes watching things for a day or two is a good thing. Keep cosy xx

I don't care if he bites me, it's my neighbour when she looks after him. He can't be in a muzzle 24/7. Will see what the vet says tomorrow. Thanx Babs

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Good plan batman....now what to eat, the lack of sleep at home was bothering me so i checked into a hostel for tonight. So eating out is my only option

The sky is your limit then!

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Wow Jeffie I am impressed! I've never made a bread roll in my life! Love leek and potato soup though you can keep the celery one. Celery is for the devil!

Celery isn't popular with our two either, but whizzed in soup, lovely and sweet, they lap it up.

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Wow Jeffie I am impressed! I've never made a bread roll in my life! Love leek and potato soup though you can keep the celery one. Celery is for the devil!

Get a breadmaker to start you off, just follow the recipes, you'll never look back after that.

Kneading is really therapeutic.

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Get a breadmaker to start you off, just follow the recipes, you'll never look back after that.

Kneading is really therapeutic.

I very rarely eat bread but I suppose it would be handy to be able to bake my own. Oh think of the smell... I love the smell of baking bread

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Evening, curly what a thing for your vet to say! Do you have another one you could go to? Or get in touch with slodge, he is a super chap and will help if he can :)

I see a different one every time! Westway vets have loads of surgerys and the staff rotate in shifts. I don't think he quite understood what was going on. I think he thought I was ringing just about the biting and not because I think there's something else going on.

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